Chris Walden

Chris Walden

Рождение : 1966-10-10, Hamburg, Germany


Seven-time Grammy nominated German-born composer/arranger/conductor Chris Walden has scored more than 40 feature and TV films, and written arrangements for artists including Christina Aguilera, Faith Hill, Michael Bolton, Aretha Franklin, David Foster, Paul Anka, Barbra Streisand, Diana Krall, Christopher Cross, and orchestras like the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Boston Pops, and many more. He has worked closely with producers David Foster, Tommy LiPuma, and Phil Ramone.


Chris Walden
Chris Walden


How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church
125 employees of the Catholic Church come out as queer! In the exclusive ARD documentary, believers in the service of the Catholic Church in Germany dare to go public together. People who identify as non-heterosexual talk about fighting for their church - sometimes at the risk of losing their jobs as a result. There are priests, religious brothers, parish assistants, diocese employees, religion teachers, kindergarten teachers, social workers and many more who report intimidation, denunciations, deep injuries, decades of hide and seek and double lives. The Catholics report a system in which pressure, fear and arbitrariness leave employees uncertain as to what exactly happens when they stand by their sexual orientation or identity. The investigative documentary listens to those who live their faith every day and are nevertheless degraded by the church as an institution.
Milliardenspiel Amateurfußball - Wenn das Geld im Umschlag kommt
In German amateur soccer, a lot of money is circulating – partly circumventing taxes. According to this documentary, about 500 million euros worth of illicit money are paid per season.
King of Herrings
Original Music Composer
An offbeat look at four Crescent City layabouts, who dream big in a 'small change' world of cards, women and endless cups of coffee. Their passionate blundering, like their rants, can be at once funny, poignant, ridiculous and heartbreaking. Ditch, their self appointed king, is an irascible son-of-a-bitch with a Napoleon complex, and his pals love him for it. Until one day he pushes the self-tenured Professor too far. A game of threats, posturing and sexual ploys lead them down a dark but comic road in this exploration of what it is to be a man today. Filmed in black and white, this richly textured character study could be the bastard child of Woody Allen and Tom Waits, brought to life by an ensemble of real-life character actors who have known each other and worked together for over twenty- five years.
Домашний питомец
История о том как девушка, находясь в финансовом и эмоциональном кризисе попадает под очарование аристократа благотворителя. Аристократ серьезно переживает потерю любимого сеттера и девушка призвана его заменить. Она соглашается стать его человеческим домашним животным, спать в клетке, никогда не носить одежду, и прогуливаться на поводке сроком на шесть месяцев. Вжившись в роль собачки, девушка понимает, что это ей по душе…
Звездный отряд: Война на Марсе
Земная экспедиция, прибывшая на Марс с целью поиска полезных ископаемых, обнаруживает, что на планете полыхает гражданская война.
Осада пришельцев
Original Music Composer
Мы всё-таки не одни во Вселенной. Долгожданный контакт с инопланетной расой состоялся, но события развернулись трагически для населения Земли. Пришельцы — высокотехнологичная раса, их технологии намного превосходят земные, но намерения их оказались совсем не мирными. Земля для них — только возможность достичь своей цели. Вся раса пришельцев заражена смертельным вирусом, и сейчас они требуют от человечества восемь миллионов землян. Люди для них — всего лишь сырьё, из которого будет изготовлена сыворотка для лечения от смертельной болезни. Под угрозой полного уничтожения правительства Земли соглашаются на это бесчеловечное требование. Многие из выбранных в жертву покорно идут навстречу гибели, но есть и такие, кто считает, что сдаваться без боя нельзя.
Последний ковбой
После нескольких лет отсутствия своевольная женщина по имени Джейк возвращается на родное ранчо по случаю похорон деда, что приводит к новому серьезному конфликту с ее отцом.
Twiggy - Liebe auf Diät
Original Music Composer
Heavyweight Ludwig Burg doesn't have it easy among his stylish colleagues at the Düsseldorf advertising agency. To make matters worse, he was of course chosen for the Slim-O-Matic campaign on television. A diet in front of the camera, so to speak...
A Deadly Vision
A waitress who has psychic visions of murders before they happen is asked by a police detective to help find a serial killer.
Vows of Deception
When a prominent lawyer is found murdered, his wife is promptly arrested and charged with the crime. She swiftly accuses her stepson, with whom she claims to be having an affair. This sheds enough reasonable doubt to get her case dismissed on grounds of a mistrial, but three years later, prosecutors arrest and charge her again. Will she be so lucky on her second go?
Original Music Composer
The Art of Recording a Big Band
The Art of Recording a Big Band was filmed at the famed Capitol Studios in Hollywood, California USA over two days during a recording session by Al Schmitt featuring Chris Walden's Grammy-nominated 18-piece jazz big band. The film focuses on the legendary Al Schmitt, the most celebrated music engineer, producer and mixer of all time winning 22 GRAMMY Awards. The educational and inspirational documentary includes interviews with Al's longtime partner Steve Genewick as well as Chris Walden, Dave Pensado, Ryan Hewitt, Kenny Wild, Paula Salvatore and a cameo appearance by engineer and mixer Andrew Scheps. Longtime friend and collaborator, Quincy jones provides a poignant open statement about the importance of "the person who captures the sound".