Rob Hartz


Не поминай зло
Однажды в небольшом городке пропала девочка. На следующий день после таинственной вспышки пропали все остальные дети... Обеспокоенные родители попытались сделать всё возможное, чтобы вернуть своих чад. И они вернулись... Только не такими, какими их привыкли видеть родители. Зло овладело их душами, превратив в кровожадных охотников за плотью." Не поминай зло, ибо час его уже близок"...
After Armageddon
Chris Johnson
The plot centers around the Johnson family (consisting of Chris (Rob Hartz) and Ellen (Kathleen Cameron) Johnson, and their son Casey (Hy Rillero)) of Los Angeles, California, one of a small number of families to survive a global pandemic that, according to the opening of the film, occurs "sometime in the future..." The disease began as a particularly virulent flu strain in Southeast Asia. Efforts made to contain the virus in that portion of the world are ineffective as global transportation networks carry infected individuals all around the world. Hospitals become overloaded, and the public works infrastructure begins to shut down. Eventually, the main characters leave L.A., encountering many hardships along the way. They make it to a friendly small town, where life begins again.
Pinocchio's Revenge
Defense attorney Jennifer Garrick acquires a Pinocchio puppet from a condemned serial killer. Her pre-teen daughter, Zoe, mistakes the puppet as a birthday present and grows attached to her new friend. Suddenly, accidents begin to happen to those who cross Zoe. Zoe claims it's her Pinocchio doll but her therapist thinks otherwise. Pinocchio promises he'll behave if Zoe will cut his strings...