Mariah Teixeira

Mariah Teixeira

Рождение : 1985-01-15,


Mariah Teixeira


Life Lasts Two Days
Rómulo's quiet routine in Rio de Janeiro changes overnight when an accident starts a wave of absurd events. Far from there, Orlando, his twin brother and rare works dealer tries to buy the book of a Brazilian student with financial problems. The twins' lives will be on a collision course with the arrival of a mysterious manuscript.
Один день Кармен, обычной жительницы Сан-Паулу: бытовые хлопоты, работа, подсмотренные на улице сцены. Ослабленная драматургия Марии Тейшейры и Нанды Феликс изображает мир, в котором все время что-то слегка не так, а каждое микрособытие заряжено агрессией.
Один день Кармен, обычной жительницы Сан-Паулу: бытовые хлопоты, работа, подсмотренные на улице сцены. Ослабленная драматургия Марии Тейшейры и Нанды Феликс изображает мир, в котором все время что-то слегка не так, а каждое микрособытие заряжено агрессией.
An electrical storm was created in silence.
Francisco is unhappy about his body.
Sol Alegria
While the country is under the yoke of a military junta and corrupt priests preach the apocalypse, a lawless, eccentric family – a kind of Bonnie & Clyde with kids – trek through the Brazilian interior. Their first aim is to deliver a consignment of weapons to a group of militant nuns who have withdrawn to the jungle, living off the income from their cannabis plantation. As gay , bi, trans, the converts so organized to make revolution.
Sol Alegria
While the country is under the yoke of a military junta and corrupt priests preach the apocalypse, a lawless, eccentric family – a kind of Bonnie & Clyde with kids – trek through the Brazilian interior. Their first aim is to deliver a consignment of weapons to a group of militant nuns who have withdrawn to the jungle, living off the income from their cannabis plantation. As gay , bi, trans, the converts so organized to make revolution.
Cães Famintos
Four stories portray the human being and his existential dramas. Bruno's life turns upside down when he is forced to take care of his newborn son as Helena, his wife, is afflicted by postpartum depression. Ronaldo, a 56-year-old man receives news of a terminal illness, as he prepares to receive his 80-year-old mother. Teenager Marta, 17, is plagued by the dictatorship of female beauty, and reaches her limits to achieve a perfect body. While the nurse Jorge meets Ana, they fall in love and end up having an extreme relationship that culminates in an unwanted pregnancy. The stories reveal the fragility of the human being in the midst of social relations.
Limpe Todo o Sangue Antes que Manche o Carpete
A couple in love. An adorable baby. Dear friends... and enchanting countryside. Perfect ingredients for an idyllic weekend that proves strangely unforgettable.
Eva Maria
At the beaches of Aracaju(Brazil), popsicle sellers believe in the myth of a girl dressed in white called Eva Maria.
Chão de Estrelas 8
Paulete, the star of a daring theater group, is visited by his military brother-in-law, the young Fininha. A torrid relationship arises between the two, and now the soldier must deal with the prevailing repression during the Brazilian military dictatorship.
End of Times. Father and daughter seek a place in the shade to rest.
Corpo Presente
Three desperate stories about working life in São Paulo.
When a album is played backwards, do not fear, a lot can happen.
The Impassive Muse
In "The Impassive Muse", Adrine is of Armenian descent and has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Edivaldo is from Pernambuco and suffers from immobilizing absence seizures which make him stand as still as a statue. Adrine is married to Adilson, a brutalized man who do not bear to be touched by the woman. Edivaldo wants to marry Gladis, unlikely aspirant to the fashion world. Adrine don't want to be noticed. Edivaldo need to 'be somedbody' to win back his bride. One morning, the lives of Edivaldo and Adrine cross because of ripe orange. Among historical monuments, sculptures, people of different backgrounds and dreams, Edivaldo and Adrine share a journey of recognition and acceptance without imagining that what they live, in fact is the oldest and necessary of the stories: a love story.
Luzeiro Volante
Let the most distracted of men delve into his deepest dreams: put him on his feet, move his legs, and he will infallibly lead you to water.
Стая зверей
В небольшой деревне неподалеку от сахарной плантации и спиртового заводика подлый и бедный Хейтор эксплуатирует свою шестнадцатилетнюю внучку Оксилиадору, заставляя ее показывать себя за деньги проезжим шоферам, остановившимся на бензозаправке. Группа местных хулиганов проводит время в оргиях с проститутками и марихуаной, а садист Сисеро домогается Оксилиадоры..