Robert and Taylor Usher expect to be happy in their new house in Northridge, California where years ago, murder and mutilations destroyed the former residents. It doesn't matter to the Ushers, until those who caused the deaths come back, those that live in the earth, those that need, those that are not human. The Ushers new house stands between them and what they must have.
If you were a brilliant geneticist, working on a secret government genetic engineering project, and your fiancee dumped you because your sperm were not viable, what would you do to resolve your mid-life crisis? Dr. Gino Conti creates his own son by combining reptilian and human DNA, but discovers fatherhood an extraordinary challenge when his son's anger management issues include eating people.
1884 год. Перед самой отправкой британских войск в Судан молодой офицер Гарри Фэвершем подает в отставку. Его близкие и родные воспринимают этот поступок как проявление трусости и Гарри, чтобы спасти свою честь, принимает решение тайно отправиться на африканский континент… У Гарри было все: отец — генерал, любимая девушка, лейтенантская должность в непобедимой английской армии, верные друзья. В один день он лишился всего, с ним осталось только четыре пера позора…
The gates of Heaven & Hell have been broken and the afterlife is in ruins. One group of new arrivals must find a way to put things right to prevent an eternal battle between good & evil.