Fritz Feld

Fritz Feld

Рождение : 1900-10-15, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 1993-11-18


Fritz Feld was born on October 15, 1900 in Berlin, Germany as Fritz Feilchenfeld. He is known for his work on Bringing Up Baby (1938), Barefoot in the Park (1967) and Hello, Dolly! (1969). He was married to Virginia Christine. He died on November 18, 1993 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Born in Berlin, Germany, Feld began his acting career in Germany in 1917, making his screen debut in Der Golem und die Tänzerin (The Golem and the Dancing Girl). Feld filmed the sound sequences of the Cecil B. DeMille film The Godless Girl, released by Pathé, without DeMille's supervision since DeMille had already broken his contract with Pathé, and signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He developed a characterization that came to define him. His trademark was to slap his mouth with the palm of his hand to create a "pop!" sound that indicated both his superiority and his annoyance. The first use of the "pop" sound was in If You Knew Susie. Feld often played the part of a maître d', but also a variety of aristocrats and eccentrics; his characters were indeterminately European, sometimes French and sometimes Belgian but always with his particular mannerisms. In the 1938 screwball comedy Bringing Up Baby he played the role of Dr. Lehman. In 1939 he appeared with the Marx Brothers in At The Circus in the small but memorable role of French orchestra conductor Jardinet. In one 1967 episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E., "The Napoleon's Tomb Affair", Feld played a banker, a beatnik, a diplomat and a waiter. The episode also featured Ted Cassidy from The Addams Family. In his later years, Feld appeared in several Walt Disney films and also played an uncharacteristically dramatic role in Barfly. In addition to films, he acted in numerous television series in guest roles, including the recurring role of "Zumdish", the manager of the intergalactic Celestial Department Store on Lost In Space, in two Season 2 episodes, The Android Machine and The Toymaker. Zumdish returned in the Season 3 episode Two Weeks In Space, where he has been brainwashed by bank robbers into believing he is a tour director taking the robbers on holiday. He also portrayed one of the Harmonia Gardens waiters in the movie Hello Dolly! Feld made his final film appearance in 1989.


Fritz Feld
Fritz Feld


Гомер и Эдди
Она безжалостна, а он наивен и добродушен. Они такие разные, но их что-то объединяет. Что-то, что поможет совершить вместе самое главное путешествие в жизни. Путешествие, в котором им обоим нечего терять.
Фильм поставлен по автобиографическому роману известного американского писателя Чарлза Буковски, завсегдатая многочисленных питейных заведений, откуда он черпает не только горячительные напитки, но и темы для своих произведений.
Heidi's Song
Orphan Heidi lives with her grandpa in Swiss Alps. She brings joy to all there. However, her aunt takes her to the city to live as a servant girl to a cold rich strict family and their nice but sad handicapped daughter.
Всемирная история: Часть I
Maitre 'D - The Roman Empire
Сумасбродная комедия в стиле Монти Питона, которая стремительно переносит из каменного века во времена Римской империи, а затем и Французской революции, с шутками и приколами - от остроумных до вульгарных. Брукс находит смешное даже в пытках и истязаниях инквизиции - сам играет Торквемаду. Не «покупайтесь» только на финальную рекламу якобы второй части «Всемирной истории» - это такая же шутка, как и все остальное в картине. Уже не один отечественный видеоман сошел с ума, пытаясь отыскать несуществующее продолжение.
Herbie Goes Bananas
Chief Steward
The adorable little VW helps its owners break up a counterfeiting ring in Mexico.
Величайший любовник в мире
Tomaso Abalone
Действие происходит в Голливуде 1920-х годов. Герой Уайлдера, булочник Руди Хикмэн, принимает участие в конкурсе, среди участников которого сам Рудольф Валентино. И хотя Руди совсем не актёр, но как это обычно бывает в комедиях положений, ему отчаянно везёт.
Чумовая пятница
Mr. Jackman
Домохозяйка Эллен Эндрюс и ее дочь-подросток Аннабель никак не могут найти общий язык друг с другом, из-за чего постоянно ссорятся. Однажды в четверг, они загадывают одинаковое желание – оказаться на месте друг друга, которое исполнятся на следующий день, в пятницу.
Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood
Rudy's Butler
A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.
Немое кино
Maitre d'
Мел Брукс играет несколько позабытого кинорежиссера, который приходит к директору студии с гениальной, как ему кажется, идеей фильма. Он хочет снять кино, и оно должно стать немым! По его мнению, такой неожиданный ход должен спасти студию от грозящего поглощения…
Веселые ребята
Mr. Gilbert
В эпоху водевилей Льюис и Кларк были знаменитыми комедиантами. Но после того, как они покинули сцену, они не разговаривали друг с другом целых 20 лет. Племянник Вилли Бен, продюсер нового шоу, надеется добиться воссоединения знаменитого дуэта. Однако, для этого ему придется очень постараться…
Самый сильный человек в мире
Uncle Frederick
Студенты Медфилдского колледжа нечаянно изменили законы природы с неожиданнами и иногда уморительно смешными результатами. Во время лабораторных занятий они вывели научную формулу, которая дает людям сверхчеловеческую силу, взрыв жизненных соков и энергию зерновым культурам.
Герби снова на ходу
Maitre d'
Влиятельный старик мистер Хокк разрушает старые дома, не считаясь с их жителями, для постройки небоскребов. Его не любят в городе, но ничего не могут сделать, так как очень боятся. Но миссис Штаймец — пожилая женщина, прожившая всю жизнь в своем доме, где вещи напоминают ей молодость, ни за какие деньги не соглашается на выселение. В борьбе против жестокосердного Хокка ей помогают машина по имени Херби и красавица Николь, временно живущая с бабулей. Мистер Хокк присылает к ним своего племянника, чтобы тот откупился от строптивых жильцов. Но племянник не разделяет несправедливые методы дяди и переходит на сторону миссис Штаймец. Кто победит — влиятельный богач или оригинальная компания — машина, бабуля и влюбленная парочка?
Call Her Mom
A sexy waitress becomes the house mother in a fraternity house.
The Phynx
Fritz Feld
A rock band is invented by the government as a cover to find hostages in a remote castle in Albania held by communist enemies of the USA.
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Sigmund Van Dyke
Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately, he also remembers information which was in the computer's memory, like Arno's illegal businesses..
Хеллоу, Долли!
Rudolph's Assistant
Нью-Йорк. 1890 год. «Миссис Долли Левай, организует знакомства в атмосфере элегантности и утонченности с целью заключения брака!» Такими словами начинается этот киномюзикл. Простая история о свахе, которая находит всем мужей и жен и не забывает про себя, превращена в феерическое шоу с участием актеров, певцов и танцоров.
The Comic
An account of the rise and fall of a silent film comic, Billy Bright. The movie begins with his funeral, as he speaks from beyond the grave in a bitter tone about his fate, and takes us through his fame, as he ruins it with womanizing and drink, and his fall, as a lonely, bitter old man unable to reconcile his life's disappointments. The movie is based loosely on the life of Buster Keaton.
Босиком по парку
Restaurant Proprietor
Пол и Кори Брэттер живут в маленькой квартирке на пятом этаже в районе Гринвич Виллидж. Она считает, что у них милый домик, а он, консервативный юрист, ненавидит свое жилье. Буайе, образец француза и ловеласа в глазах американцев, играет слегка чокнутого бабника, живущего этажом выше, которому приходится проходить через их квартиру, чтобы попасть в свою. Романтичной Кори нравится старый «казанова», и она устраивает ему знакомство со своей мамашей. Возникает много комичных и трогательных осложнений. Пол, например, отказывает предложению супруги пойти гулять босиком в Центральный парк, когда на улице всего 17 градусов и идет дождь. Но любовь, конечно, побеждает все…
Fritz (uncredited)
История жизни белокурой секс-бомбы. О ее пути к вершинам славы в беспечном Голливуде 1930-х.
The Patsy
Maitre D'
When a star comedian dies, his comedy team decides to train a 'nobody' to play the Star in a big TV show (a Patsy). But the man chosen, bellboy Stanley Belt (Lewis), can't do anything right. The TV show is getting closer, and Stanley is getting worse.
4 for Texas
In the 1870s, two rival businessmen, Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett, on a stagecoach heading to Galveston, Texas, must pull together to protect $100,000 from an outlaw named Matson. Once in Galveston, however, their rivalry continues, as Thomas joins up with Elya Carlson and Jarret with Maxine Richter. But Matson is still on the loose, and a scheming banker threatens both Thomas and Jarrett.
Who's Minding the Store?
Irving Catastrophe
Jerry Lewis plays Norman Phiffer, a proud man in a humble life, who doesn't know that his girlfriend, Barbara, is heir to the Tuttle Department Store dynasty. Mrs. Tuttle, Barbara's mother, is determined to split the two lovers, and hires Norman in an attempt to humiliate him enough that Barbara leaves him. Will she ruin their love, or will he ruin her store?
Обещания! Обещания!
Ship's Doctor
Две супружеские пары Брукс и Баннер отправляются в путешествие на круизном лайнере. Бруксы женаты уже четыре года, но до сих пор детей у них нет. Глава семейства панически боится того, что он бесплоден и обращается за советом к судовому врачу. Доктор считает, что все проблемы у супругов из-за самовнушения и решает выдать за панацею от "болезни" мистера Брукса обычный аспирин, что приводит к целой череде забавных ситуаций.
The New March of Dimes Presents: The Scene Stealers
John Swallowtail
A TV movie with intertwining music numbers and sketches.
Пригоршня чудес
Нью-Йоркский гангстер Красавчик Дэйв - парень с предрассудками. Он считает, что с ним ничего не может случиться, если каждый день он будет покупать яблоко у Яблочной Энни, вечно поддатенькой торговки фруктами. Хотя его помощник Джой Бой и шофер Джуниор считают это полной ерундой, его подружка всегда поддерживает все, чтобы не произнес ее дорогой Дэйв. В один прекрасный день Яблочной Энни не оказывается на ее обычном месте на углу улицы, и Дэйв отправляется ее искать. Он застает ее в глубокой депрессии, так как ее дочь Луиза, уверенная, что ее матушка уважаемая богатая матрона, приезжает в гости. С помощью Дэйва Яблочная Энни смогла чудесным образом преобразиться и выдать себя за «Миссис И. Уортингтон Мэнвилл», которой услуживают даже такие шишки, как мэр, губернатор и целая свора светской публики.
The Errand Boy
Busby - Roaring 20's Director
Paramutual Pictures wants to know where all the money is going so they hire Morty to be their spy. Morty works for Mr. Sneak and gets a job in the mail room so that he can have access to the lot. But all that Morty ever finds is that he can cause havoc no matter what he does.
The Ladies Man
Mrs. Wellenmellon's Hairdresser (uncredited)
After his girl leaves him for someone else, Herbert gets really depressed and starts searching for a job. He finally finds one in a big house which is inhabited by many, many women. Can he live in the same home with all these females?
Juke Box Rhythm
An European princess visiting America helps a record producer organize a big concert.
Up In Smoke
Dr. Bluzak (uncredited)
The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.
So You Want to Be Pretty
Dr. Von Slaughter (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe and Alice McDoakes each wish their looks were better.
Jail Busters
Dr. Fernando F. Fordyce
Slip and Sach (Bowery Boys) go to prison to help a reporter with a story.
Прожигая жизнь
Barber (uncredited)
Гомер Флагг - железнодорожный рабочий в маленьком городке Пустынная Дыра, Нью-Мексико. Его самая большая мечта - посетить Нью-Йорк, пока молод. Однажды он находит заброшенный автомобиль на старой атомном полигоне. Его врач и лучший друг Стив Харрис диагностирует у него радиационное отравление и дает ему три недели жизни. Репортер нью-йоркской газеты, услышав о тяжелом положении Гомера, убеждает своего редактора оплатить Гомеру поездку в Нью-Йорк и все расходы, чтобы сбылась его мечта. Стив, однако, понимает, что сделал ошибку, и Гомер страдает совсем от другого.
Riding Shotgun
When a stagecoach guard tries to warn a town of an imminent raid by a band of outlaws, the people mistake him for one of the gang
Paris Playboys
Marcel the Maitre d'
Sach is the exact double of a famous French scientist who has invented a powerful rocket fuel. Enemy agents, mistaking Sach for the scientist, attempt to kidnap him and get the formula for the fuel.
Crime Wave
Jess (uncredited)
Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a wounded former cellmate seeks him out for shelter. The other two former cellmates then attempt to force him into doing a bank job.
So You Want to Wear the Pants
Psychiatrist (uncredited)
It's a dangerous hypnotic suggestion when a psychiatrist tells married couple Joe and Alice McDoakes to switch points of view during a session.
Аншлаг О. Генри (Вождь краснокожих и другие)
Maurice (segment "The Gift of the Magi") (uncredited)
Фильм создан по пяти новеллам великого американского писателя сатирика О. Генри. В картине экранизированы рассказы, написанные в период с 1902 по 1910 год: "Фараон и хорал", "Трубный Глас", "Последний Лист", "Вождь краснокожих", "Дары волхвов".
Has Anybody Seen My Gal?
Alvarez (uncredited)
When a 1920s millionaire tests the fiber of his Vermont family, a young lady and her boyfriend feel the repercussions.
Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick
Shy farmboy loves his next-door neighbor, but she dreams of going to the big city. Then she gets mixed up with big-city gangsters.
So You Want to Enjoy Life
Dr. Hugo Flugleman (uncredited)
Believing he has only a month to live, average guy Joe McDoakes decides to live life to the fullest in the time he has left.
Sky High
Dr. Kapok
When he is told that he is to spend three more years as a tailgunner, goofball GI Herbert Pumice thinks that a promotion--which he has little to no chance of getting--will get him out of the job he hates. He asks his girlfriend Sally, who owns the base café, for help. She goes to the base commander, Col. Baker--who she knows has a crush on her--to help out Herbert. Col. Baker schedules a promotion hearing for Herbert that Friday. He naturally fails it miserably, and then learns that Col. Baker is going out on a date with Sally. Meanwhile, the base military intelligence officer discovers that Herbert is a dead-ringer for the head of a spy ring intending to sabotage a new automated plane, and gets Herbert assigned to infiltrate the gang. Complications ensue.
Journey Into Light
Clothing Salesman
John Burrows, an ordained minister from a small village in the East, envisions himself with a larger congregation. He is mortified when his wife drunkenly interrupts a sermon, then despondent after her suicide. Burrows travels to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but takes to the bottle himself and ends up arrested for public intoxication. A skid-row con man, Gandy, finds him a bed at a flop house, while a street preacher, Doc Thorssen, and daughter Christine take him to a local mission. Christine is blind. She falls in love with Burrows, enjoying his discussions of the spirit and the soul but knowing little of his past. One day she is struck by a streetcar and knocked unconscious, causing Burrows to once again question his faith. He ultimately accepts the Lord's will and is offered a better place to live and preach. Burrows decides he is better suited to the mission, with Christine by his side.
Kentucky Jubilee
Rudolph Jouvet
A film director travels to Kentucky to seek out local talent for a hillbilly musical film. There, he gets kidnapped.
Missing Women
Pierre (hairdresser)
A woman becomes desperate to find a pair of car thieves after her husband -- while on their honeymoon -- is killed during a robbery.
Rhythm Inn
Prof. Rinaldo
A bandleader, desperate to get his band's instruments out of hock, promises the pawnshop clerk--an aspiring songwriter--that he'll let the band's female singer do the clerk's songs at a local club if he will let the band "borrow" their instruments at night. The clerk's girlfriend, however, thinks that the band singer is after more than her boyfriend's songs.
Большой куш
Билл Лоуренс выигрывает множество призов в радиовикторине. Однако, счастье Билла недолговечно: он обнаруживает, что ему придется продать призы для того, чтобы заплатить налог на них.
Riding High
French Dressmaker (uncredited)
A horse trainer who has fallen on hard times looks to his horse, Broadway Bill, to finally win the big race.
Свидание с опасностью
Window Dresser
Правительственные агенты выслеживают убийц почтового инспектора и предотвращают похищение миллиона долларов. Лэдд хорош в роли крутого, немногословного инспектора, ведущего это дело. Хорошая игра Филлис Кэлверт в роли монахини. Расследуя убийство, инспектор раскрывает заговор, в результате которого похищаются большие суммы наличных денег при перевозке по железной дороге. Он представляется полицейским, которого можно подкупить, и вымогает деньги у банды, угрожая сорвать план ограбления.
Belle of Old Mexico
Dr. Quincy
Wealthy Kip Artmitage III (Robert Rockwell) honors his late wartime friend's request to look after the friend's "little sister."
The Lovable Cheat
Monsieur Louis
Posing as a wealthy Parisian, Mercadet fleeces friends and casual acquaintances alike. He is forced into this life of crime to keep up appearances, so that his daughter Julie can land herself a rich husband.
Mexican Hayride
Professor Ganzmeyer
Two con men selling phony stock flee to Mexico ahead of the law, where they run into a woman friend from their earlier days, who is now a bullfighter.
Trouble Makers
Mr. Andre Schmidtlap - Hotel Manager
Slip and Sach are in the sidewalk star-gazing business when they see a murder committed in a room at the El Royale Hotel.
You Gotta Stay Happy
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
Julia Misbehaves
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
The Noose Hangs High
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
My Girl Tisa
Prof. Tabor
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
If You Knew Susie
Chez Henri
In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
Тайная жизнь Уолтера Митти
Walter Mitty, a daydreaming writer with an overprotective mother, likes to imagine that he is a hero who experiences fantastic adventures. His dream becomes reality when he accidentally meets a mysterious woman who hands him a little black book. According to her, it contains the locations of the Dutch crown jewels hidden since World War II. Soon, Mitty finds himself in the middle of a confusing conspiracy, where he has difficulty differentiating between fact and fiction.
Hollywood Wonderland
Director (clip from "Swingtime in the Movies", 1938) (uncredited)
Two tour guides take visitors on a promotional tour of Warner Bros.' studios.
Fun on a Weekend
Sergei Stroganoff
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Carnival in Costa Rica
Hotel Clerk
Two pairs of lovers try to thwart an arranged marriage at Costa Rican fiesta time.
I've Always Loved You
Nicholas Kavlun
A beautiful young concert pianist is torn between her attraction to her arrogant but brilliant maestro and her love for a farm boy she left back home.
Gentleman Joe Palooka
Club Steward
In the second film of Monogram's Joe Palooka series, Joe is 'used', by two state senators scheming to obtain oil-rich lands, in a publicity campaign to get the land transferred to the state, supposedly for a park. When Joe learns that he has been used as a dupe he becomes disillusioned and leaves the prize=fighting profession. But, his manager, sparring partners, and fiancée manage to expose the land-grab scheme, clear Joe's name and discredit the crooked politicians.
Her Sister's Secret
Wine Salesman
A WWII tale of romance that begins during New Orlean's "Mardi Gras" celebration when a soldier and a girl meet and fall in love. He asks her to marry him but she decides to wait until his next leave. He is sent overseas and she does not receive his letter and feels abandoned, but she does find out she is pregnant. She gives the child to her married sister and does not see her child again for three years. She returns to her sister's home to reclaim the child, and the soldier, who has been searching for her, also turns up. The sister is not interested in giving up the child. Written by Les Adams
The Catman of Paris
Prefect of Police
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
Movieland Magic
(archive footage)
Released as part of a series of WB shorts under the collective title of "Technicolor Specials" (WB production number 2003) this short most likely holds the WB house record for a 20-minute film containing footage from the most different titles in their inventory. It's theme of a singing guided tour of the lot (and some of the footage) is from 1944's "Musical Movieland", the former title holder, and it contains clips from 1939's "Quiet, Please" and "Royal Rodeo"; "Sunday Roundup" from 1936 and 1940's "The Singing Dude." Pieces from "Out Where the Stars Begin" and "Swingtime in the Movies" may also be used, but it's hard to tell since they all tend to run together and show up in a lot of places during the 1940's Warner shorts. Its title of "Movieland Magic" is most apt considering the sleight-of-hand performed by the WB Shorts and Sales departments in once again selling the same film clips for the 3rd, 4th or more times.
Captain Tugboat Annie
Al Pucci aka Alfred Puccini
This tale of two tugboats focuses upon the rivalries between two operators competing to win a major shipping contract. Meanwhile a tugboat office secretary and an ex-con who wants to go straight, fall in love. Tugboat Annie is put in charge of a child violinist. When a waterfront fire breaks out, the two warring captains join forces to put it out.
George White's Scandals
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
The Great John L.
Claire's manager
Portrait of legendary fighter John L. Sullivan, aka "The Boston Strong Boy", and his meteoric rise to become the first gloved World Heavyweight Champion. But the famed boxer is no match for the two women with holds on him, love struck actress Kathy Harkness and the real love of his life, beautiful but unyielding Anne Livingstone.
Ever Since Venus
The American Beauty Association is about to hold its annual trade show in New York City and songwriter "Tiny" Lewis (Billy Gilbert) has just sold a song to Ina Ray Hutton ('Ina Ray Hutton'), the leader of an all-girl band headlining the show. Lewis shares an apartment with Bradley Miller ('Ross Hunter') and Michele (Fritz Feld), an artist, and Miller has just invented a non-staining lipstick called "Rosebud." Preparing to get a booth at the show, Miller is told by J. Webster Hackett (Alan Mowbray), a very devious "Cosmetics King,", intent on selling a big lipstick order to buyer Edgar Pomeroy (Thurston Hall), that it will cost him a $1000 to join the association and get a booth, which is about $999 more than Miller and his roomies have between them. But Miller's beauty-parlor girl friend, Janet Wilson ('Ann Savage'), meets factory-owner P. G. Grimble (Hugh Herbert), and money is soon no issue. (IMDb)
Take It Big
Doctor Dittenhoffer
Jack Haley plays Jack North, the nether end of a vaudeville horse act who inherits a western ranch. When he heads to the Great Outdoors to take possession, Jack winds up at the wrong place: a swanky dude ranch. He immediately begins running things, at it's quite a while before his error is discovered. By the time he shows up at his own ranch, he's up to his ears in unpaid debts-which naturally requires a fund-raising musical show as a bail-out. Harriet Hilliard handles the romantic portion of the proceedings, occasionally dueting with her real-life husband, bandleader Ozzie Nelson.
Knickerbocker Holiday
The wild and woolly early days of New York -- when it was still known as New Amsterdam -- provide the backdrop for this period musical-comedy. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant (Charles Coburn) arrives in New Amsterdam to assume his duties as governor. Stuyvesant is hardly the fun-loving type, and one of his first official acts is to call for the death of Brom Broeck (Nelson Eddy), a newspaper publisher well-known for his fearless exposes of police and government corruption. However, Broeck hasn't done anything that would justify the death penalty, so Stuyvesant waits (without much patience) for Broeck to step out of line. Broeck is romancing a beautiful woman named Tina Tienhoven (Constance Dowling), whose sister Ulda (Shelley Winters) happens to be dating his best friend, Ten Pin (Johnnie "Scat" Davis). After Stuyvesant's men toss Broeck in jail on a trumped-up charge, Stuyvesant sets his sights on winning Tina's affections.
Passport to Destiny
Chief Janitor
A British war widow travels to Berlin to assassinate Hitler.
Holy Matrimony
An artist returning from years abroad takes the identity of his dead valet and gets married, but then there are complications.
Призрак оперы
Скромный и тихий скрипач средних лет Эрик Клодин отказывает себе во всем и тратит все сбережения на тайное спонсирование уроков пения юной Кристин Дюбуа, к которой питает тайную страсть. Та об этом не подозревает и не обращает никакого внимания на музыканта, у неё уже есть два поклонника - оперный тенор Анатоль Гаррон и Рауль Д`Обер, инспектор Сюртэ. Доведенный до отчаяния Эрик совершает убийство музыкального издателя, но в результате его лицо становится обезображенным кислотой. Теперь цель его жизни - уничтожить всех, кто окружает Кристин...
Henry Aldrich Swings It
Josef Altman
Teenager Henry Aldrich decides to take matters into his own hands when his high school principal forbids the student band from playing swing music.
Heavenly Music
Niccolò Paganini (uncredited)
Bandleader/singer/songwriter Ted Barry arrives to heaven. The receptionist tells him that before he can take his place in the Hall of Music, a committee must review his work and decide whether he is worthy of admittance.
Herr Tegnar
Marine James Murfin, is unaware of Icelandic customs. When he flirts with Katina her Icelandic family take his actions as a proposal of marriage to Katina. Desperately wanting out, James gets his buddy to help him.
Maisie Gets Her Man
Professor Orco
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Sleepytime Gal
Chef Petrovich
Bessie Cobb, cake decorator in the kitchen of one of Miami's swankier hotels, is the central figure in an elaborate scheme by Chick Patterson, bell captain, who believes he can not only enrich Bessie, but himself, his fiancée, and the kitchen's three screwball chefs, Chef Popodopolis, Chef Petrovich and Chef Barzumium. He plans to enter Bessie in the singing contest sponsored by band-leader Danny Marlowe for a large recording company looking for new talent.. Chick has a recording made of Bessie's voice and substitutes it for that of "Sugar" Caston, who is being sponsored by a big-time gangster and is set up to win. But members of a rival gang, out to get "Sugar", mistake Besiie for her.
Shut My Big Mouth
Robert Oglethorpe
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Four Jacks and a Jill
Mr. Hoople
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, secures an engagement for them at the Little Aregal Cafe, with herself as the vocalist, by pretending she once knew the King or Aregal back in the old country. Steve shows up pretending to be the King of Aregal, and complicates the growing romance between Nina and Nifty. When Steve runs off with Opa, the real King of Aregal (also Steve) appears and complicates things again.
The Mexican Spitfire's Baby
Pierre Gaston de la Blanc
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife adopt a war orphan who turns out to be a beautiful woman.
Вы принадлежите мне
Hotel Clerk
Доктор Хант, для которой превыше всего в жизни профессиональная карьера, и миллионер мистер Кирк знакомятся на горнолыжном курорте. После стремительного ухаживания мистера Кирка они вступают в брак. Но на пути к их семейному счастью встает безудержная ревность мистера Кирка, умноженная на его обеспеченное финансовое положение и отсутствие четко выраженного смысла жизни. Казалось бы, этому браку не существовать, но, как известно, любовь способна на всё…
World Premiere
Field Marshal Muller
A movie-making publicity man screwball comedy about a movie producer who wants to create publicity for his latest project. He decides to have three men pose as spies, disrupting the opening, but things don't go quite as planned...there are actual spies also present!
Three Sons o' Guns
Stage Director
Three reckless brothers dodge the draft then sign up and become men.
Come Live with Me
Mac, the Headwaiter (uncredited)
Seeking US citizenship, a Viennese refugee arranges a marriage of convenience with a struggling writer.
Signor Makanoff
A hermit's idyllic life on an island is disturbed by the arrival of a bunch of cutthroats.
Sandy Is a Lady
Mary and Joe Phillips' (Nan Grey and Tom Brown) attempts to improve their financial status are alternately aided and endangered by the antics of their two-year-old, Sandy.
I Was an Adventuress
Henri Gautier
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
It's a Date
Oscar, the Headwaiter
An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!
In this musical, a sharp witted press agent teams up with an unemployed chorine and dubs her "Miss Manhattan" to promote a cheap line of clothing. To escort her about town, the agent invents a "Mr. Manhattan." He then has them fake a marriage. When he realizes that he is in love with his creation, the agent promptly fires "Mr. M" and takes her to the altar personally. Songs include: "Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me," "Unfair To Love," and "A Lemon In The Garden Of Love."
Millionaire Playboy
'G.G.' Gorta
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
Little Old New York
Tavern Keeper
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
Everything Happens at Night
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Little Accident
A baby is passed from hand to hand after her father abandons her.
В цирке
Джефф Уилсон, владелец небольшого цирка, должен своему партнеру Джону Картеру 10000 долларов. Прежде, чем Джефф смог заплатить, Картер позволяет своим сообщникам украсть деньги, так что теперь он может забрать цирк себе. Антонио Пирелли и Панчи, которые работают в цирке, вместе с адвокатом Луфолом пытаются найти вора и вернуть деньги.
Когда наступит завтра
Официантка Хелен встречает Филиппа Шагала, представившегося безработным музыкантом, и влюбляется в него. Филипп приглашает её на свидание, и она узнаёт, что он знаменитый пианист. Начинается ураган, на их машину обрушивается дерево, и влюблённые продолжают путь пешком. На ночь они находят убежище в церкви. А утром Хелен узнаёт, что Филипп женат...
Quiet, Please
Mr. Nitvitch
A temperamental director multiple times completely changes the concept during a movie's production.
Idiot's Delight
A group of disparate travelers are thrown together in a posh Alpine hotel when the borders are closed at the start of WWII.
Swingtime in the Movies
Mr. Nitvitch
In this musical short, a waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary gets her big break.
Artists and Models Abroad
Buck Boswell and his all-girl troupe are stranded in Paris, but Buck manages to con the manager of the 'Hotel de Navarre' in furnishing accommodations for his group, but the proprietor's wife locks them out. In his search for funds, Buck meets Patricia Harper, the fourth-richest girl in the world, but he isn't aware of that and thinks she is penniless. Patricia joins his troupe as a lark, and her father, James Harper, also pretends he is broke. Through some chicanery, Buck gets jobs for the girls as models at the Palace of Feminine Arts at the Paris International Exposition. James Harper borrows the priceless Napoleaon necklace to have a copy made for his daughter, but Buck thinks he stole it.
Campus Confessions
'Lady MacBeth'
This comical campus romance showcases the fancy footwork of All-American basketball player Hank Luisetti while it tells the story of a dean's son who does his very best to become a good student. When he fails, he turns to playing basketball and befriends Luisetti, which makes him quite popular. This doesn't sit well with the dean, who wants academics to be more important than sports.
The Affairs of Annabel
Wonder Pictures has been striking out at the box office lately, causing the seedy PR man to involve main star Annabel in ever outrageous stunts for publicity.
I'll Give a Million
Max Primerose
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Gold Diggers in Paris
Luis Leoni
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love.
Out Where the Stars Begin
Mr. Nitvitch
When the ballerina star of a musical feature walks off in a huff, aided by the fit-throwing director, her understudy steps in and a star is born.
Go Chase Yourself
Count Pierre Fountaine de Louis-Louis
When a bank is robbed, a not-so-bright teller is wrongly suspected of being part of the holdup team. Comedy.
Romance in the Dark
A baritone aids a young servant in making her dream of singing professionally come true.
Воспитание крошки
Fritz Lehman
Дэвид Хаксли — чудаковатый палеонтолог, последние четыре года жизни по косточке воссоздающий скелет бронтозавра. За день до свадьбы злодейка-судьба сталкивает его со Сьюзан, неуемной молодой девицей, которая тут же положила на него глаз и начала причинять бесконечные неприятности, пытаясь заполучить его. Венцом всеобщего кавардака является постоянно путающийся под ногами леопард ее тетушки по кличке Крошка. Дэвид, пытаясь вырваться из сетей Сьюзан, попадает во все более и более смешные ситуации.
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
True Confession
Krayler's Butler
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
Hollywood Hotel
The Russian
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Expensive Husbands
Herr Meyer, Hotel Director
Unable to get work in her home country, Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) travels to Vienna where her press agent, Joe Craig (Allyn Joslyn), convinces her to marry royalty. The lucky fellow is Prince Rupert (Patric Knowles), an impoverished nobleman now working as a waiter. Do the two of them fall in love despite this marriage of convenience?
Lancer Spy
Fritz Mueller
An Englishman impersonates an imprisoned German officer and "returns" to Germany to become a national hero. A female German spy is assigned to check him out but falls in love with him.
I Met Him in Paris
Swiss Hotel Clerk
Kay Denham is off for a fling in Paris, leaving her suitor Berk behind. There, she meets two new suitors, Gene and George. Gene smooth-talks her into a junket to Switzerland, but George (with no illusions about his friend) appoints himself chaperone. Through a series of slapstick winter sports, Kay remains puzzled about George's disapproval of Gene...but there's a reason.
The Wizard's Apprentice
This one has it all, the apprentice, the multiplying brooms, the buckets of water, everything that the Fantasia sequence has.
One Hysterical Night
The scheming aunt and uncle of William Judd, heir to the family fortune, persuade him to pose as Napoleon at a fancy masquerade ball, but they are actually having him committed to an insane asylum. Since all the other inmates/attendees think they are historical figures such as Robin Hood, the Duke of Wellington, Paul Revere, William Tell, Salome, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes and others, it takes a while for Judd to separate the wheat from the chaff and prove he is not deranged. His quest becomes more urgent when he falls in love with a nurse named Josephine, who does not think she is Napoleon's "Josephine" but is convinced Judd thinks he is Napoleaon.
Black Magic
James Fraser
On a South Seas island, "three white derelicts drink away memories of the past. After many adventures during which a girl enters the picture, the three are rehabilitated and everything turns out happily."
Mose Levett
A naive young dancer in a Broadway show innocently gets involved in backstage bootlegging and murder.
Последний приказ
A revolutionist
Офицер русского царя, Великий Князь Сергей Александрович предал революционера Льва Андреева тюрьме, обольщая при этом его жену Наташу. Она планирует убить его, но понимает, что Князь в глубине души человек чести, который любит Россию. И она помогает ему скрыться от большевиков, при этом сама погибает. Много лет спустя Сергей Александрович обеднел и поселился недалеко от Голливуда как разнорабочий. Его директор не кто иной, как давний враг Лев Андреев.
A Ship Comes In
Film which tells the story of immigrants coming to the United States.
Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon
Escape from the Golden Dungeon is the second part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.
The Golem: How He Came into the World
Jester (uncredited)
Suffering under the tyrannical rule of Rudolf II in 16th-century Prague, a Talmudic rabbi creates a giant warrior to protect the safety of his people. Sculpted of clay and animated by the mysterious secrets of the Cabala, the Golem was a seemingly indestructible juggernaut, performing acts of great heroism, yet equally capable of dreadful violence. When the rabbi's assistant takes control of the Golem and attempts to use him for selfish gain, the lumbering monster runs rampant, abducting the rabbi's daughter and setting fire to the ghetto.