Laine Mägi

Рождение : 1959-02-03,


Laine Mägi (born Laine Michelson-Adamson; 3 February 1959) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress, dancer and choreographer and dance pedagogue who began her career as a teenager. She is the founder of the Laine Mägi School of Dance, based in Pärnu. Laine Michelson-Adamson was born in Kehra to Peeter and Elli-Anniki Michelson-Adamson (née Pennie). She has one brother who is two years younger. Her first cousin is actress Terje Pennie-Kolberg. She became interested in ballet at an early age and began taking lessons at the Tallinn Ballet School at age nine, taking the train from Kehra to Tallinn. She made her debut at the Estonia Theatre at the age of ten in a stage production of Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking. She later had to abandon ballet classes in 1973 due to poor health. From 1976 until 1981, she performed as a dancer in various venues throughout Tallinn. She attended secondary school in Tallinn, graduating in 1977, then enrolling in the Tallinn State Conservatory (now, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) to study acting under instruction of Aarne Üksküla, graduating in 1982. Among her graduating classmates were Margus Oopkaup, Jaan Rekkor, Anu Lamp, Sulev Teppart, Andrus Vaarik, and Viire Valdma.


Laine Mägi
Laine Mägi


Eyes on You
Lea, an old lady living alone, loses herself and the world around her when she gets the feeling that someone is watching her. Her son Tarmo bringing groceries is but a short relief. Once he suggests to ignore her fears and leave, the situation only gets worse.
Sandra Gets a Job
Bank Employee
Doctor of Physics Sandra suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first glance, but it turns into various tragicomic challenges. Endless job interviews bring the former researcher together with all sorts of situations and new personalities.
Kids of the Night
Liisi's Mother
A film about three sisters who have reached different turning points in their lives. Liis, who has just graduated from high school, discovers that the future planned with her boyfriend is not so certain. Elder sister Karin, the first victim of her parents' expectations, tries to cope in today's sexist business environment. Jane, the youngest of the sisters, tries to resist the pressure of her party animal friend to prove herself as someone who she is not. During one fateful night, secrets and feelings that none of them wanted to admit to themselves before are revealed.
The film follows 12-year-old Ats, whose older brother Rain unexpectedly returns to the family home in a small seaside town to face their authoritarian father Kalju and their mother, a woman on the verge of losing love. Ats is a witness to the clash between his father and brother, two stubborn men from different generations with radically different views of the world.
Fire Lily
Gynecologist #2
The mystical and thrilling drama asks what sort of reality can give our life meaning. The film tells the story of Pia (38), an ophthalmologist, whose marriage has recently ended because she was not able to have children. As she strives to move forward with her life, Pia learns the unknown but also finds her inner strength. Unexpectedly, her deepest wish to become a mother materializes, but not quite in the way she imagined it.
Neighbour Woman
нна и Юхан получили шанс попробовать наладить отношения, отдыхая в загородном доме своих состоятельных друзей. В разыгравшуюся непогоду они пускают переночевать пару, которая принимает их за хозяев дома. Анна и Юхан быстро осваивают новую роль и начинают игру, которая ведёт их на грань краха.
Family Lies
The film is set in a town that has a professional symphony orchestra, managed by authoritarian and confident Paul Levald, who has conducted both the orchestra and his family affairs for years. Due to dramatic events, Paul’s son-in-law Egon Rei must unexpectedly assume his duties. In addition to the baton, power and responsibility as well as the tensions in the orchestra, Egon inherits his father-in-law’s secrets and obligations from his complicated past. New lies are born out of old ones and, at some point, Egon realises that the revelation of truth might cause a real chaos. "Family Lies" by Valentin Kuik and Manfred Vainokivi is a relationship drama about elephants in the bedroom and skeletons in the closet, about small and big deceptions, half-truths and set-ups that can be found in every family’s secret chronicles.
Free Range
Trolley Driver
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
A Lady in Paris
Anne leaves Estonia to come to Paris as a caretaker for Frida, an elderly Estonian lady who emigrated to France long ago. Anne soon realizes that she is not wanted. All Frida wants from life is the attention of Stéphane, her younger former lover. Stéphane, however, is desperate for Anne to stay and look after Frida, even against the old lady's will. In this conflict of strangers, Anne will find her own way…
Красная ртуть
Reps' Mother
Начало сумасшедших 90-ых годов. И в Эстонии, и в России царит неразбериха, в обществе действуют законы Дикого Запада. Границы между злом и добром размываются, когда в человеческие отношения вторгаются любовь и неверность, ненависть и предательство. Герои должны сделать свой выбор и решить, как дальше идти по жизни.
Незабываемые мелодии, уникальный тембр и запоминающийся, волнующий душу голос… Загадка для женщин и авторитет для мужчин, его талант почитали и высшие чины Советского Союза, и миллионы обычных людей. Георг Отс вышел на сцену тогда, когда огромная страна приходила в себя после ужасов войны, и его голос возвращал им веру в светлое будущее. Мало кто знает, какой на самом деле была его жизнь. Фильм «Георг» — это рассказ от лица женщины, которая была женой певца более 20 лет, подарила ему двоих детей, положила к ногам свою карьеру и…. стала не нужна. Аста рассказывает о трудной судьбе, в которой было место для любви и творчества, для славы и борьбы со смертью.
Осенний бал
Насколько близким один человек может стать для другого? Можно ли прожить жизнь без любви? Может ли тот, кто однажды узнал, насколько хрупким может быть счастье, поверить другому когда-нибудь снова? «Осенний бал» — это несколько моментов из жизни шести людей, живущих в огромных панельных домах, построенных на закате советской эры.
Homeroom Teacher
Обычная эстонская школа, выпускной класс. Парень по имени Йозеп постоянно терпит насмешки и издевательства со стороны одноклассников. Никогда не отвечая на выпады, он провоцирует их заходить в глупых «шутках» всё дальше и дальше, до тех пор, пока за него не заступился один из бывших насмешников — Каспар. В классе начинается противостояние, которое постепенно накаляется, приближая неминуемую развязку…
Good Hands
Show Hostess
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
Dear Mister Moon
Sigrid's Mother
When two half-sisters, thirteen-year-old white-haired Sigrid and seven-year-old black-blooded Saara meet for the first time, it turns out that their common grandmother has been taken to a nursing home. The girls come up with the idea to steal him from there and hide him in the attic where they can be with her undisturbed. Everything goes well beyond expectations until drunkards, thugs and extortionists intervene and the girls have to act decisively to escape from them.
Peace Street
On Christmas Eve, the residents of Peace Street discover that there are military guards in front of their houses. Soon they have to start showing their passports when entering their homes. The residents are told by the authorities that in order to keep the peace they have to be ready to co-operate. It is an order and people stick to it. It is heard that the foreign troops will leave when the snow will be gone - so it won't be long until the everyday life will be normal again. When spring arrives, not only the snow disappears but also lots of residents. Those who stay will look forward to the Midsummer Day.
Я не приезжий, я здесь живу
Незадачливый актер Феликс в поисках жилья знакомится с программистом Мартом, занимающимся обменом жилой площади. Немалые доходы от маклерского дела портят семейную жизнь Марта. Дружба с Феликсом подтверждает его выводы о неверно избранном пути.
Dance Around the Steam Boiler
The movie travels through the 20th century by monitoring a steam boiler. We see the history of Estonia through life, agricultural work and people at different times.