Galatea Ranzi

Galatea Ranzi

Рождение : 1968-03-28, Roma


Galatea Ranzi


La madre
During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets two gravediggers-turned-playwrights rehearsing a play with their amateur dramatics. Pirandello takes an interest in the odd couple, having been suffering from writer's block while working on his eventual masterpiece, Six Characters in Search of an Author.
Citizens of the World
Three Italian retirees embark on a journey to find a new country to live in.
Мой папа – супергерой
Ансельмо — особенный. Уже взрослый мужчина, он смотрит на мир глазами ребенка и до сих пор верит, что отец, который когда-то оставил его, — супергерой. Ансельмо живет своей детской мечтой и однажды понимает: пришло время самому исполнить ее.
Senza corpo
dottoressa Romanini
Daniela is a confused and problematic girl. She realizes she doesn’t like her body. Maybe she wishes she were a man. As a result she changes identity on the web, posing as Daniele; she meets girls, tells her phantasies, which remain just virtual. Daniela goes into therapy. She tells her story to Doctor Romanini. She announces having met Roberta, a nice girls she has invited to a date, always hiding behind Daniele’s profile. The story between the two girls ends up with an unpredicted epilogue.
Девушка в тумане
Stella Honer
Холодной зимней ночью психиатра Аугусто Флореса срочно вызывают на работу, чтобы обследовать попавшего в аварию инспектора Фогеля. Инспектор ничего не помнит, на месте аварии ничто не указывает на ее причину и на ее жертв, однако рубашка Фогеля в пятнах свежей крови, и эта кровь не его. В ходе беседы начинает восстанавливаться цепь невероятных событий, начавшихся месяц назад.Затерянный в Альпах сонный городок, рождественский вечер, туман. 16-летняя девушка Анна Лу, выйдя из дома, до празднично украшенной церкви так и не дошла. Нет ни тела жертвы, ни каких-либо следов борьбы, ни свидетелей — ничего. Вскоре в городе появляется инспектор Фогель, звезда сыска, специалист по поимке маньяков и серийных убийц…
Zoroastro. Io, Giacomo Casanova.
What a beautiful surprise
What a beautiful surprise tells the story of Guido (Claudio Bisio), romantic dreamer and a professor of literature in high school, whose life falls apart when buy the HIS girlfriend, with whom he lives for years, it leaves for another man. Paul (Frank Matano) - Its a former student listless become a physical education teacher - And His best friend and Fara everything to help him to exit from the crisis.
Великая красота
Аристократки, нувориши, политики, преступники высокого полёта, журналисты, актёры, декаденствующие отпрыски благородных семейств, священники, художники, подлинные или мнимые интеллектуалы... Всех их поглощает современный Вавилон, пока они ткут канву непрочных взаимоотношений, предаваясь суетной жизни на фоне старинных дворцов, огромных вилл и великолепных террас. Все они здесь, и никто не предстаёт в выгодном свете. Апатичный и разочарованный 65-летний Джеп Гамбарделла, писатель и журналист, не расстающийся со стаканом джина с тоником, наблюдает за этим парадом влиятельных, но пустых и потерянных людей, которые производят на него гнетущее впечатление. Головокружительная картина потери нравственных ориентиров разворачивается в атмосфере великолепного и безразличного римского лета. Вечный город подобен умершей диве.
Come le formiche
Salvatore. Questa è la vita
Salvatore is a young orphan, living in Sicily with his little sister and his grandmother; after loosing his father in a tragic way he quits school and starts working as a fisherman and a farmer in order to support his little family. The Social Services soon discover the situation and resolve to put Salvatore in an orphanage, parting him from his family. Only a young, idealistic teacher (Enrico Lo Verso) tries to help him, going everyday after school to his house, to teach him the lessons he misses in the morning and to work with him in his greenhouse or on his fishing boat.
Lettere dalla Sicilia
The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha
Lady Helena
A group of young girls are brought up in a college within dark forests and gloomy lakes. Young Hidalla and her friends Irene, Vera, Blanka, Melusine and Rain are brought up in an isolated world: the girls don't know anything about live outside the college's high walls. At the age of 16, some of them start asking questions about their origins, their parents and the true purposes of the Headmistresses strict rules. When two of them disappear mysteriously, the initial fairytale atmosphere grows more and more eerie...
The story of Emma, a courageous woman who left home at a very young age. Emma's first job is working in a paddy field. There she meets Paride, and a romance begins. But amid a workers strike, Paride dies, leaving Emma alone and also pregnant. From this point on Emma struggles for survival.
Notte senza fine
Principessa di Tripoli
Желанная жизнь
Chiara / Vittoria
Любовная история, разыгрывающаяся на съемках фильма о запретной любви. Лаура получает роль возлюбленной Стефано — главного героя драмы. Как только начинаются съемки фильма, актер, известный своей сдержанностью и самоконтролем, попадает под воздействие яркой, необычайной привлекательной и чувственной Лауры. Молодая пара все больше и больше влюбляется друг в друга, и благодаря съемкам фильма находит путь для проявления своих подлинных чувств…
Three Steps Over Heaven
A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.
Pontormo - Un amore eretico
Caterina in the Big City
Livia, Margherita's mother
When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself in an completely different environment where students rigidly divide themselves in subcultures based on social class and their parents' political affiliation.
Il pranzo della domenica
Susanna Papi
The life of Franca Malorni, exponent of the good bourgeoisie of the capital, suddenly changes when her husband dies suddenly. The woman begins to pour her attention on the three daughters, obliging them to have a Sunday lunch with their families.
A Journey Called Love
The life and loves of poet Sibilla Aleramo (Laura Morante), focusing on her relationship with Dino Campana (Stefano Accorsi).
Water and Salt
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Follow Your Heart
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
Little Horrors
A woman in her flooded kitchen thinks of Ophelia and death by drowning. A nun wonders about her vocation. A girl, dumb by choice, walks around in Naples. A ballerina in a wheelchair. Three youths around a bonfire in a little island. A man secluded in a tower waiting for the end of the world. And many other stories.
Elisabette / Elisa
The Benedetti family's wealth comes from gold stolen from the French army during the 18th century. When Jean (Michael Vartan), the lieutenant guarding the coins -- and lover of Elisabette Benedetti (Galatea Ranzi) -- is executed for a crime he did not commit, Elisabette curses the family. Bad luck travels from generation to generation. As the latest Benedettis tell their children about their eccentric grandfather, the children worry that the family curse will be passed on.