Evocation of the historical feat of the same name, with scenes filmed in the natural settings of Playa de la Agraciada. Los Treinta y Tres Orientales is the name by which the men led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja are historically known. In 1825, they launched an insurrection to recover the independence of the Eastern Province.
Writers' Assistant
Evocation of the historical feat of the same name, with scenes filmed in the natural settings of Playa de la Agraciada. Los Treinta y Tres Orientales is the name by which the men led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja are historically known. In 1825, they launched an insurrection to recover the independence of the Eastern Province.
A threatened financier is impersonated during a train ride by an identical-looking salesman.
Film about the life of Francisco Ramírez, leader of Entre Ríos.
Действие фильма эпического характера происходит в провинции Сальта в 1817 году во время войны Аргентины за независимость, когда нерегулярные силы под командованием генерала Мартина Мигеля де Гуэмеса проводят партизанские действия против испанской армии.