Fearing he'll never be a success, Barnaby Bates, a struggling LA comedy writer, pulls away from a blossoming romantic relationship with Rose, an empathetic young photographer, in order to focus on his career. Things get complicated when he's visited by a mysterious stranger from the future who warns that the world as Barnaby knows it will soon be coming to an end.
Стая голодных и агрессивных акул нападает на арктическую научно-исследовательскую станцию, пожирая всех на своем пути. Станция тонет в ледяной воде, а оставшиеся в живых исследователи встают перед выбором: дать акулам отпор или разделить печальную судьбу погибших.
Earlene arrives at Venice Beach after running away from an estranged lover, only to become fast friends with an Australian skater who is also lost. Together, they set out into the desert to find themselves.
An actress is unwittingly hired by her stalker to make a low budget period movie about a famous unsolved Los Angeles murder, but she and her company of young indie filmmakers soon discover themselves to be the real subjects of the terror.