Rein Kotov
Рождение : 1965-02-17,
Rein Kotov (born 17 February 1965 in Raasiku, Harju County) is an Estonian film operator and film editor.
In 1991 he graduated from Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography.
1985-1993 he worked at Tallinnfilm. After that he is worked primarily for Allfilm.
In 2014 he was awarded with Order of the White Star, IV class.
With his last breath Uu's friend entrusts him with the secret of how to go to the past. Uu is an engineer and doesn't believe in miracles, but the trick works. In the past there is a pleasant, eternal summer, long hair, girls and Jenkki chewing gum. In his real life, it is autumn, his friends are bitter, the girls are married and his father is seriously ill. At the end of the day, however, Uu has to decide in which time to live his life - in the summer of the past or in the autumn of the present.
Director of Photography
With his last breath Uu's friend entrusts him with the secret of how to go to the past. Uu is an engineer and doesn't believe in miracles, but the trick works. In the past there is a pleasant, eternal summer, long hair, girls and Jenkki chewing gum. In his real life, it is autumn, his friends are bitter, the girls are married and his father is seriously ill. At the end of the day, however, Uu has to decide in which time to live his life - in the summer of the past or in the autumn of the present.
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
Director of Photography
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
Director of Photography
Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking the remains of Hitler back to Stalin in Russia. En route, the unit is attacked by German ‘Werewolf’ partisans and picked off one-by-one. Brana leads her surviving comrades in a last stand to ensure their ‘cargo’ doesn’t fall into the hands of those who would see it buried in order to hide the truth forever.
Director of Photography
A poetical documentary about longing and searching for happiness between Estonia and Finland.
Director of Photography
The documentary gives us a look into a year in Estonian recent history, namely the year 2019, which brought us a schism in our politics and our generations. Where are we headed in this unbalanced world? Can we protect our land from our own controversial demands?
Director of Photography
Эстония, 1870-й год. Фермер вместе с женой приобретает за бесценок участок заболоченной земли. Мужчина надеется, что сможет выращивать в здешних краях хороший урожай, тем самым обогатившись. Но к его огорчению, земля оказывается истощенной и на ней ничего не всходит. Не найдя помощи у людей, фермер решает искать справедливости у Бога.
Director of Photography
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
Director of Photography
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
Camera Operator
Фильм основан на фактах биографии легендарного эстонского фехтовальщика и тренера Энделя Нелиса (1925-1993). Спасаясь от НКВД, молодой эстонский фехтовальщик, призванный в свое время немцами в армию, бежит на родину в крошечный Хаапсалу, где начинает обучение школьников искусству фехтования. Однако прошлое настигает его, и Эндель встает перед выбором: остаться с учениками, добившимися права выступать на соревнованиях в Ленинграде, или снова отправляться в бега.
Director of Photography
В фильме рассматриваются военные события, происходившие в Эстонии в 1944 году, в период от июльских боёв в Синимяэ до ноября, когда полуостров Сырве был уже завоёван войсками Советской Армии. Война показана глазами участников событий с обеих враждующих сторон - эстонцев, которые воевали и на стороне немецкой армии в 20-й эстонской дивизии Waffen-SS, и в составе 8-го Эстонского стрелкового корпуса Советской Армии. Для жителей Эстонии это была война, в которой каждый делал свой личный выбор. Именно с таким нелёгким выбором сталкиваются главные герои картины - солдаты противоборствующих сторон Карл Таммик и Юри Йыги - а также их сослуживцы, родные, близких и совсем незнакомые люди...
Director of Photography
A story about a chance encounter that momentarily destroyed a successful and happy family life. All of a sudden the woman found passion and desire more important than her loving husband and cherished child. The father and son suffer from the realization that they are no longer needed, but try to understand and forgive. The woman, who failed to become happy, is in turmoil.
Director of Photography
Сюжет картины рассказывает о событиях во время Абхазской войны 1992 года в деревне эстонских переселенцев на Кавказ. Хозяин одного из домов села, эстонец по национальности, пытается понять, какая из двух противоборствующих сторон права в развязавшемся конфликте.
Director of Photography
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Director of Photography
UFOs and spirits can be seen in Salme municipality on the island Saaremaa. There are viking skeletons and the Sõnajalg family wind turbines coming out of the depths of the earth and a helicopter flying to a village shop scares away cow herds. There are two realities here that do not fit together.
Director of Photography
Это история Йеремии Юунаса Киротайи, который много лет назад воевал в Афганистане и там принял ислам. Вернувшись домой, он столкнулся с еще одной войной, хотя и несколько другого рода. Линия фронта в его родном эстонском городке пролегла между западной и восточной культурами, мужчинами и женщинами, здравым смыслом и безумием. И где-то там затерялась его дочь по имени Ангел, которую герой решает разыскать после долгих лет разлуки. В своих поисках он может ориентироваться только на ее рыдания, которые он однажды услышал в телефонной трубке, и зачитанную до дыр тетрадку со своими письмами к ней.
Director of Photography
«Шахта N8» — документальный фильм о жизни в шахтерской глубинке. Он был снят эстонцами в 2008 году в городе Снежное. Одном из самых бедных и безнадежных городов региона, где закрылись почти все шахты, и местному населению осталось только копать уголь в копанках. Главный герой фильма — пятнадцатилетний мальчик Юра, который вынужден работать в нелегальной шахте, чтобы прокормить своих сестер. Шахта N8 — название поселка в Снежном, где уголь залегает очень близко к поверхности и жители выкапывают его прямо у себя в огородах. Фильм жестко и без купюр показывает тот Донбасс, который предпочитают не замечать местные чиновники.
Director of Photography
Can you honestly swear that at least once in your life you have not thought that robbing a bank is a good idea? Especially, if you're five years old and that bank has just thrown your parents out of a brand new apartment, because your father has lost his job. Five year old Robby is no Zorro, but he'd like to be. His seven year old sister Louise thinks he's too childish, but can't resist the game of robbing a bank. Together they can pull off just about anything. Getting away with it is the hard part.
Director of Photography
Tom, a wide-eyed, innocent sixteen year-old, finds himself an unwitting accomplice in a deadly game of vengeance and death when he befriends Artur - a Chechen man, hell bent on revenging the torture and murder of his family - on the streets of Tallinn.
Director of Photography
Фильм о прибалтийских актерах, которые создавали в советском игровом кино образы фашистов, шпионов и прочих врагов. Сыграв случайную эпизодическую роль в фильме про войну, десятки прибалтийских актеров не одно десятилетие жили в сознании советского зрителя как призраки нацизма.
Director of Photography
Незабываемые мелодии, уникальный тембр и запоминающийся, волнующий душу голос… Загадка для женщин и авторитет для мужчин, его талант почитали и высшие чины Советского Союза, и миллионы обычных людей. Георг Отс вышел на сцену тогда, когда огромная страна приходила в себя после ужасов войны, и его голос возвращал им веру в светлое будущее. Мало кто знает, какой на самом деле была его жизнь. Фильм «Георг» — это рассказ от лица женщины, которая была женой певца более 20 лет, подарила ему двоих детей, положила к ногам свою карьеру и…. стала не нужна. Аста рассказывает о трудной судьбе, в которой было место для любви и творчества, для славы и борьбы со смертью.
Director of Photography
A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.
Director of Photography
Kaminsky is a long-distance driver disappointed both in life and other people. His last duty as a drives takes him to Estonia where he decides to fulfill an old promise. By chance, Kaminsky meets an Estonian cellist Stella on his road. Her career in Germany has ended already before it ever started. Kaminsky's trailer truck is being steadily followed by a catafalque where an Estonian beginner bank robber Wolf is chasing his eluded prey. Undertaker Manfred with dark past tries to lead Wolf closer to God. In Estonia, everyone's wishes will come true, even if not exactly the way they ...
Director of Photography
Autumn 1944, Estonia. Tens of thousands of people leave their homeland in fear of approaching frontline. Some seashore villages remain completely empty. A young woman with huge grey eyes gets off the boat. Eetla leaves the last boat, thus giving up her last chance to escape. Defying the cold wind and rain of September, she returns to the lighthouse which is unexpected to her father Gottfrid, the lighthouse keeper, and herself. Eetla's return becomes her self-encounter and self-recognition.
Director of Photography
Молодой охотник Ника отправляется в Сибирь, где становится участником драматических событий — отвергнутая им пятнадцатилетняя красавица из местного племени, Гитя, вонзает себе нож в живот. А после того, как Ника убивает медведя, его повсюду начинает преследовать медведица, перевоплощаясь время от времени в бессловесную дикарку…
Director of Photography
Edvard Oja is the object as well as subject of his own film. This is an honest story about chronical alcoholism, about the author's journey through treatment, religion, death and friendship. Edvard has been always supported by his mother who has provided unconditional love for her son in every situation. Mother is the only one in the documentary who won't ennoble the environment suffering from alcoholism. Yet, her son has no strength to struggle out of his tough situation. Is it possible after all that he will be cured?
Director of Photography
Странная мистерия про чудаковатого старика и немого мальчика. Старик живет на острове-полигоне, который используется советской военной авиацией для тренировочных бомбометаний: после каждого такого налета он по телефону сообщает квадраты, в которые попали бомбы. Еще старик разводит пчел и известен как целитель. Мальчика на остров отправляют по просьбе его матери, после того, как он онемел. А онемел он намеренно, в знак протеста против того, что его мать работает проституткой в передвижных военных борделях. Обнаружив мать с очередным хахалем, сын бросился на нее с ножом, ранил в руку и после этого перестал говорить. Женщина надеется, что старик вылечит мальчика. Вот и живут на острове два одиночества. И обоих мучают воспоминания - старика о годах, проведенных в исследовательской экспедиции в Африке, мальчишку - о том, что он видел дома. Живут до тех пор, пока в результате очередного налета бомбы попадают не туда, куда надо...
Director of Photography
Portrait documentary about a country girl who has hopes for a better future and comes to Tallinn to sell her body in order to find happiness and make a living. This is an honest story about an eager young woman who has chosen a difficult, sometimes even dangerous profession.
Portrait documentary about a country girl who has hopes for a better future and comes to Tallinn to sell her body in order to find happiness and make a living. This is an honest story about an eager young woman who has chosen a difficult, sometimes even dangerous profession.
Portrait documentary about a country girl who has hopes for a better future and comes to Tallinn to sell her body in order to find happiness and make a living. This is an honest story about an eager young woman who has chosen a difficult, sometimes even dangerous profession.
Director of Photography
Jüri Rumm is a hot-tempered young peasant who is not afraid of either German barons or the Russian czar, barfights or disobedience to his master's orders. Mari, a gentle peasant girl, loves Jüri despite the fact that he is very popular among young women. Evelin is a quick-tempered baron's daughter who is used to get everything she wants, including a peasant boyfriend who considers himself a free man. Yet, the free man becomes an outlaw. Where will the runaway's love lead him?
Director of Photography
Documentary on the smuggling of Russian metal through Estonia. A profitable but dangerous metal business in the early years of the Republic of Estonia, when metal suddenly becomes a source of extremely rapid enrichment and a symbol of prosperity.
Documentary on the smuggling of Russian metal through Estonia. A profitable but dangerous metal business in the early years of the Republic of Estonia, when metal suddenly becomes a source of extremely rapid enrichment and a symbol of prosperity.
Documentary on the smuggling of Russian metal through Estonia. A profitable but dangerous metal business in the early years of the Republic of Estonia, when metal suddenly becomes a source of extremely rapid enrichment and a symbol of prosperity.
Director of Photography
Группа преступников планирует похищение золотого запаса Эстонии ($970 млн.), пятьдесят лет хранившегося в парижском банке. Это событие приурочено к моменту возвращения золота в Таллинн после получения Эстонией независимости.
Director of Photography
A young secretary, Helen, must take his boss's car to the garage. On the way she stumbles into unexpected déja vu adventures.
Director of Photography
Anxiously awaiting the return of his new wife, Adolph finds solace in the words of a stranger. But comfort soon turns to destruction as old wounds are opened, insecurities are laid bare and former debts are settled.