John Kelly

John Kelly

Рождение : 1901-06-29, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1947-12-09


John Kelly


Summer of Love
Produced in collaboration with MICA-TV, Summer of Love is a public service announcement produced for the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Featuring The B-52’s, David Byrne, Allen Ginsburg, Quentin Crisp, John Kelly, and others.
Jory is a fifteen-year-old boy who joins a horse-drive after his father is killed by a drunkard. The drive's leader and a likable cowhand take the boy under their wing, and find that tragedy has taught him how to take care of himself better than anyone could expect.
Вкус мести
Несколько бандитов убивают владельца небольшого ранчо. Причины этого убийства остаются неизвестны. Жена покойного берет с сына Джада обещание отомстить за смерть отца. Она нанимает ему хорошего учителя по имени Хак, который учит парня обращаться с оружием. Молодой человек оказался очень способным учеником, но, к сожалению, так и не смог понять, что нужно иметь тормоза и быть хладнокровным. Постепенно он выслеживает часть бандитов, причастных к смерти его отца, но, убив их, оказывается перед выбором: либо пойти в тюрьму и впоследствии быть повешенным, либо согласиться работать у некоего Сэма Питмана, который имеет влияние на местного шерифа и сможет убедить его оставить парня в покое. Естественно Джад принимает предложение Питмана, тем более, что он влюблен в его сестру Рину. Однако работа эта связана с убийствами и постепенно их становится всё больше и больше и бывший учитель Джада вынужден начать на него охоту.
The White Rose
An international oil company comes into conflict with a Mexican ranch owner who refuses to sell his land, resorting to a devious scheme to try to take over the property.
Captain Boycott
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Темный угол
Частный сыщик Брэд Голт в прошлом имел проблемы с законом из-за происков своего бывшего партнёра Джардена. Отсидев в тюрьме, Голт клянётся быть порядочным и законопослушным, вот только работа и буйный нрав тому не слишком способствуют. К тому же детектив обнаруживает за собой слежку, которую, судя по всему, финансирует тот самый Джарден, ставший адвокатом-шантажистом. Однако Голту предстоит убедиться, что всё гораздо сложнее, и что он должен стать пешкой в игре, разыгрываемой совсем другим человеком, имеющим насчёт Голта и Джардена свои планы.
Темный угол
Policeman at Gallery (uncredited)
Частный сыщик Брэд Голт в прошлом имел проблемы с законом из-за происков своего бывшего партнёра Джардена. Отсидев в тюрьме, Голт клянётся быть порядочным и законопослушным, вот только работа и буйный нрав тому не слишком способствуют. К тому же детектив обнаруживает за собой слежку, которую, судя по всему, финансирует тот самый Джарден, ставший адвокатом-шантажистом. Однако Голту предстоит убедиться, что всё гораздо сложнее, и что он должен стать пешкой в игре, разыгрываемой совсем другим человеком, имеющим насчёт Голта и Джардена свои планы.
Young Widow
Cab Driver (Uncredited)
A young bride tries to rebuild her life after she learns her husband has been killed in the war.
The Tiger Woman
Murder mystery programmer from Republic pictures
Trail to Vengeance
Henchman Bully
A cowboy investigating his brother's murder finds himself going up against a banker who holds the deed to the cowboy's family ranch.
Summer Storm
Bit Player (uncredited)
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
Drunken Bricklayer
1905 год. Мошенник Эдди Джонсон прибывает в Кони-Айленд, чтобы найти своего старого приятеля Джо Рокко, который когда-то обманул Эдди и сбежал с их общими заработанными деньгами. Эдди намерен получить долю в новом салоне Джо. В этом салоне Эдди знакомиться с певичкой Кэйт Фэрли. После того, как Эдди позволил себе раскритиковать безвкусный стиль Кэйт, Джо указывает ему на дверь. Эдди находит общий язык с Фрэнки и предлагает превратить его дешевый балаган с демонстрацией татуированной женщины в зрелищное танцевальное шоу. Очень скоро шоу Эдди и Фрэнка становится очень популярным и переманивает публику из заведения Джо Рокко. Когда Кэйт не скрывает от Джо заинтересованности новым шоу Эдди, вражда между старыми приятелями только накаляется...
Ten Gentlemen from West Point
Bombardier (uncredited)
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Лунный прилив
Докера Бобо терзают страшные мысли а не убил ли он того человека, с которым столкнулся сегодня на набережной. И тем же вечером он спасает очаровательную девушку, которая хотела утопиться...
Jail House Blues
A prisoner about to be pardoned puts it off until he can put on one last variety show for his fellow inmates.
The Pittsburgh Kid
Knockout Riley
Unable to sign boxer Joe Louis to movie contract, Republic Pictures had to make do with the losers of Louis' heavyweight championship bouts. One of these was Billy Conn, who after being knocked out by Louis in the 13th round awakened to star in the Republic programmer The Pittsburgh Kid. The story finds clean-limned pugilist Conn (playing himself) being managed by pretty Patricia Mallory.
Мужская сила
28 Club Bouncer (uncredited)
Работник электростанции Джонни Маршалл помогает своему коллеге встретить дочь, выпущенную из тюрьмы. Ему достаточно взгляда, чтобы понять — эта женщина приносит только несчастья. Однако с Фэй знакомится его лучший друг Хэнк, который делает ей предложение, и попытка Джонни расстроить свадьбу проваливается. А когда Фэй признается ему в любви, он хочет самоустраниться — но поздно.
Three Sons o' Guns
Buffalo Bill Oxenstern
Three reckless brothers dodge the draft then sign up and become men.
Road to Singapore
Sailor (uncredited)
Two playboys try to forget previous romances in Singapore - until they meet Dorothy Lamour...
Чёрная пятница
Taxi Driver
Во время уличной драки профессор университета Кингсли оказывается серьёзно ранен. В это же время аналогичный случай происходит с гангстером Кэнноном. Чтобы спасти своего друга, доктор Совак трансплантирует профессору часть мозга гангстера, который умирает. Но теперь Кингсли знает, где находится тайник с награбленными деньгами, которые Кэннон похитил у своего соперника Марнея. Получив мозг гангстера, Кингсли начинает вести себя соответствующим образом.
Castle on the Hudson
Rockpile Convict (uncredited)
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
My Little Chickadee
Henchman (uncredited)
While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
The Green Hornet
Pete Hawks
A newspaper publisher and his Korean servant fight crime as vigilantes who pose as a notorious masked gangster and his aide.
Meet Dr. Christian
The first of six films in the "Dr. Christian" series, starring Jean Hersholt as a small town doctor trying to convince local officials to approve funds for a new hospital.
Kid Nightingale
Dynamite Dennis (uncredited)
A waiter becomes a singing prizefighter.
They Shall Have Music
Kelly (uncredited)
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
These Glamour Girls
The Sailor 'Feather Foot' (uncredited)
A drunken college student invites a dance hostess to the big college dance and then forgets he asked her. When she shows up at school, he tries to get rid of her, but she won't leave. Instead, she stays and shows up both him and his classmates' snooty dates.
Wolf Call
Bull Nelson
A spoiled New York playboy learns the values of life when he's sent by his father to work in a rural mining community in Canada.
Sudden Money
Promises of happier times dawn for the financially distressed Patterson family when father Sweeney and brother-in-law Archibald "Doc" Finney win a $150,000 grand prize in the sweepstake contest. With their windfall, each member of the family decides to pursue a dream.
Sergeant Madden
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Convicts at Large
An innocent man is bamboozled into trading places with a dangerous escaped convict.
A magazine reporter exposes a crooked District Attorney, resulting in his trial. Complications ensue, however, when the man is acquitted.
Female Fugitive
Red, Dunning's chauffeur
Police set up a dragnet to trap an outlaw's wife whom they believe to be his accomplice.
Воспитание крошки
Дэвид Хаксли — чудаковатый палеонтолог, последние четыре года жизни по косточке воссоздающий скелет бронтозавра. За день до свадьбы злодейка-судьба сталкивает его со Сьюзан, неуемной молодой девицей, которая тут же положила на него глаз и начала причинять бесконечные неприятности, пытаясь заполучить его. Венцом всеобщего кавардака является постоянно путающийся под ногами леопард ее тетушки по кличке Крошка. Дэвид, пытаясь вырваться из сетей Сьюзан, попадает во все более и более смешные ситуации.
Everybody's Doing It
Steve's Henchman
Gangsters are attempting to control the solutions (and winning) of the puzzles in a national newspapers picture puzzles contest craze.
Merry Go Round of 1938
Bus Driver
Two screwy characters travel to Hollywood and cause mischief.
Portia on Trial
Lady lawyer Portia Merryman (Frieda Inescourt) defends woebegone Elizabeth Manners (Heather Angel), who is on trial for shooting her lover Earle Condon (Neil Hamilton). Ironically, Portia herself had once had a relationship with Earle Condon, but Earle's father, powerful publisher John Condon (Clarence Kolb), forced them apart. She has a pretty good idea of what is going on in Elizabeth's head, since she herself was on the verge of killing Earle Condon when his father ruthlessly took custody of her illegitimate son. As Portia toils and strains to free her client, she carries on a romance with Dan Foster (Walter Abel) -- the attorney for the prosecution. LA Law and The Practice have nothing on this one!
Live, Love and Learn
Sailor (uncredited)
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
Cab Driver
When Mountain City racketeer Charles Gillette is acquitted, he arrives at the Mountain City World newsroom and vows revenge on the Better Government Committee who put him behind bars. Members of the committee include Colonel Bogardus, owner of the World , Horace Mitchell, a candidate for mayor, and Mr. Franklin, a department store owner. First Gillette buys a rival newspaper, the Sentinel , and offers a pricey editorship to World newsman Ralph Houston, who refuses the offer on principle. That evening, Ralph and his partner, Tod Swain, are greeted at home by a creditor, and Vina Swain, Ralph's fiancée, is furious to find out he turned down Gillette's offer. When she learns Ralph went into debt to put her through college, she warns Gillette of a police raid and pays back Ralph's debt with Gillette's renumeration. When Ralph orders Vina not to work for Gillette, she breaks their engagement.
Angel's Holiday
Lively June, teen-aged daughter of mystery writer Waldo Everett, who calls her "Angel," becomes involved in intrigue centering on movie star Pauline Kaye and her companion Stivers. Reporter Nick Moore, once sweet on Pauline, is convinced that her sudden disappearance is a publicity stunt, which is true -- until gangster Bat Regan decides to get involved.
The Grand Bounce
'Lead-Head' Hogan (uncredited)
A man writes a check for $1,000 to cover a gambling debt. The problem is that he doesn't have enough money in his bank account to cover it. The check was written on Friday afternoon, but cannot be cashed before the following Tuesday. The check is used to pay several debts until...
Wings Over Honolulu
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
You Can't Buy Luck
Puggy (uncredited)
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
23 1/2 Hours Leave
Sgt. Tubbs
Army training Sgt. Gray makes a bet that he can get himself invited to breakfast with his commanding officer, General Markley. But he gets into an unhappy tangle with a couple of enemy spies (and a happy tangle with the general's daughter) before the bet is finally decided.
Fugitive in the Sky
Kid Couch
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
The Devil Is a Sissy
'Shivvy' the Tire Man
A well-bred young English lad living in lower Manhattan tries to gain acceptance from his not-so-well-bred peers at school.
Lady Luck
Joe - First Hood
New York manicurist Mamie Murphy plans to marry a rich man, so she repeatedly turns down the proposals of honest reporter David Haines. When she is announced the winner of $2,500 and a ticket worth $150,000 for champion horse Lady Luck, if the horse wins an upcoming race, Mamie is pursued by wealthy sportsman Jack Conroy and nightclub owner and racketeer Tony Morelli.
The Gentleman from Louisiana
John L. Sullivan
In Victorian-era USA, a horse-jockey becomes a scapegoat in the nefarious schemes of a group of small-time criminals.
Easy Money
Henchman Carney
Dan Adams resigns his position as prosecutor on the district attorney's staff and sets out to clean up a gang of fake-accident racketeers. He gets a job with an insurance company, and assures the company president he will get the goods on the gang or die in the attempt. At the company offices, he meets Carol Carter and she, believing he is a shyster (possibly redundant) lawyer in the employ of the racketeers gives him as little help as possible. Dan visits his brother Eddie, who is mixed up with the gang and tries to make him break away. Eddie is belligerent but finally, because of the pressure brought by Dan and his wife Tonia, agrees to go straight. The gang, led by "Duke" Trotti, fears he will squeal and they kill him, plus they make his death look like an accident and plan to collect on it. Dan is closing in on the gang when Carol, who is now his assistant, comes up with some conclusive evidence, but "Duke" has plans to get rid of her before she can give the information to Dan.
The Bridge of Sighs
Tommy, the Taxi Driver-Thug
Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
Dr. Socrates
Al - a Gangster
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Woman Wanted
Truck Driver Hitting Police Car (uncredited)
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
Public Hero Number 1
Federal Agent / Truck Driver Smuggling Gun (uncredited)
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Motive for Revenge
Detective Larkin
Bank teller Barry Webster is driven to stealing bank funds by his mother-in-law who continually nags him about forcing her daughter Muriel to live in poverty...
Stolen Harmony
Bates (uncredited)
Band leader Jack Conrad is impressed by prison inmate Ray Ferrera on saxophone. Conrad hires Ray to join his band and tour upon his release. Ray hooks up with Jean, a dancer in the show, and the two become a successful dance act. However, when an ex-inmate buddy of Ray's robs the tour bus, Ray is suspected of wrongdoing by Jack and the others in the group. After a gang of thugs hijacks the tour bus, Ray tries to use his street smarts to redeem his reputation.
West Point of the Air
Randolph Air Field Mechanic
An army sergeant inspires his son to become an ace flyer.
The Bands Plays On
Truck Driver
A judge hands four wayward boys to a college football coach who turns them into backfield stars.
Kid Millions
Adolph Wilson
A musical comedy about a Brooklyn boy who inherits a fortune from his archaeologist father, but has to go to Egypt to claim it.
Many Happy Returns
Gracie Allen assumes the "management" of the shop owned by her papa Horatio Allen, turning it into a radio station and then an aviary---with the usual Gracie Allen logic---while distracted Papa is trying to get younger daughter, beauty contest winner Florence, married before she can head to Hollywood and get into the movies.
Little Miss Marker
Canvas Back
Big Steve Halloway, gambler and proprietor of New York's Horseshoe Cabaret, where his girl, Bangles Carson sings, is in desperate need of money. He arranges for his fellow bookies, especially Sorrowful Jones, to each pay him $1,000 for his racehorse, Dream Prince, to lose. With all bets being placed at the window, Sorrowful encounters a gambler, having lost $500, wanting to place his bet but is unable to come up with $20. Instead, he places his daughter, Marthy Jane (Shirley Temple), as security, or in bookie's terms, a "marker". Having lost his bet, he commits suicide, leaving "little Miss Marker" under the care of Sorrowful Jones. As Steve hides out in Chicago to avoid investigation for his crooked bets, he entrusts Sorrowful to watch over Bangles during his absence, at which time the "gold digger" helps "tight-wod" with his trouble. When Big Steve learns Bangles is involved with Sorrowful, he returns to New York to do something about it.
Son of a Sailor
Sailor (uncredited)
A lovesick fool bumbles into espionage and finds a stolen plane.
Havana Widows
Bank Teller (uncredited)
Two golddiggers go fishing for millionaires in Havana.
Havana Widows
Tully, Star Turkish Bath Attendant (uncredited)
Two golddiggers go fishing for millionaires in Havana.
Good-bye Love
Sgt. Dugan the Jailer
A sexy golddigger lands who she thinks is a wealthy big-game hunter from a royal family. What she doesn't know is that not only is he not wealthy, nor a big-game hunter nor from a royal family, but he's only a butler. Complications ensue as he tries to keep up the pretense.
Broadway Thru a Keyhole
Louie (uncredited)
Racketeer Frank Rocci is smitten with Joan Whelan, a dancer at Texas Guinan's famous Broadway night spot. He uses his influence to help her get a starring role in the show, hoping that it will also get Joan to fall in love with him. After scoring a hit, Joan accepts Frank's marriage proposal, more out of gratitude than love. The situation gets even stickier when she falls for a handsome band leader during a trip to Florida. Can she tell Frank she's in love with someone else?
Ace of Aces
Gloski (uncredited)
A sculptor who doesn't want to have any part of World War I is shamed by his girlfriend into joining the army. He becomes a fighter pilot, and undergoes a complete personality change.
The Nuisance
Streetcar Conductor (uncredited)
Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.
The Secret of Madame Blanche
French Sailor (Uncredited)
A murder trial reunites a former chorus girl and her son, a grandson of an English aristocrat.
Big City Blues
Driver (uncredited)
An Indiana boy comes into an inheritance and moves to New York City, living it up with his girlfriend until he gets in over his head and someone gets killed.
Лицо со шрамом
One of Costillo's Hoods (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает захватывающую историю о жестком контроле организованной преступности над Чикаго в эпоху «сухого закона». Главный герой — Тони Кармонте, честолюбивый преступник, не знающий жалости. Тони идет к своей цели: он намерен стать криминальным боссом города.
The Mouthpiece
Cab Driver (Uncredited)
A prosecutor quits his job and becomes a defense attorney when he finds out that a man he got convicted and executed was actually innocent.
Suicide Fleet
Sailor at Sally's
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
Subway Express
Inspector Killany of the New York City police department is called in to investigate the murder of a subway passenger and the usual-and-unusual suspects climb on and off at each stop.
Ворота в Ад
Whitey Eckhart (uncredited)
Луи Рикарно - редкой смышлености малый. Однажды он организовывает между всеми крупными бандами Чикаго союз, дабы они друг друга не истребили окончательно, благодаря чему, будучи лидером этого преступного альянса, быстро идет в гору, женится и переезжает во Флориду, где начинает написание автобиографии, играет в гольф и входит в высший свет. Увы, в его отсутствие между группировками вновь начинает разгораться вражда, так что вскоре из преступной столицы Луи начинают поступать тревожные вести, на которые он, впрочем, не особо реагирует, упиваясь своей новой шикарной жизнью. Однако он несет ответственность за все происходящее, и вскоре ему об этом не очень деликатно напомнят северные друзья...
The Man Hunter
Rin-Tin-Tin leaves his usual far north and ranch settings for Africa.
From Headquarters
United States Marine Corps Captain "Happy" Smith and Gunnery Sergeant Wilmer lead a squadron of Marines in a search of a party of American tourists lost in a Central America banana republic jungle.
Пристани Нью-Йорка
Sailor Barfly (uncredited)
Один из последних фильмов заканчивающейся эпохи немого кино. Неповоротливый кочегар Билл (Джозеф Бэнкрофт) вытаскивает бродягу Мэй (Бетти Компсон) из воды. Они оказываются в шумном салуне и в спешке обещают друг другу жениться. При этом они почти не осознают, что блефуют, обманывают друг друга и себя. Утренний свет приносит опустошение, разочарование, отрезвление, и Билл уходит, чтобы получить наказание за украденное для Мэй платье.
Dressed to Kill
Biff Simpson
A mob boss' gang gets suspicious about their boss' new girlfriend, a beautiful young girl who doesn't seem to be the type who'd hang out with gangsters. They're not quite certain if she's actually a police agent or just a "groupie".
Sharp Shooters
Cafe Mug (uncredited)
A "love-'em-and-leave-'em" sailor hooks up with a dance-hall girl in Paris while waiting for his ship to sail. She falls in love with him, and when his ship leaves port she decides to show up at its next stop and reunite with her lover. However, when she arrives at the ship's next destination, she discovers that her "lover" has already found another local girl to spend his time with. Complications ensue.