With his own money, Pappier produced this ambitious adaptation of Manuel Gálvez's "Miércoles Santo", whose release was delayed for three years due to political reasons. When it finally came out, it bombed, but its formal originality was mentioned even in unfavorable reviews. Later, it became a cursed film, impossible to see due to lack of prints. To date, it remains lost in great part.
Biography of Argentinean poet Alfonsina Storni (1892-1938), on of the most famous Latin American poets of the modernist period, who committed suicide by drowning in the sea in Mar del Plata.
A parapolice force within Peronism is dedicated to reducing and extorting all kinds of opponents, among whom a few rise up to denounce what is happening. Although the film has propaganda purposes that deliberately ignore part of reality, it is based on documented cases, such as those of the student Ernesto Mario Bravo or the trade union leader Cipriano Reyes.
Действие фильма эпического характера происходит в провинции Сальта в 1817 году во время войны Аргентины за независимость, когда нерегулярные силы под командованием генерала Мартина Мигеля де Гуэмеса проводят партизанские действия против испанской армии.