Margit Bendokat

Margit Bendokat

Рождение : 1943-08-12,


Margit Bendokat


Мюнхен. На грани войны
Nurse Ida
Осень 1938 года. Британский чиновник и немецкий дипломат встречаются в Мюнхене и устраивают заговор, чтобы предотвратить войну в Европе. На основе книги Роберта Харриса.
Weiber! Schwestern teilen. Alles.
Zwei verlorene Schafe
Agnes Möller
What happens when an ambitious but unsuccessful actress in the middle of her life coaches a young, not a bit ambitious and equally unsuccessful pastor?
Open the Wall
Ilona Krüger
A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.
Ein Schnitzel für alle
Frau Rademacher
Again, the unemployed zookeeper Günther and the discarded salesman Wolfgang are looking for their great luck. Therefore, they get the help of a young man who, due to his autism, has extraordinary skills at the roulette table.
Ein Schnitzel für drei
Frau Rademacher
The unemployed salesman Wolfgang practices optimism, his friend Günther realism: The situation is shitty! But then zookeeper Günther finds a few hundred thousand Euros from his demented neighbor. The mates take the money but also the care for the old man.
Frau Friedrich
Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.
Berlin Blues
Lehmanns Mutter
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
Passing Summer
Geliebte des Vaters
A woman faces a variety of emotional crises as she spends the summer interacting in various ways with friends, family, and lovers.
Эйми и Ягуар
Frau Jäger
Берлин, 1943. До знакомства с Фелис Лили — мать четырех детей — была добропорядочной домохозяйкой. Но эта встреча, перевернувшая всю ее жизнь, стала для молодой женщины новым экспериментом, яркой вспышкой счастья, несмотря на постоянные бомбежки и рейды полиции. Лили развелась с мужем и позволила Фелис переехать к ней, осознавая насколько это опасно: ведь Фелис — еврейка, член подпольной группы сопротивления, попавшая «под колпак» Гестапо…
My Sister’s Good Fortune
A young photographer has fallen in love with his girlfriend's sister. Nobody knows quite what to do. A stylish variation on the problems of triolism made with striking stability of style and a great feeling for mise-en-scène.
In the little town of Herzsprung - whose name harks back to an ancient legend of broken hearts - almost nothing has changed since German unification, except a rise in unemployment. Johanna, a young mother and widow, becomes one of the unemployed and lives on welfare. To make matters worse, she falls in love with a dark-skinned, roving adventurer and the whole village starts talking about it.
Actor Ernst Stein, having abdicated from the stage in 1968 in protest of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, has long since retreated from the world around him. In a remote house encircled by an overgrown garden, he lives in a world of dreams and memories. Suddenly, in 1989, an out-of-kilter society sends forth its progeny. Young people, tramps and characters of all sorts take refuge with Stein for a short span, carrying the turmoil of the times into his house.
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
Weihnachten schneit's
Apple Woman
A family movie directed by Renata Kaye.
The Ascent of Chimborazo
Spanische Königin
The life of Alexander von Humboldt up to his attempt to climb the Chimborazo in 1802.
Die Entfernung zwischen Dir und mir und ihr
Schwein gehabt
Wengler & Sons
A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes to work for a precision mechanics and optical company, where he soon becomes a master craftsman. Wengler loyally promises the owner on his deathbed that his sons and grandsons will also stand by the company.
События происходят в 1898 году в Северной Америке. Охотник Том Аткинс возвращается в места своей молодости, чтобы провести здесь оставшиеся годы. Но в горной долине поселилось небольшое племя индейцев, тщательно скрывающее свое пристанище от белых людей. Вождь племени предлагает Аткинсу остаться с ними. Тот принимает предложение. Однажды в уединенное поселение проникает геолог Моррис. Неподалеку от этих мест он обнаруживает богатейшие залежи меди. Моррис уговаривает Аткинса стать его компаньоном. Но тот не может предать поверивших ему индейцев. Моррис покидает долину один. Когда он вернется сюда с вооруженным отрядом, Аткинс с ружьем в руках преградит им путь.
Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe
Isabella de Guzman
Die Poggenpuhls
Tochter Therese
Der Meisterdieb
Das zweite Leben des Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow
Mädchen mit Tasse
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.
Die Heirat
Agafia Tichonowna