Tambet Tuisk

Tambet Tuisk

Рождение : 1976-05-23, Estonia


Tambet Tuisk (born May 23, 1976) is an Estonian actor. In the years 1996–2000, he studied at the Estonian Academy of Music in the course supervised by Ingo Normet (XIX flight). His first job was the Vanemuine Theater. In 2005, he moved to theater NO99. He has also acted in movies and TV series. He is a member of the Estonian Actors' Union.


Tambet Tuisk


3rd Octave F
A woman’s voice can silence injustice, lower weapons and stop trains. In this opera-western, the question is whether Ada can hit the right note to save her brother's and her own life from the vindictive Sheriff.
Col. Gorbinskiy
Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking the remains of Hitler back to Stalin in Russia. En route, the unit is attacked by German ‘Werewolf’ partisans and picked off one-by-one. Brana leads her surviving comrades in a last stand to ensure their ‘cargo’ doesn’t fall into the hands of those who would see it buried in order to hide the truth forever.
The Best of Salieri
It is time to get out of the closet and show the world your teeth. The director, who considers himself to be Mozart, has been tootling with his films in the festival circuit for years, waiting for a big breakthrough. For an inexplicable reason, the world has not recognised his talent. Still only Salieris have garnered the fame and the fortune. There is a simple conclusion. The world has not learned anything in 200 years and keeps repeating the same mistake.
County Court
An absurdist court drama where a mother and a father, ex-spouses, fight over the custody of their 5-year old son. However, the whole process takes place in the middle of a grain field instead of the classic court room. On that field the courtroom has no boundaries much like the mother and father whose actual goal is to exact vengeance on each other with no regard to the means used, forgetting their child entirely.
Хелена работает в Вене судьёй, но вот только ради своего одного очень старого друга (и, вероятно, когда-то больше, чем друга) Павла он стала готова пойти на нарушение закона: передать через общего товарища Фолькера крупную сумму в Москву и инициировать нелегальный въезд преследуемого на родине Павла в Австрию.
Estonian Funeral
A wide range of relatives and acquaintances have traveled to a funeral, and as is typical of Estonians, the sad event turns into a comical one as the evening develops. The primordial disputes that arise among the Estonians take on hyperbolic dimensions as events unfold, creating misunderstandings.
Johan Sõber
Действие фильма начинается в конце августа 1939 года, накануне начала Второй мировой войны. Высокопоставленный офицер эстонской разведки становится жертвой таинственного убийства. Главному герою, Феликсу Кангуру, предстоит найти предателя и раскрыть тайну советско-германского договора, который может решить судьбу Эстонии.
Phantom Owl Forest
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
The Little Comrade
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
Father Teofilos (Shadow)
The film consists of three chapters. The Manslayer takes place more than a hundred years ago. The leading character Maara is a young bride who is about to start her life in her new family. The Virgin, set in the spring of 1949, tells the story of a young woman called Elina, who has been deported from Ingria into Estonia during the previous war. The Shadow moves in the present, on the border of real life and fantasy. The main character, Luna Lee, has decided to flee from home. Is there anything besides emptiness somewhere? The film is led by the singularity of the leading character - Maara, Elina and Luna Lee are all played by the same actress.
Зелёные коты
Два старых жулика, Маркус и Эдуард, которые провели большую часть своей жизни за стенами тюрьмы, выходят на волю. Мир снаружи изменился, и вот они, движимые прошлыми планами и мечтами, желают изменить свою жизнь. Всё происходящее с ними — новая реальность, препятствия и абсурдные ситуации, в которые они попадают — выбивает их из колеи.
Последнее путешествие Леандера
92-летний берлинец Эдуард Леандер в сопровождении внучки Адель отправляется в путешествие на Украину, где хочет перед смертью осуществить мечту жизни - отыскать возлюбленную своей молодости, украинку Светлану. Во время путешествия Адель впервые узнаёт о прошлом дедушки, которое шокирует её. Леандер признаётся, что был офицером вермахта и командовал одним из казачьих кавалерийских подразделений, которое во время войны размещалось в Луганской области. Его любовь Светлана - казачка, жившая в селе на сегодняшней границе с Россией. Именно туда и направляется Леандер в разгар уже нынешнего конфликта в Донбассе.
The Spy And The Poet
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
Dearest Sister
A village girl travels to the Lao capital, Vientiane, to care for her rich cousin who has lost her sight and gained the ability to communicate with the dead.
Family Lies
The film is set in a town that has a professional symphony orchestra, managed by authoritarian and confident Paul Levald, who has conducted both the orchestra and his family affairs for years. Due to dramatic events, Paul’s son-in-law Egon Rei must unexpectedly assume his duties. In addition to the baton, power and responsibility as well as the tensions in the orchestra, Egon inherits his father-in-law’s secrets and obligations from his complicated past. New lies are born out of old ones and, at some point, Egon realises that the revelation of truth might cause a real chaos. "Family Lies" by Valentin Kuik and Manfred Vainokivi is a relationship drama about elephants in the bedroom and skeletons in the closet, about small and big deceptions, half-truths and set-ups that can be found in every family’s secret chronicles.
Безбашенный Ник
Старший комиссар криминальной полиции Ник Чиллер отстранен от несения службы. Во время вынужденного отпуска он пытается наладить отношения с дочерью Ленни, которая никак не может оправиться после убийства матери. В один прекрасный день она решает отомстить убийце матери и бесследно исчезает, не сказав никому ни слова. Напарнику Чиллера удается выяснить, куда сбежала девушка, отследив местонахождение ее мобильного телефона. От этой новости у бесстрашного полицейского стынет кровь, так как в Стамбуле находится его злейший враг и убийца жены Фират Астан, которому удалось совершить побег из тюрьмы. Вместе со своим напарником он отправляется на поиски дочери. В Стамбуле они узнают, что опоздали. Девушка была схвачена злодеем по имени Сулейман Шекер и продана в рабство в Москву.
Я и Камински
Kaminski (jung)
Молодой журналист Себастьян Зольнер пишет статью о художнике Мануэле Камински. Зольнер надеется на скорую смерть Камински, чтобы заработать денег на своей статье.
Two men on the run cause chaos in a small community that is on the brink of getting swallowed by war.
Нулевая точка
Gunnar Post
Впечатлительный и непоседливый мальчик Йоханнес попадает учиться в Таллиннскую элитную школу и можно предположить, что его дела пойдут в гору.
Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady
Tõnis Piir
In a quiet resort town Haapsalu four kids are spending their summer holidays together. Suddenly they are dragged into events that started in the 15th century in the local bishop's stronghold. The children must solve a difficult mystery of a clock robbery and they have to find a treasure that has been lost for centuries and contains a formula of making gold.
Ash and Money
Film is based on "Unified Estonia" which was a fictitious political movement created by NO99 Theatre and a large portion of the public treated as a real political force. Its convention, held for more than 7200 people, was one of the largest theatre events in modern European theatre history.
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
The Idiot
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
The Rise And Fall Of Estonia
The Rise and Fall of Estonia is a production by directors Tiit Ojasoo and Ene-Liis Semper. Together they have created large-scale shows already before. "Ruja", a rock-opera, and "Unified Estonia", a convention of a fictitious political movement for 7200 viewers, were not only completely sold out, but also theatre events, which won the major theatre prizes in Estonia. "The Rise and Fall of Estonia" is not a rock-opera. It's not a punk statement. It's a symphony. And it's about Estonia. Together with actors from NO99 they've created over the years four productions, which more or less deal with Estonia and its state of mind.
Дневники Оды
1914 год. Оде фон Сиринг 14 лет, она едет на каникулы из Берлина в поместье Полл на Балтийском побережье. Удаленность поместья от крупных городов объясняет размеренный темп жизни в усадьбе. А живут в ней аристократическая немецкая семья Оды — отец-ученый, одержимый сомнительными исследованиями человеческого мозга, и эксцентричная мачеха, — а также расквартированные в усадьбе офицеры русской армии. Всех их объединяет страх перед угрозой разрастания националистических и анархических настроений, которыми охвачено эстонское население.
NO75 Unified Estonia Assembly
NO75 Unified Estonia was a fictious political movement created by Theatre NO99 that a large portion of the public treated as a real political force. It lasted 44 days, during which various political technologies were introduced. The project ended with Unified Estonia movement assembly, with more than 7500 people attending. It was one of the largest theatre events in contemporary Europe.
December Heat
The young country of Estonia is dancing to the jazzy tune of the 1920's when on December 1, 1924, the capital Tallinn is overrun by members of the Comintern in an attempt to stage a Communist coup. The film follows the fates of a young soldier called Tanel and his wife, a telephone operator named Anna, amidst the ensuing chaos which determines whether the country remains independent or becomes a minor province in the Communist Empire.
Я был здесь
У Расси — 17-летнего ученика элитной школы, живущего отдельно от родителей — есть несколько заветных мечтаний. Мечта о семье, любви и… впрочем, для того чтобы подзаработать, он соглашается продавать наркотики. Это втягивает его в круговерть событий, которую он уже не в силах контролировать
Black Peter
Peter and his wife have dinner with friends in a restaurant. They have not quarreled for two weeks already. A new record could be in the making. But a trivial argument soon grows into a quarrel and the night brings weird games into their relationship.