A prodigy of stringed instruments, a pioneer of Bossa Nova, a modernizing master of the guitar: Aníbal Augusto Sardinha, better known as Garoto (1915-1955), is one of the hidden pillars of Brazilian music. Woven by rare archival material, personal diaries and testimonies, this documentary reveals his influence and the artistic conflicts of an avant-garde artist in the golden age of Brazilian radio.
Follows the story of Opinião, a theatre group created in 1964 during the early Brazilian dictatorship period to oppose the government through artistic performances. Considered the first left-wing response to the dictatorship, the group gathered now famous Brazilian artists such as Nara Leão, Maria Bethânia, João do Vale and Millôr Fernandes.
Dorival Caymmi was one of the inventors of the Bahian imagination. In his 94 years of life, Caymmi composed, sang, wrote, illustrated and thought about his Bahia, even far from it. His family, partners, friends and fans remember his history, which made him one of the pillars of Brazilian culture.
Music Editor
Донна едва ли знала, что ждало ее в райском прибрежном местечке с красивым названием «Белые Дюны». Что-то в этом сверкают голубом океане и томных пляжах с белым песком возбудили и наэлектризовало ее чувства до предела.
А эта простая, но такая прекрасная песня, слившаяся со свежим океанским бризом и так волнующая ее каждую ночь, — она явно создана для нее, но кем?
In the early 17th century, the Dutch have occupied Bom Jesus village, the last native stronghold in the Pernambuco captaincy. An adventurer, João Fernandes Vieira, sees himself in the middle of a conflict, torn between joining his friend Mauricio de Nassau alongside the ruling Dutch and siding with his lover Ana Paes in the fight to free his homeland.
Original Music Composer
Unable to endure the idea that he would go without punishment, a criminal's victim chases him the length and breadth of Brazil for a showdown.
Original Music Composer