Sound Director
Based on the famous Slavic folktale, which has been told for ages from the peasants point of view. The film shows the story from the underground angle - giving an overview of what really happened while the peasants were engaged in the cultivation of vegetables.
ADR Mixer
Молодая семья переезжает в сельскую глубинку, чтобы восстановить силы и забыть о недавней трагедии. Однако вместо тишины и спокойствия семейство ждёт настоящий кошмар. Их сын Элиот начинает как-то странно себя вести. Он говорит, что по ночам ему является некое потустороннее существо. Мать Элиота вынуждена вступить в отчаянную схватку за душу своего ребенка.
Sound Designer
A short film about a little boy Otto, whose parents had promised him a dog for his tenth birthday - before they suddenly passed away. When Otto sees a falling star the evening before his birthday, he wishes upon it one more time, but realises then that the bright object is falling into the forest behind his grandma's house. When the hatch of the rocket opens, a little dog exits with the name Laika engraved on his collar. But knowing that his grandma is wary of dogs, the worried child stays in the forest with the dog.
Sound Director
An adventurous tragedy about Estonia's first film maker Johannes Pääsuke and his aspirations to travel around with a film camera and find happiness. Together with a good friend, Volter, Pääsuke will spend an incredible week in Setumaa.
The film consists of three chapters. The Manslayer takes place more than a hundred years ago. The leading character Maara is a young bride who is about to start her life in her new family. The Virgin, set in the spring of 1949, tells the story of a young woman called Elina, who has been deported from Ingria into Estonia during the previous war. The Shadow moves in the present, on the border of real life and fantasy. The main character, Luna Lee, has decided to flee from home. Is there anything besides emptiness somewhere? The film is led by the singularity of the leading character - Maara, Elina and Luna Lee are all played by the same actress.
Sound Director
Miriam goes camping with her family and her chicken, on the lakeside. But a chicken was not made just for swimming and sunbathing. It was made to get in trouble.
Sound Director
Ещё пока молодая, но одинокая Вийви в одно прекрасное утро обнаруживает в своей постели незнакомого мужчину. Женщина в панике пытается восстановить события предыдущего дня. Выясняется, что это был один из худших дней в её жизни: болело плечо, она опоздала на работу, получила диагноз от врача, в пух и прах поругалась с заведующей аптекой, девицей, которую она на дух не переносит. А закончился вечер в баре.Мужчина, оказавшийся в постели Вийви – добродушный Андрес. Ему почти 50, и он самый настоящий неудачник, который не может сказать «нет». Однажды в местном баре он встречает симпатичную незнакомку и танцует с ней…
Martin's Mum (voice)
"American summer" is a road movie about life. It is loosely based on the adventures of real Eastern European university students selling books door to door in United States.
Sound Designer
Современный «Вишневый сад» вокруг Таллинского аэропорта. Из-за расширения взлетных полос, люди теряют землю, на которой они десятками лет выращивали сады. Огородники — бывшие работники заводов Таллина, которые закрылись в 1990-ые. Многие из них приехали в Эстонию по распределению со всех концов СССР. Сначала не стало страны, потом завода, а теперь не будет и огорода, давным-давно полученного от завода. Потери связей с землей, развитие технологического прогресса оставляет за бортом старое поколение ушедшей эпохи.
Sound Designer
There are more than 800 known grove sites in Estonia, the ancient holy places of nature. Groves were protected by the religious customs of rural people and its natural environment stayed intact. This way, every grove formed into an original ecosystem due to local conditions of climate, water and soil. Many groves are well-preserved today, some of them, however, are completely gone except a few landscape marks left behind of its existence. The main value of Estonian nature gradually opens up - the variety of the nature surrounding us. Unfortunately, we are not always able to understand the value as the source of balance and inner force. In today's fast-paced lifestyle, it is worth perceiving the Finno-Ugric boreal life and its richness.
Sound Director
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
Sound Designer
What can an old apple tree tell us? What mysteries are hidden in his roots, gnarled over time? Does he remember the serpent and the lost Paradise? Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine. It remembers the sorrow and pain of our predecessors. It keeps alive the stories of our parents and grandparents as well as their ancestors. But how far back is it possible to go in your bodily memory? The stop-motion animation BODY MEMORY takes as its central concept the idea that our body remembers, not only individual experiences, but also the sorrow and pain of our predecessors. A powerful visualization of subconscious processes and the hidden horror of deportation. Inspired by historical events: the Soviet deportations from Estonia in the 1940s.
Sound Designer
A snapshot of one segment of Estonian present-day life, shown through the eyes of a child: 8 years old Lucia is leading a jolly and naughty Pippi-Longstocking-style life in a small town in Estonia. Her father Kaido, a graveyard keeper, can hardly provide for the family, her mother Maria is a drunk. Then the family receives an unexpected invitation to spend a week in Finland, in the house of the female pastor Sipra. This week will change everybody's life in unexpected ways...
Sound Director
Это психологическая драма, которая происходит в современном Таллинне. Главные герои - современные люди, которые встречаются на странном предвыборном приеме, организованном общественным деятелем. В конце вечеринки они обнаруживают, что произошло нечто страшное, что изменит их жизнь и их близких. Невообразимая сумма денег теряется. Последующие события приводят к ситуации, описанной режиссером Пуустусмаа: «В катарсисе зритель отождествляет себя с церемонией пейота американских аборигенов - внутреннее я видимо только для себя». Жизни четырех главных героев, которые на первый взгляд кажутся ничем не объединенными, пересекаются и рисуют сводный портрет современного европейского человека.
Sound Director
The film tells the story of a single mother having trouble coping with everyday life. However, she finds in magic and fantasy a way to escape her reality until the enigmatic appearance of a man in her life. He will change her forever, to the point of making the decisions she has always feared. She will suddenly and conclusively have to answer her own question: what do I want? She will be given a chance to correct the mistakes in her life; will she cherish this opportunity or let it slip away?
Sound Director
Начало сумасшедших 90-ых годов. И в Эстонии, и в России царит неразбериха, в обществе действуют законы Дикого Запада. Границы между злом и добром размываются, когда в человеческие отношения вторгаются любовь и неверность, ненависть и предательство. Герои должны сделать свой выбор и решить, как дальше идти по жизни.
Sound Recordist
Hoping to find ways to start living independently, Liina travels from the country to her cousin Ave in the capital.
Sound Director
Hoping to find ways to start living independently, Liina travels from the country to her cousin Ave in the capital.
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.
Sound Director
The family is on an outing. Mother and father are laying the picnic table, meanwhile the small ones start playing on a meadow. The hen wanders into somebody's vegetable patch and is scared to half-death seeing a scarecrow. Everybody starts looking for her and the little brother encounters a snake. But the hen is brave now and ends up as the hero of the day...
Sound Director
A teenage girl has problems with her family and life when her little brother is born with a heart problem.
Sound Designer
A rich businessman moves to countryside to give his life a meaning.
This is the story of young short-sighted boa snake named Kaabriel who fights to save the jungle animals from the two-legged creature that is terrorizing them.
Sound Editor
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Sound Director
This inventive documentary about famed Estonian animator Priit Parn is an involving look at his socialist, absurd, sometimes grotesque art in the eyes of Parn himself, his colleagues, and his fans and suggests that Estonia owes its independence to its animation rather than to material revolt and revolutionary singing
Sound Editor
Hans Wild Duck Gens, an old school industrial spy becomes suicidally jealous when the firm brings in a German performance artist who becomes not only the top agent, but also replaces him in his girlfriend Monika's affections.
Sound Director
Two young ladybirds Tim and Mia are unexpectedly taken into a human family’s house together with a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Tim and Mia set about seeking the way back to the forest.
Sound Designer
This story is about a young man who wants to go behind the horizon...
Sound Editor
Странная мистерия про чудаковатого старика и немого мальчика. Старик живет на острове-полигоне, который используется советской военной авиацией для тренировочных бомбометаний: после каждого такого налета он по телефону сообщает квадраты, в которые попали бомбы. Еще старик разводит пчел и известен как целитель. Мальчика на остров отправляют по просьбе его матери, после того, как он онемел. А онемел он намеренно, в знак протеста против того, что его мать работает проституткой в передвижных военных борделях. Обнаружив мать с очередным хахалем, сын бросился на нее с ножом, ранил в руку и после этого перестал говорить. Женщина надеется, что старик вылечит мальчика. Вот и живут на острове два одиночества. И обоих мучают воспоминания - старика о годах, проведенных в исследовательской экспедиции в Африке, мальчишку - о том, что он видел дома. Живут до тех пор, пока в результате очередного налета бомбы попадают не туда, куда надо...
At the end of the 1920-s the Finnish government proclaimed dry law which lasted 12 years. Estonian bootleggers living on the neighboring coast of the Gulf of Finland profited from prohibition......