Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
The consortium of the people approve a proposal from the Mayor; instruct Ramon, a ruined sculptor, an equestrian statue of Franco. Luis, one of the councilors, visit Ramon and proposes the commission, Ramon rejects for ideological grounds, but after thinking it accepts as there are no marble equestrian statues. When Ramon finally finished the statue, the whole consortium believes it is past time to inaugurate a statue of Franco. To satisfy Ramon approve the making of a new statue. This is dedicated to democracy.
A man is a famous sexologist and in his office, helped by a wonderful black nurse, he attends to his clientele.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
На заброшенном острове находится сверхсекретный завод по производству химического и биологическаого оружия. Один из баллонов с неизвестным газом дает утечку. Последствия этого самые катастрофические: начинают оживать мертвецы, убивая все на своем пути. На остров направляется отряд коммандос, но смогут ли они остановить Вселенское Зло…
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Two women and a man in the Garden of Love: each leaves his past behind to fully live this triangle which many consider a sin, immoral. "They marry" symbolically to share everything between them. Society condemns them and never accept them, but they do not really matter as long as you have each other.