Mirtel Pohla

Mirtel Pohla

Рождение : 1982-01-28, Tartu, Estonia


Mirtel Pohla (born January 28, 1982) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress. Mirtel Pohla was born in Tartu. She attended secondary school at the Tartu Karlova Gümnaasium, graduating in 2000. Afterward, she applied to and was accepted at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, graduating in 2004. Between 2004 and 2006, she was engaged as an actress at the Estonian Drama Theatre in Tallinn. In 2005, she was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress award for her portrayal of Elsa Seebalt in a staging of Andrus Kivirähk's Adolf Rühka lühikene elu. From 2006 until 2014 she was an actress at Theatre NO99 in Tallinn. In 2012, Pohla was awarded the Best Supporting Actress prize at the Estonian Annual Theatre Awards; and was nominated for the same category in 2013. In 2014, she left the Theatre NO99 but has returned as a guest actress. She has also performed at the Vanemuine theatre in Tartu and several other theatres throughout Estonia. Apart from work on the stage, Pohla has appeared in a number of motion pictures and on Estonian television. Her first large television role was that of Berit in the Estonian TV3 soap opera Kodu keset linna from 2003 to 2004 and again from 2007 until 2009. Her first starring role in a motion picture was that of Ilge in the 2005 Kaaren Kaer directed historical comedy Malev, opposite actor Ott Sepp. In 2006, she had a recurring role as Paula in the popular Kanal 2 television crime series Kelgukoerad. In 2007 she appeared in three popular movies; the Andres Maimik and Rain Tolk comedic road movie Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse; the Peeter Simm directed biopic Georg, based on the life of Estonian tenor Georg Ots; and as Jaana, in the Veiko Õunpuu directed bleak drama Sügisball, adapted from Estonian author Mati Unt's 1979 novel of the same name. In 2015, she appeared in the Veiko Õunpuu-directed drama Roukli, and in 2016, appeared in a starring role in the Vallo Toomla-directed thriller Teesklejad opposite actor Priit Võigemast. In 2016, she was offered and accepted the starring role of Karina in Lauri Lagle's directorial film debut Portugal, released in 2018. From 2008 until 2013, she starred as Maret Roo-Kallaste, one of the four main characters, in ETV's Tuulepealne maa, which was a twelve-part Estonian television mini-series chronicling the pre-World War II history of Estonia; its birth as a country, the Estonian War of Independence, post-war life throughout 1920 up to 1941 and World War II. In 2021, she had a starring role as Marleen in the Ergo Kuld directed comedy film Jahihooaeg alongside Harriet Toompere and Grete Kuld.


Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla
Mirtel Pohla


Twin Turbo
Nana / Lulu (voice)
Set in a dystopian future. When an extremely dangerous Twin Turbo engine is stolen from the harbour twins, sister cops Nana and Lulu enter the world of illegal street racing in hopes of turning their lives around.
Hunting Season
Eva, 45, has recently divorced and is now afraid of losing both her son and her best friend to her ex’s new young, successful and brilliant sweetheart Isabel. To win back her positions, Eva goes on a road trip with her friend Marleen and Isabel, which makes the women confront different men, comical mishaps, even more comical quarrels, real hunting and most importantly themselves, forcing them to realise in the Christmas bustle what is most precious in life.
После проваленной неофициальной операции, завершившейся гибелью ребенка, оперативника Европейского полицейского спецподразделения по борьбе с киберпреступностью Маркуса Таннера отправляют на родину, в Хельсинки. Через некоторое время, его бывшую напарницу, шведку Сильвию Мадсен, прикомандировывают сопровождать одиозного французского генерала Мореля на праздновании дня Независимости Финляндии.
Phantom Owl Forest
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Karina and Martin are in a pleasent relation where everyday life flows in an effortlessly accustomed way and no small misbehaviours can shake it’s rush. Life is good. Perhaps it’s this perfection and frequent patterns that make them finally pose a question – is everything to be expected in life? This is a story about following the yearning of your soul. Longing for something other than the present and having the courage to be deliberately lost.
нна и Юхан получили шанс попробовать наладить отношения, отдыхая в загородном доме своих состоятельных друзей. В разыгравшуюся непогоду они пускают переночевать пару, которая принимает их за хозяев дома. Анна и Юхан быстро осваивают новую роль и начинают игру, которая ведёт их на грань краха.
The Polar Boy
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
Two men on the run cause chaos in a small community that is on the brink of getting swallowed by war.
Тайное общество Супилинна
Kadri Heller
В очередные летние каникулы четверо детей — Мари, Саду, Олав и Антон — решили организовать команду. Чтобы дети не болтались без дела по городу, дедушка Мари придумал для них интересную игру. Они должны разыскивать в определенных местах предметы, которые он указывал на карте. Но в эту игру вмешалось одно обстоятельство. Кто-то в городе стал распространять странное вещество, от которого взрослые своим поведением стали напоминать детей. Теперь эта четверка должна остановить злодея и найти противоядие, чтобы спасти своих родственников и знакомых.
Нулевая точка
Gunnar's Secretary
Впечатлительный и непоседливый мальчик Йоханнес попадает учиться в Таллиннскую элитную школу и можно предположить, что его дела пойдут в гору.
Ash and Money
Film is based on "Unified Estonia" which was a fictitious political movement created by NO99 Theatre and a large portion of the public treated as a real political force. Its convention, held for more than 7200 people, was one of the largest theatre events in modern European theatre history.
The Rise And Fall Of Estonia
The Rise and Fall of Estonia is a production by directors Tiit Ojasoo and Ene-Liis Semper. Together they have created large-scale shows already before. "Ruja", a rock-opera, and "Unified Estonia", a convention of a fictitious political movement for 7200 viewers, were not only completely sold out, but also theatre events, which won the major theatre prizes in Estonia. "The Rise and Fall of Estonia" is not a rock-opera. It's not a punk statement. It's a symphony. And it's about Estonia. Together with actors from NO99 they've created over the years four productions, which more or less deal with Estonia and its state of mind.
Письма к Ангелу
Это история Йеремии Юунаса Киротайи, который много лет назад воевал в Афганистане и там принял ислам. Вернувшись домой, он столкнулся с еще одной войной, хотя и несколько другого рода. Линия фронта в его родном эстонском городке пролегла между западной и восточной культурами, мужчинами и женщинами, здравым смыслом и безумием. И где-то там затерялась его дочь по имени Ангел, которую герой решает разыскать после долгих лет разлуки. В своих поисках он может ориентироваться только на ее рыдания, которые он однажды услышал в телефонной трубке, и зачитанную до дыр тетрадку со своими письмами к ней.
Margot Ots
Незабываемые мелодии, уникальный тембр и запоминающийся, волнующий душу голос… Загадка для женщин и авторитет для мужчин, его талант почитали и высшие чины Советского Союза, и миллионы обычных людей. Георг Отс вышел на сцену тогда, когда огромная страна приходила в себя после ужасов войны, и его голос возвращал им веру в светлое будущее. Мало кто знает, какой на самом деле была его жизнь. Фильм «Георг» — это рассказ от лица женщины, которая была женой певца более 20 лет, подарила ему двоих детей, положила к ногам свою карьеру и…. стала не нужна. Аста рассказывает о трудной судьбе, в которой было место для любви и творчества, для славы и борьбы со смертью.
Осенний бал
Насколько близким один человек может стать для другого? Можно ли прожить жизнь без любви? Может ли тот, кто однажды узнал, насколько хрупким может быть счастье, поверить другому когда-нибудь снова? «Осенний бал» — это несколько моментов из жизни шести людей, живущих в огромных панельных домах, построенных на закате советской эры.
Whatever, Aleksander!
Aleksander is a talented young man who has no idea what to do with his life after graduating from high school. Choosing a career, family, university degree, or joining the army seem out of the question. It seems like he has no interest in anything. Unfortunately, neither Aleksander's parents nor his friends can give him advice. For years, Aleksander has observed the way other people live their lives. This has led him to an understanding that he doesn't want to become one of them. He wants a different life. Only that he doesn't know what kind of life that is.
Indigo Room
Young artist Leif lives happily with his girlfriend Grett till the day that something unusual happens. Small accident at work opens a door to another world for Leif. Unfortunately for Grett, in this new world lives another girl who day by day starts to occupy more of Leif's mind and time.
186 Kilometers
The well-known but out-of-luck actor Jan Uuspõld sets out to hitchhike from Tallinn through Estonia to Tartu.
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Men at Arms
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.
Shop of Dreams
Administrative Assistant #1
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.