Keyvan Khojandi

Keyvan Khojandi


Keyvan Khojandi


Five family depictions, five disrupted balances. An anthology which broach subjects such as mourning, family toxicity, the lack of parents/children communication, miscarriage or divorce.
Five family depictions, five disrupted balances. An anthology which broach subjects such as mourning, family toxicity, the lack of parents/children communication, miscarriage or divorce.
Five family depictions, five disrupted balances. An anthology which broach subjects such as mourning, family toxicity, the lack of parents/children communication, miscarriage or divorce.
Ночной конвой
Le commandant de bord
Парижские полицейские Виржини, Эрик и Аристид вынуждены принять необычное задание — вернуть мигранта на границу. По дороге в аэропорт Виржини понимает, что по возвращении на родину их подопечному грозит смерть. Столкнувшись с этим испытанием совести, она пытается убедить коллег позволить ему сбежать.
Violent guy
A young man likes spending time in the shower, too much according to his girlfriend. She thinks he is too slow and throws him out of her place. Armed with a little hourglass, he wants to prove her that he can be faster, 3 minutes max in the shower . From shower to shower he begins a real initiatory journey full of obstacles, mourning, and dating.