Bénédicte-Lala Ernoult

Bénédicte-Lala Ernoult


Bénédicte-Lala Ernoult


Et toi, tu veux quoi?
Lala tells her friend Souad that she's determined to find herself a husband, as it's her grandmother's dream to attend her wedding. But what does she really want? Does she know?
The Vets
In the heart of Morvan, Nico, the last vet in the area, struggles to save his patients, his clinic, and his family. When Michel, his partner and mentor, announces his retirement, Nico knows that the hard part is yet to come. "Don't worry, I've found the next generation" Except that ... The next generation is Alexandra, a 24-hour graduate, brilliant, misanthropic, and not at all willing to return to bury herself in the village of her childhood. Will Nico manage to make her stay?
Return to Bollene
Nassim, in his early thirties, lives in Abu Dhabi with his American fiancée, Elisabeth. After several years of absence, he returns with her to Bollene, a town in the South of France where he grew up. But Nassim must face his past: a dead city now governed by the far right party, a complex relationship with his family, and a father, he no longer speaks to.
Pauline, 19, spends her life hanging out with friends and piling up one-night stands. She's decided to avoid love to stop suffering.
The Fruit of Our Womb
Andrea lives with her girlfriend Marie. Getting pregnant, and never having had sex with a man, Marie believes it might, in fact, be a miracle.
Аглаин краш-тест
Asmita, cricketer
Для молодой работницы Аглаи единственным ориентиром в жизни является ее работа на заводе, где проводят испытания дорожных автомобилей на безопасность. Когда она узнает о перемещении завода за границу, то она соглашается, к всеобщему удивлению, ехать в Индию, чтобы не потерять свою работу. В сопровождении двух коллег она отправляется на машине в опасное путешествие на край света.
L'amie d'Elise
Usherette of the theater
В один прекрасный день сказочно обворожительная Натали целует молодого коллегу Маркуса. Без особых на то причин, просто так. И даже не придает этому никакого значения. Но Маркус ошеломлен: случайный поцелуй перевернул его жизнь! Теперь он не может думать ни о ком, кроме Натали. Молодому человеку предстоит завоевать сердце коллеги, которая его почти не замечает…