Baby Shower Child
Все в жизни Кэрол Уайт, складывается хорошо: обеспеченная жизнь, любящий муж, сын, огромный богатый дом, подруги, занятия аэробикой, выращивание роз… Болезнь подступает незаметно. Врачи в недоумении. Недуг поражает основы самосознания. Кризис личности, имя которому `Синдром XX века`.
Lynne Keaton
In this shocking account based on a true story, newlywed Laurie Wade finds her marriage, and eventually the rest of her life, shattered by her deep-rooted psychotic behavior. The young woman soon begins a terrifying descent into insanity and brings danger to all those around her as she goes from brief "short-circuits" to overtly murderous behavior.
Little Jessica Husband
История о двух близких родственниках, которых в 1962 году заморозили криогеном и которые, проснувшись в современном Лос-Анджелесе, обнаружили, как изменился мир… После чего им сразу же захотелось вернуться в свой родной Санта-Фе тридцатилетней давности.
Melinda Stockman
Roger Dollison, a police officer, and his wife, Kendra, are living the American dream. They have two children, Teddy and Sandy, a lovely home, and a dog named Rex. What they know and how they live as a family is irreparably changed one day when it is discovered that a classmate of Teddy's is the apparent victim of sexual abuse and molestation at the respected neighborhood daycare center. Like all other parents, the Dollisons are tormented — "we should have known, we should have seen" — but their devastation is complete when Teddy tells his own story, one he promised his abusers he would never tell.