Nicolas Comeau


A cook in his heyday, Camilo is now a worn-out fifty-year-old who works for a cleaning company. We can guess a personal failure in the past of this solitary Mexican living in Montreal. However, Camilo wants to get back on track and an opportunity to recover his culinary passion finally presents itself. Everything is in place for this new beginning when Camilo receives a visit from his daughter Tania, with whom he had cut ties because of her drug addiction. She tells him that he is a grandfather and asks him to take care of the child while she undergoes her umpteenth rehab. The arrival of this grandson will upset Camilo’s plans. There will be a new beginning for him, certainly, but not as he imagined it.
Святой Нарцисс
22-летнего Доминика ничто так не возбуждает, как собственное отражение. Большую часть времени он проводит, делая полароидные селфи. Когда его бабушка умирает, ему открывается семейная тайна: его мать-лесбиянка не умерла при родах, а также у него есть брат-близнец, воспитанный в далеком монастыре развратным священником. Судьба сводит вместе двух братьев, которые, воссоединившись со своей матерью Беатрис, оказываются втянутыми в паутину секса, мести и искупления.
When Emma turns twenty, she decides to join the army. Not only does she want to follow in her father’s footsteps, but she also yearns to rid herself of an oppressive sense of existential emptiness. Although the army’s harsh discipline helps her break free, she slowly discovers that she cannot suppress all her emotions in this male society.
Известный пианист Генри Коул под конец своей карьеры стал испытывать страх сцены. Однажды ему на помощь приходит музыкальный критик Хелен Моррисон, она выручает его из неловкой ситуации. Дружба с Хелен становится для Генри вдохновением и глотком свежего воздуха в его карьере и жизни.
Февральские дороги
Молодая девушка по имени Сара приезжает в отпуск к бабушке, которая живет в глухой деревушке и тяжело переживает смерть единственного сына.
A Paradise Too Far
Upon learning of their mother's death, Samuel and Émilie, two mentally challenged siblings, run away from their group home in the middle of winter. As they go deeper and deeper in the forest, their relationship is put to the test.
Like Cattle Towards Glow
Several short films about troubled gay youngsters who attempt to resolve their psychological issues through bizarre fetish play or sinister self expression.
A Parallel Hereafter
Léandre is a Montreal computer scientist in charge of the protection of the Minister of Public Safety. After selling secret information to the Mafia, he realizes he’s been directly implicated in an attack on the politician. If things weren't bad enough, Léandre ends up in the hospital because of awfully painful kidney stones. He then decides to leave his problems and his girlfriend behind to find refuge with his aunt in his small hometown of Havre-St-Pierre. Hiding from everyone that he’s wanted by the police, Léandre renews his relationships with his childhood friends and his childhood sweetheart, Ève.
Voice Over
A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.
Lake is in a straight relationship with Desiree but finds himself becoming attracted to men at the pool. When he cannot control his desires any longer, he starts working at an adult home and begins a relationship with a much, much older man.
Production Manager
Sophie takes a trip to the suburbs of Montreal to get away and hopefully find a boyfriend. This film is a humorous and quirky tale about what to do when you are depressed, have no money and desperately need to make a change.
Exquisitely filmed in black-and-white, this experimental narrative follows four friends on a road trip as they discover the complicated arena of unseen desire that arises when ecstasy and sexuality mix.
Turn off before living
Paul, on a trip to Havana, is experiencing difficulty keeping a smile on his troubled face. He meets Agnela, a young local working girl, whose job it is to please with a practiced smile of her own. No matter, how close they get or how hard they try to soothe their broken souls, their attempts remains vain. They are too busy disconnecting themselves from hidden, unwanted emotions to achieve a true much needed human contact.