Roman Baskin's debut as a film director is an allegorical story of a man (Sulev Luik) who happens to step out of a train in a small town named Vernanda. He buys some bread only to discover that it has got a bomb inside and "souvenirs" of this kind are the town's trademark. While the man wants desperately to get rid of the bomb the townsfolk is not amused by such rude behaviour.
A middle-aged literature teacher who devotes his free time to poetry is used to being the center of admiration for his family, especially his wife. One day, however, a grandchild arrives at the house, who immediately grabs the full attention of all those around him. The fresh grandfather turns out to be excluded and decides to leave the house, confident that it will restore him to his former position. This is followed by a day full of surprising encounters.
ХVI век. Лифляндия. В одном из аристократических домов умирает старый рыцарь Рисбитер. Он завещал сыну шкатулку с семейной реликвией. Духовные пастыри ближайшего монастыря хотят завладеть шкатулкой, чтобы приумножить славу обители. Молодой наследник согласен уступить церкви реликвию, но с одним условием: ему должны отдать в жены прекрасную Агнес, племянницу аббатисы женского монастыря. А сердце юной красавицы принадлежит свободолюбивому рыцарю в Габриэлю, другу всех обманутых и беззащитных…