The story follows Allahyar, a young and mischievous boy who ends up dealing with circumstances he never thought possible. The movie aims to shed light on the preservation and illegal hunting of wildlife.
Candy and other sweets have been banned, and the kids of the United States aren't going to accept it.
Stand In
В безднах космоса движется звездолет. Два члена команды, пробудившиеся от гиперсна, оказываются в сложной ситуации: оборудование не работает, вспомнить они ничего не могут. Какова была их миссия? Сколько времени прошло? Где они? Кто они? На все эти вопросы у них нет ответов. К тому же, на корабле обнаруживаются чужие — злобные воины, которые крушат все на своем пути.
Junk Food consists of four intertwining stories. The first and fourth sections show the morning routine of an blind, old Japanese woman, waking up, buying bread and milk, praying at the family alter; however, it is the second segment where the true story begins.
Amidst the swirl of Tokyo's seamy nightlife of designer drugs, casual sex, and American slang, Zhou turns 30. It's a spiritual crisis for this Chinese immigrant who quotes Confucius, this Lothario and con artist who fences stolen goods. He falls for Kyōko, a seemingly shy provincial woman looking for the man who jilted her sister. As their relationship plays out, Hanawa intercuts stories of Kazuo, a hyperkinetic artist who loves the trendy Yōko (Kazuo bores her, and she pursues the indifferent Zhou), and Ali, a Pakistani Muslim who, broke and forlorn, stands outside a convenience store, love-struck by a clerk because she looked into his eyes (she thought he was shop-lifting)