Farida Amrouche

Farida Amrouche


Farida Amrouche


Zohra Zeroubi
Benjamin is at war: with life, with adults, with himself. From his earliest childhood onwards, the 13-year old has been shunted from one care home to another. When his mother has to go to prison, he is sent to his father, whom he has never known. The man turns out to be a dead loss, a warehouseman who's given up on life, a man in his mid-40s who still lives with his Moroccan parents in a high-rise block in the banlieue. Benjamin's turbulence and violence soon prove too much for his new family.
Жизнь в розовом цвете
Жизнь Эдит Пиаф была похожа на сражение, каждый день ей приходилось бороться за право, жить, петь и любить! Из трущоб Парижа она поднялась на подмостки Нью-Йоркских концертных залов и завладела сердцами всего мира. Ее друзьями были известнейшие люди того времени — Жан Кокто, Марлен Дитрих, Марсель Сердан. Выросшая в жуткой нищете, Пиаф достигла колоссального успеха. Но, взлетев на необозримую высоту, она не смогла не обломать крылья…
Deux femmes à Paris
In Paris in 1935, a young Jewish woman married to an anti-fascist activist befriends her neighbor who is dating a far-right supporter.
Directed by Sid Ali Mazif.
Hassan Taxi
A Wife for My Son
An arranged marriage as seen through the eyes of an unhappy young Algerian woman.