Al B. is a modern nomad. He's a photojournalist who lives alone on the road and idolizes Indiana Jones, spending his free time searching for fun adventures to get involved in. The world is his playground. As soon as he makes a new friend, he's saying goodbye, off to a new destination. But leaving NYC proves absurdly difficult when a corrupt employer decides to hold him down. Al's attempts to find a way out lead him across NYC's 5 boroughs, forcing him to deal with various colorful characters that further complicate the process and, in some cases, make him question his nomadic lifestyle altogether.
Мир пожирает неизвестная эпидемия, но герой сумел найти островок безопасности для жены и ребенка — мужчина вывез семью подальше в лес, где в одиноко стоящем домике надеется переждать безумие, которое обрушилось на цивилизацию. Глава семейства вводит жесткие порядки и строжайшую дисциплину, что вселяет страх в его домочадцев, однако защищает от смертельных опасностей внешнего мира. Однажды на пороге дома появляются безобидные, казалось бы, гости, и хрупкой безопасности семьи приходит конец.
The daughter of wealthy businessman is taken hostage by a gang of radical black revolutionaries. While she fears for her life at first, she gradually starts to become sympathetic to her kidnappers' cause, and begins to consider herself to be one of them.