Mehmet Avcı


Same Night Different Blue
During the same night, different stories intersect in the pursuit of a precious stamp.
Tahir Komiser (Police Surgeant)
Столяр Якуп и его жена Шемса 25 лет назад переехали из Мардина в Берлин. Однажды по телефону им рассказывают новости про Микаэля, их сына, пропавшего 25 лет назад. Якуп и Шемса вместе с внучкой Нардин едут в Мардин. По возвращению в деревню Якуп шокирован, в ней не осталось жителей, а дверь его дома была снята с петель. Вместе с внучкой Нардин и контрабандистом Ремзи он отправляется на поиски двери.
I Am Not Him
Nihat, an introverted employee in a hospital cafeteria, is confused by Ayşe, a mysterious woman who just started working there as a dishwasher. Her obvious seductive approaches embarrass Nihat and make him nervous at the same time. Despite the rumors about her husband having been sentenced to many years in jail, Nihat reluctantly accepts Ayşe’s invitation to dinner at her house. This is the beginning of a strange and dangerous liaison. When Nihat discovers a picture of the woman’s husband and realizes that he looks astoundingly like him, the relation becomes even more toxic.
Reşat, a withdrawn and asocial young man who works at a pirate DVD shop, represses his feelings for the girl next door, and adds excitement to his life with petty theft. The film turns into a thriller when the shadowy Celal, a friend of Reşat's boss, gets shot just after he leaves a package in the shop and Reşat has to make sense of the photo and the gun it contains.