Sound Designer
Отмечая выпускной в компании друзей, юная Элли Картер замечает на пакете молока фотографию пропавшей девочки, как две капли воды похожей на нее. Решив пошутить, Элли звонит оп указанному номеру, однако в ходе разговора становится все очевиднее, что это и вправду может быть она.
Supervising Sound Editor
Tom's protective older sister, Samantha, goes missing and the strange events surrounding her disappearance become a match that sets aflame a small town's racial mistrust and mass hysteria eleven years later. In 1997, when tension in the Middle-East is prominent, the future of our world remains uncertain. Tom begins to have terrifying dream memories and finally decides to uncover the truth behind his sister's disappearance. Tom attempts to confront Ezzedine, an old Arabic recluse who harbors the answers to all of his questions concerning Samantha's vanishing. But the suspicious hermit is being viciously pursued by a police officer whose sanity spins wildly out of control. A last desperate act sends Tom home to protect his family and it is there that the greatest secret is revealed. For Tom's story is that of a witness to the tragedy of our world. A witness to... The Coming.