Myriem Roussel
Рождение : 1962-12-26, Rabat, Morocco
Myriem Roussel is a French actress born in Rabat (Morocco) on 26 December 1961. She is most noted for her role as Marie in Jean-Luc Godard's 1985 film Je Vous Salue Marie/Hail Mary which was controversial at the time. She had come to Godard's attention when she appeared as an extra in Passion. Other film appearances include The Patriots (1994), Dark at Noon (1993), the 1985 adaptation of Yasunari Kawabata's 1964 novel Beauty and Sadness, and First Name: Carmen (1983)
Céramique and Louis are a carefree and charming young couple. But soon the whims of love appear. They have to face up to it.
La suissesse
Hippolyte, the chef at the small Paris restaurant of the title, is losing his sense of smell - and without that, you can’t cook. Not in France. The restaurant has to close. Guests and customers of the ailing master chef gather for one last fabulous meal. Between courses, personal conflicts are explored and flashbacks flesh out incidents from the lives of the restaurant owners.
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.
4 young people are long time friends. They have a dinner together, which will turn into a mess when they play a game which consists in writing a vow on a little piece of paper to be put into a bottle: they love each other, but they are not able to transcend their loneliness and their selfishness.
La vierge des imitations
In this mystical comedy, Felicien has traveled to Portugal from France soon after the end of the First World War. It seems that his recently deceased father had invested a lot of money in a factory located in a remote village, and he has come to evaluate that investment. He gets some clues to the real situation in the town when the man driving his coach refuses to go any further and leaves him on a section of road which is practically paved with abandoned crutches. After a short trek, he meets up with the local dignitary who is to show him around, and he meets a priest and an artist. The priest gives a further clue to the events taking place in the village when he indicates that he's completely exasperated with the endless miracles that seem to be taking place. From that point onward, amazing coincidences, visions and miracles take place in great numbers.
Макс, тридцатилетний врач скорой помощи, имеющий экстравагантную, пышногрудую и сексуально озабоченную невесту Коко, всё равно ищет идеальную женщину, которая, мучая и не давая покоя, притягивала бы ещё сильнее. Встреча с Мари заставляет Макса целиком отдаться новому чувству и покорно попасть в западню Венеры…
Sister Virginia Maria de Leyva
The young noble Don Monza is caught and thrown out by the nun Virginia de Leva when she catches him flirting with one of her nun sisters across the stone wall between their gardens. He hears the rumor that she'd have an affair with her trustee - so he kills him in a set-up duel and aims to take his place. Against her initial resistance, Monza manages to win her heart - and to get into her bed. This doesn't stay a secret for long, but Monza, now in love, does everything to keep it going.
Ned, a petty criminal, falls into the trap laid by Frank, a sadistic cop who, after having beaten him, takes him home. But Frank's wife Lily helps Ned escape and they fall in love.
Hugo is a writer whose one great book was based on an affair he had with Lea, a sculptor. Bereft of inspiration for a follow-up, Hugo returns years later to rekindle the flame of romance and creativity. Lea soundly rejects him, and her student Prudence feels a burning hatred for the man who deserted the teacher she admires.
Юная Мари, дочь служащего бензоколонки, студентка, которая увлекается баскетболом, ни с кем из парней ещё не спала, хотя в неё влюблен Жозеф, молодой таксист, предлагающий руку и сердце. Но он лишь вынужден довольствоваться лицезрением обнажённого живота девушки, растущего, вопреки всем законам физиологии и медицины, буквально на глазах…
Жан-Люк Годар с приступом жесточайшей депрессия лежит в больнице. Он не может написать ни строчки нового сценария. И вот, пожалуйста: приходит его племянница Кармен, которая сообщает, что вместе с друзьями намерена снимать кино. И для этого ей нужна его квартира с окнами на море. Годар не может придумать новый фильм, а Кармен - может! Что же будет дальше? Дальше - все, как в кино: ограбление банка, безумный роман, полиция, погони... О чем этот фильм? Вовсе не о Годаре и не о кино. Он о Кармен, о том, что женщина может сделать с мужчиной.
Notes on the inception and making of Hail Mary.
Польский режиссер снимает для французского телевидения. Он вылез за рамки бюджета и потерял вдохновение. Выйти из состояния застоя ему помогают две женщины — Ханна, хозяйка гостиницы, где остановилась съемочная группа, и уборщица Изабель, недавно уволенная с работы мужем Ханны.