Конец 15 века. Святая Инквизиция, возглавляемая зловещим Торквемадой, с именем Бога на устах пытается установить в католическом мире диктатуру насилия и ужаса. Зло в белых одеждах повсюду. Оно не знает сострадания и жалости. Ведьмы, костры, таинственные ритуалы — ужасная карусель…
Celia Guerola (as Rona Freed)
Tension between a jealous husband, his wife who's attracted to his friend and the friend is rising as their small, deeply catholic, Mexican village is deciding who will be Christ during the possibly dangerous reenactment of the Crucifixion.
Angela (as Rona Frid)
An avowed anarchist and Stern Gang hitman is sent to Jerusalem to assassinate a senior British officer creating much tension within the already troubled cell and almost brings its collapse, as the British operatives are closing in.