Sara Antunes

Sara Antunes


Sara Antunes


У супругов Лауры и Израэля есть пятилетний сын Лукас. Они живут вместе, но, кажется, полностью потеряли интерес друг к другу. Их отношения стремительно идут под откос, но в семье ещё остался человек, не утративший волю к жизни, и это Лукас.
De Dora, por Sara
“De Dora por Sara” shares excerpts from writings, letters from prison and letters from exile exchanged between guerrilla Maria Auxiliadora Lara Barcelos and Clélia Lara Barcelos, recreating what she called “Dora Dam”, a communication field between confinement and the possibility of utopia. This research combines “real” words in a poetic time, feeling both the processes that led her body to suicide and the other way around: it investigates a vibrating field for her to relive, in a kind of “incarnate” cartography, averse to giving up.
De Dora, por Sara
“De Dora por Sara” shares excerpts from writings, letters from prison and letters from exile exchanged between guerrilla Maria Auxiliadora Lara Barcelos and Clélia Lara Barcelos, recreating what she called “Dora Dam”, a communication field between confinement and the possibility of utopia. This research combines “real” words in a poetic time, feeling both the processes that led her body to suicide and the other way around: it investigates a vibrating field for her to relive, in a kind of “incarnate” cartography, averse to giving up.
В 1979 году девочка-подросток эмигрирует из Парижа в Бразилию. Ее накрывает политико-социальный шторм страны, а так же она выясняет обстоятельства исчезновения своего родного отца.
Clandestine Soul
"Clandestine Soul" is a sensory and emotional biography of the Brazilian political activist, Maria Auxiliadora Lara Barcellos.
Cada Dia Uma Vida Inteira
Young couple is just about to get married when the to-be groom ia called to pick up his fiancée at a motel. Afterwards they go through a crisis even before getting married.
Tybalt Dead, Romeo in Exile
João is a 32-years-old musician that opts for the isolation of a farmhouse in the Brazilian countryside after Flora, his pregnant wife, breaks up with him. Three months pass and he’s finally ready to make amends with his wife and follow the birth of his son. But then João is surprised by the mysterious appearance of Max, his best friend, who’s been missing for years and was thought to be dead.
If God Comes Let Him Bring a Gun
A young man on leave from prison, his straitlaced brother, his best friend, a rookie cop and a young actress collide over the course of 72 hours.