Heidi Baratta


The Bloom of Yesterday
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
The Dead and the Living
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Frau Spor
Парализованная Кристина обречена всю жизнь провести в инвалидном кресле. Желая изменить свое положение, она едет в Лурд, культовое место паломничества в Пиренеях. Однажды утром она просыпается здоровой: судя по всему, произошло чудо. Старший группы паломников, красивый сорокалетний доброволец из Мальтийского ордена, начинает проявлять к ней интерес. Она изо всех сил держится за этот неожиданный шанс на счастье, в то время как ее выздоровление вызывает у окружающих зависть и восхищение.
Shalom, general
The reality the conscientious objector Roman is confrontend with at an old-age home is something he has previously been spared: suffering, frailty, death. He has to take care of "General" Kulat, an old Wehrmacht officer, a fanatic militarist. Their confrontation becomes war.
Drinnen und draußen
Renate is finishing her trainee year as a social service worker when she is assigned her first patient: The young Alfred Hauser, who was submitted to the psychiatric ward four years ago because of a psychosis. Alfred's anxiety condition is worsening while the hospital staff is lying to him about the possibility of an early discharge. Renate is commited to help him.
Berta Scalabrin
An arsonist tries to shake up the despairing inhabitants of a village who can't communicate with each other.
Der tote Onkel
Joseph von Träubesser is a scion of a wealthy aristocratic family. He's not satisfied with idle bliss but is ambitious and tries to become a good painter. His family and especially his nephew Leonid, who could be taken for his twin, think he's cracked. Fabian Cabanas, a famous painter, isn't at all pleased with his life. Apion Herbst, a postman and spiritualist, holds séances when off duty and helps Fabian to a new body. And Joseph too profits from this séance.