Ernest Palmer

Рождение : 1885-12-06, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Смерть : 1978-02-22


Ernest Palmer was an American cinematographer for more than 160 films, not to be confused with the British cinematographer Ernest Palmer.


Сломанная стрела
Director of Photography
Бесстрашный бойскаут Том Джеффордс приезжает на плато Аризоны, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Он испытывает отвращение к войне между индейцами и белыми, которая длится уже десять лет. В одиночку он старается наладить мир с племенами Апачей. Однажды он спасает раненого индейского юношу и попадает в племя, во главе которого стоит вождь Кочис. Том изучает язык и обычаи Апачей и со временем ему удается подписать мирный договор с гордым вождем, который позволит беспрепятственно проезжать почтовым дилижансам по землям индейцев. Кочис и Джеффордс становятся кровными братьями. «Бледнолицый» влюбляется в индейскую девушку «Утренняя звезда», и женится на ней, соблюдая все обычаи Апачей. Но многим белым не нужен мир в Аризоне и они вновь поднимают топор войны…
Director of Photography
John Bentley stars as a man who returns home to claim his inheritance. He soon learns his half brother has spent his fortune and is mixed up with jewel thieves
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!
Director of Photography
Light-hearted, old-style romance about a farm-hand who arranges to buy a pair of mules from his employer. No one is able to handle the mules and he must train them. Adding to his dilemma, he pursues his boss's daughter who gets her kicks out of keeping him guessing about her true feelings. Of course, at the end he tames both the mules and the girl.
The Three Weird Sisters
Director of Photography
Three older sisters live on their family estate in Wales. This household once proudly reigned over a mining town, but the mines dried up and the estate and the town have fallen on hard times. When the land crumbles and a number of homes in the town are destroyed the sisters promise to rebuild the homes.
Centennial Summer
Director of Photography
In 1876 Philadelphia, two sisters vie for the affections of a Frenchman who's come to town to prepare the French pavilion for the Centennial exposition.
The Trojan Brothers
Director of Photography
Opposing ends of a pantomime horse where the 'head' dates a society lady while the 'tail' is unhappily married.
San Demetrio London
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
Director of Photography
An American singer becomes engaged to an English duke, but is continuously pestered over her past as a burlesque dancer by a reporter from her hometown.
Thunder Birds
Director of Photography
On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
Song of the Islands
Director of Photography
With his sidekick Rusty, Jeff Harper sails to paradisiacal tropical isle Ahmi-Oni to bargain on behalf of his cattle baron father for land owned by transplanted Irishman Dennis O'Brien. But Jeff falls in love with O'Brien's daughter, Eileen, and even his father can't break them up after he arrives and himself falls under the spell of island splendor.
Уик-энд в Гаване
Director of Photography
Джей Уильямс - сотрудник корабельной компании, которая получает известие о судне, налетевшем на риф во Флориде. Все пассажиры отказываются от круиза , за исключением Нэн Спенсер, продавщицы универмага, которая хочет провести свой «отпуск» сейчас, а не потом. Джей берется за ее досуг и развлечения, и вскоре влюбляется.
Belle Starr
Director of Photography
After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
Кровь и песок
Director of Photography
Эта мелодрама рассказывает о Хуане, бесстрашном, наивном и молодом тореадоре, променявшем подлинную любовь жены, на фальшивые объятия коварной соблазнительницы, дамы из высшего общества.
Tall, Dark and Handsome
Director of Photography
Robin Hoodish gangster in 1929 Chicago is an object of affection, kind to New York hood and bad to a bad crook.
Чад Ханна
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит в США, в 19-ом веке. Молодой полуграмотный парень Чад Ханна помогает укрыться беглому рабу, за что объявляется вне закона. Теперь он сам вынужден скрываться от правосудия и отправляется путешествовать вместе с бродячим цирком-шапито. Здесь он влюбляется в прекрасную, но ветреную девушку-наездницу Олбани, не замечая, что в него влюблена другая девушка — Кэролайн, сбежавшая от избивавшего ее отца.
Public Deb No. 1
Director of Photography
When a waiter gives a society girl a public spanking for attending a Communist rally, her soup-tycoon uncle makes the waiter a vice-president of his company.
The Great Profile
Director of Photography
An alcoholic film star attempts a comeback. Director Walter Lang's 1940 comedy stars John Barrymore, Mary Beth Hughes, Anne Baxter, John Payne, Lionel Atwill and Edward Brophy.
Sailor's Lady
Director of Photography
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Shooting High
Director of Photography
A movie company making a film about a famous sheriff hires his grandson as a stand-in for the lead.
Голливудская кавалькада
Director of Photography
В 1913 году работник киностудии Майкл Коннорс увидел в постановке на Бродвее Молли Адэр. Очарованный ее красотой и талантом, он уговаривает ее оставить театр и уехать с ним в Калифорнию, где в то время начинает развиваться киноиндустрия. Став сценаристом и режиссером фильмов с Молли в главной роли, он делает из нее звезду... Сюжет замешан на биографии Макка Сеннетта и Мэйбл Норманд. В фильме снимались в роли самих себя многие звёзды немого кино. В имени главного героя заменили всего две буквы. Изменены названия студий. Скандал с загадочным убийством Уильяма Тейлора заменен на автомобильную катастрофу и по-мелочи. Но много и придуманного. Мэйбл Норманд не была звездой Бродвея и попала в кинематограф без помощи Макка Сеннетта. Макк Сеннетт в фильме встречается со своим «двойником» в молодости. Фантастическая концовка ‒ никакого триумфального прорыва в звуковое кино в реальности не было.
Flying Fifty-Five
Director of Photography
Bill Urquhart, a young wastrel disinherited by his father, tries to get a job as a jockey – just about the only thing he’s really good at. His name and position work against him, however, so he adopts an alias and prevails upon the charity of a drunken friend Charles Barrington, through whom he meets Stella Barrington - who has not only inherited her father’s racing stables but also his debts. Still incognito, he takes on the job of stable lad for Stella but little does she realise that he could be the man to finally put an end to her money worries forever.
Wife, Husband and Friend
Director of Photography
Woman hopes to be a great singer and is encouraged by her scheming teacher. After she flops her husband, encouraged by an amorous professional singer tries opera and also flops.
Director of Photography
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Три слепые мыши
Director of Photography
Три сестры Чартерс получают небольшое наследство и переезжают из Канзаса в Калифорнию в поисках богатых мужей. Памела изображает из себя светскую львицу, а Мойра и Элизабет представляются её компаньонками. Вскоре у Памелы появляются два воздыхателя и она должна сделать выбор...
The Last Chance
Director of Photography
Alan Burmister leaves Devon on a secret gun-running expedition immediately after his engagement to Mary Perrin is announced; he returns at Christmas to find himself accused of the murder of Ivor Connel, a moneylender. Mary's father had always hoped that his daughter would marry John Worrall, a rising barrister. Worrall is briefed for the defence, but when he loses the case and Alan is condemned to penal servitude for life, no one but the judge realises that he has not made use of the best piece of defence evidence...
Slave Ship
Director of Photography
Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced against his will to again transport human cargo.
Love Is News
Director of Photography
When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.
Банджо на моём колене
Director of Photography
Этот фильм рассказывает о речных людях, как их называли. О тех людях, которые жили на реке Миссисипи на привязанных к берегу плотах, у которых был свой уклад, свой промысел, свое течение жизни и свои взгляды на жизнь. И надо же было встретиться двум влюбленным, но самым упрямым из людей на земле. И все началось со свадьбы, когда пьяный закупщик рыбы захотел поцеловать невесту Перл…
Under Two Flags
Director of Photography
Sergeant Victor comes to the French Foreign Legion after taking the blame for his brother's crime. Cigarette falls in love with him though Major Doyle is in love with her. Doyle sends Victor on dangerous assignments to be rid of him. He falls in love with Lady Venetia Cunningham, a visitor to the garrison
Everything Is Rhythm
Director of Photography
Based on the spectacular rise of bandleader and vaudevillian Harry Roy, this is the comic tale of a Ruritanian princess who elopes with a dance-band leader.
The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
Director of Photography
A Russian prince goes to Monte Carlo just after World War I with money supplied to him by Parisian Russians. He wins but the casino operators want him to honor the tradition of returning to the tables.
Фермер женится
Director of Photography
A farmer tries to convince a girl to leave her life on a canal boat to live with him on his farm.
The Ace of Spades
Director of Photography
The wife of a candidate for Parliament is having an affair with the brother of her husband's rival. Her lover is running for election on a promise of building a railway that the community needs, but a wealthy landowner won't give permission for the railway to be built over his land. When the landowner is later found dead, suspicion falls on the adulterous candidate.
Director of Photography
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
Music in the Air
Director of Photography
A songwriter's young daughter (June Lang) begins to dream of stardom when she's offered the lead role in a new operetta.
Director of Photography
Princess Wilma is forced to wed by midnight or lose her inheritance. She impulsively chooses gypsy vagabond Latzi, offering him a huge sum of money if he'll consent. Swallowing his pride, Latzi agrees to the marriage, but soon the coy Countess falls in love with young Lieutenant de Tokay, who is himself in love with Latzi's gypsy sweetheart Tinka.
Anything Might Happen
Director of Photography
British crime film directed by George A. Cooper.
The Black Abbot
Director of Photography
A gang of crooks uses the legend of a ghost haunting an old dark mansion to help them kidnap a rich man.
Now I'll Tell
Director of Photography
A two-bit gambler somehow claws his way to the top. His love for riches is only matched by his love for his wife, but he is sometimes confused by which he loves most.
Stand Up and Cheer!
Director of Photography
President Franklin Roosevelt appoints a theatrical producer as the new Secretary of Amusement in order to cheer up an American public still suffering through the Depression. The new secretary soon runs afoul of political lobbyists out to destroy his department.
Sleepers East
Director of Photography
No good deed goes unpunished for Lena Karelson (Wynne Gibson), hooker with a heart of gold trying to go straight in the big city. Covering a bachelor party for a friend in need, Lena winds up at a gambling house where she is the sole witness when Mayor Wentworth's drunken lout of a son shoots the owner. Wentworth's political machine wants Lena to falsely incriminate mob boss Callahan to bolster their re-election campaign. Callahan's mouthpiece nabs Lena first, conveying her stealthily by train from Toledo to New York to prevent her from testifying against the big boss. A midnight special smash-up, a tense courtroom finale and true love triumphant round out this typical Fox pre-Code programmer, released just before the Legion of Decency dropped the hammer in 1934.
Director of Photography
A hula dancer at a carnival sets out to seduce the naive son of the show's manager.
Berkeley Square
Director of Photography
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
Pleasure Cruise
Director of Photography
Shirley, a married woman, who is fed up of her husband's incessant nagging, decides to go on a cruise. Her husband also gets on the cruise as a worker in the barber shop to keep an eye on her.
The Painted Woman
Director of Photography
After becoming involved in a killing, Kiddo gets on board Boyton's ship. When he learns what happened he dumps her on a South Sea island.
The Trial of Vivienne Ware
Director of Photography
Vivienne Ware is defended by her ex-beau when she's accused of killing her faithless fiance.
Director of Photography
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
Director of Photography
Sailor Spike dates girls whose names he finds in an address book. Each girl has the same tatoo, placed there by another sailor Bill. When Spike meets Bill they become friends. In Calais Spike meets Goldie. Bill warns him against her, but Spike ignores the warning until he finds Bill's tatoo on Goldie as well.
Six Cylinder Love
Director of Photography
Troubles begin for the Sterlings when they buy an expensive car and friends start pressing them for rides.
Brown Sugar
Director of Photography
The young Lord Sloane marries a musical comedy actress, much to his parents' disappointment. The actress's brother-in-law gets into betting difficulties so she obtains money from her husband to help him.
Представьте себе
Director of Photography
В 1980 году воздушный транспорт вытесняет автомобильные средства передвижения. Граждане именуются по номерам, и правосудие постоянно вторгается в частную жизнь людей - например, для того, чтобы решить, кто из двух соперников женится на обожаемой ими девушке. Тот, постановляют судьи, кто совершит наиболее славный подвиг. Итак, у Джей-21 есть всего 4 месяца, чтобы свершить героическое деяние и завоевать руку и сердце Эл-Эн-18. Один учёный предлагает ему экспедицию на Марс. Джей-21 и его лучший друг отправляются туда, прихватив с собой третьего компаньона - мошенника, умершего в 1930 году, но оживлённого благодаря научному прогрессу.
Children of Chance
Director of Photography
A casual date at a high-class hotel leads Binnie, an aspiring showgirl, to be mistaken for model and actress Lia de Marita – landing her an audition for the producer of a new musical stage show. Marvelling at her good fortune, what Binnie doesn't know is that Lia is also the wife of a notorious jewel thief and that she's already fled the country in possession of a valuable, ill-gotten necklace!
Women Everywhere
Director of Photography
Charles Jackson, an American sea-captain and singing soldier-of-fortune, is arrested by the French Foreign Legion for running guns to the rebel forces in Morocco fighting against the rule of the French in north Africa. He is saved by Lili La Fleur, a singer/dance in a Morocco café and, through her, eventually becomes a hero to the Foreign Legion.
Городская девчонка
Director of Photography
Парень с Миннесотских полей приезжает в Чикаго продать пшеницу, которую выращивает его семья на своей ферме. В городе Лем знакомится с официанткой Кейт, они влюбляются и женятся. Но по возвращению к родным на ферму молодую супружескую пару очень холодно встречает отец…
С улыбкой к миру
Director of Photography
Молли и Би, милые молодые девушки, живут в дешевой комнате над продуктовым магазином в Нью-Йорке. Кумир Молли, богатый Джек Кромвелл, живет в особняке на Лонг-Айленде, но он заметно менее счастлив, поскольку его невеста Джейн постоянно флиртует со своими многочисленными поклонниками. Прибыв в Нью-Йорк, Джек попадает на вечеринку в честь Дня независимости, где встречает Молли...
The River
Director of Photography
Passion carried an innocent boy and a worldly woman beyond the barriers of conscience.
4 Devils
Director of Photography
The circus provides the backdrop for this melodrama that chronicles the lives of four children raised within the big top. Film historian and collector William K. Everson stated that the only surviving print was lost by actress Mary Duncan who had borrowed it from Fox Studios. In the December 1974 issue of "Films in Review," he explained that Mary Duncan, one of the film's stars, wanted it to show to a group of friends in Florida. The star was aware that it was a dangerous nitrate print and assumed that Fox had others. She threw the only copy in the ocean, a mistake characterized by Everson as "a monumental blunder to rank with Balaclava, Sarajevo, and the Fall of Babylon as one of history's blackest moments."
Ангел с улицы
Director of Photography
Неаполь. У бедной девушки Анджелы нет других возможностей заработать на лекарства для умирающей матери, кроме воровства. Ее арестовывают и судят, но ей удается бежать из зала суда и спрятаться в барабане бродячего цирка…
High School Hero
Director of Photography
Седьмое небо
Director of Photography
События разворачиваются в Париже накануне Первой мировой войны. Молодая девушка Diane терпит побои от своей старшей сестры, которая обвиняет её во всех неудачах. В очередной момент насилия над Diane ей на помощь приходит молодой красавец Chiko — работник городской канализации. Путём хитрой авантюры дабы запутать полицию, Diane попадает в дом Chiko, где и рождается между ними светлое чувство. Влюблённые готовы пожениться, но начинается война, добавляя драматизма в и без того нелёгкую жизнь бедных парижан.
Married Alive
Director of Photography
James Duxbury (Lou Tellegen) is an exponent of polygamy, which may not be legal but certainly provides him with several evenings of entertainment. Professor Charles Orme (Matt Moore) falls in love with Duxbury's fourth wife Amy (Margaret Livingston). Things get dicey indeed as Orme tries to figure out whether Amy is still married to Duxbury or not -- in fact, Duxbury isn't sure either.
Marriage License?
Director of Photography
1926 picture starring Alma Rubens and Walter McGrail.
Yellow Fingers
Director of Photography
Ralph Ince stars as Brute Shane, a South Pacific trader who has adopted native girl Saina (Olive Broden). When Shane rescues English lass Nona Deering (Claire Adams) from white slavers, the jealous Saina begins plotting Nona's demise.
East Lynne
Director of Photography
This most famous of Victorian melodramas was more than half a century old, and had already been filmed several times when it came to the screen once again in 1925. Director Emmett J. Flynn had an all-star cast and kept close to the original story.
Fine Clothes
Director of Photography
The owner of a London clothing store is driven out of business, but later makes a triumphant return.
Flames of Desire
Director of Photography
The drama of a girl who knew beauty's power.
One Clear Call
Director of Photography
An outcast who runs a road house of ill repute leads his mother to believe him dead. His only friend, a doctor, falls for a married woman.
The Song of Life
Director of Photography
A woman abandons her husband and baby to look for a better life in the big city. Years later, as an elderly woman, she finds her son living in the big city and tries to make amends by moving in with him without revealing her secret identity.
Ladies Must Live
Director of Photography
A societal romance drama based on an Alice Duer Miller novel.
The Child Thou Gavest Me
Camera Operator
On her wedding day, Norma Huntley wants to tell Edward Berkley, her husband-to-be, her secret -- that she mothered a child out of wedlock which subsequently died. Her mother forbids her to reveal this. Only moments after the ceremony, it is discovered that the child, now three, is actually alive. Berkley, incensed at this turn of events, agrees to adopt the child and remain married for appearance's sake -- but when he finds the father, he will kill him.
The Miracle Man
Director of Photography
A gang of crooks evade the police by moving their operations to a small town. There the gang's leader encounters a faith healer and uses him to scam gullible public of funds for a supposed chapel. But when a real healing takes place, a change comes over the gang. Lost film, only the most famous scene has survived.