Taizô Kawashima

Рождение : , Japan


Taizô Kawashima is a Japanese production designer and art director. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Art Direction for the film Tora! Tora! Tora!.


Onmitsu Doshin: The Edo Secret Police
Art Direction
A group of warriors decide to unite to help the oppressed masses. Disguised as ordinary people, they are dedicated to fighting evil till the end.
Тора! Тора! Тора!
Art Direction
Драма, посвященная событиям 7-го декабря 1941 года, когда японская армия нанесла сокрушительный удар по военно-морской базе США — Перл Харбор.
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu
Art Direction
In turbulent 16th-century Japan, the leaders of a minor fief have their child taken from them as a political hostage. His mother and his clan endure years of tribulations until he can return.
Group Burglars Break the Magistrate's Office
Art Direction
Eight villains, former pirates, gather to attack the magistrate's office. They develop a plan and begin their actions in secret, making full use of their special abilities. In the end, their plan goes beyond what was intended and turns into a good deed for many people. A masterpiece of historical drama, full of breathtaking thrills and action.
Shingo's Final Duel
Art Direction
After Aoi Shingo, the illegitimate son of Shogun Yoshimune has gained prominence as the finest swordsman in the land, he tries to lead a peaceful life with his mother far away from the seat of government in Edo. Not wanting to inconvenience his father anymore his plan is to stay away from the city and enjoy life like a normal man. Unfortunately for him, his past comes back to haunt him in the person of his mortal enemy, the one swordsman that is skillful enough to defeat him. This is the most perilous moment of Shingo's life as he must face his deadliest foe in a battle to the death!
Воин из ветра
Art Direction
В фильме рассказывается о таинственной судьбе романтика Синдзо и прекрасной принцессы, которые оказались в центре интриги вокруг легенды о земле Ясура в горах Кумано. Сундуки золота, любовь к прекрасной принцессе и приближающийся злой меч сегуната предстоит пережить герою этого эпического ниндзя-триллера.
Воин из ветра
Production Design
В фильме рассказывается о таинственной судьбе романтика Синдзо и прекрасной принцессы, которые оказались в центре интриги вокруг легенды о земле Ясура в горах Кумано. Сундуки золота, любовь к прекрасной принцессе и приближающийся злой меч сегуната предстоит пережить герою этого эпического ниндзя-триллера.
Sword of Wind and Clouds
Art Direction
This gripping historical drama depicts a clash of swordsmen, secret government spies, mysterious thieves, robbers and roving samurai who want to take possession of the “Sword of Heaven and Earth.” The film stars the father and son of Jushiro Konoe and Hiroki Matsukata.
20 Duels of Young Shingo - Conclusion
Art Direction
While on his journey through the countryside of Japan, Shingo encounters many people whose lives have been affected by his actions. Though the many duels he fought were intended to bring justice to those who sought to do evil, he is faced with the knowledge that his victories have also caused suffering amont the family members of his victims-leading him to question his life's philosophy. This superb film is the final chapter in this part of Shingo's story. A fitting tribute to his quest to be the supreme swordsman.
Tokaido Fullhouse
Art Direction
When Kanbe Nagakichi has his turf taken over by Ano-Toku, the father-in-law of his sworn brother Kira Nikichi sets in motion one of the most violent gang battles in Japanese history. Forced by the situation to choose between family and yakuza honor, Nikichi faces off against the vile combination of Ano-Toku and Kurokoma Katsuzo, villains so low as to ambush their foes using snipers. Nikichi, who owes allegiance to Boss Jirocho of Shimizu asks Jirocho to spare Ano-Toku’s life until events force a showdown between the 30 member Shimizu gang and a force of over 200 men fighting on Ano-Toku’s behalf. Meanwhile, a mysterious samurai may hold the key to deciding the outcome of this battle!
Mark of Blood
Art Direction
Three young yakuza, Fujitaro, Matsugoro and Kanjuro, travel the country fighting evil.
Sazen Tange: Heavenly Clouds, Earthly Dragon
Art Direction
This movie depicts a familiar samurai Tange Sazen story realistically. A Tange loses one of his eyes and arms in an attempt to recover a masterpiece sword for his lord. However, his efforts are not appreciated and he becomes a man of hatred.
Knightly Advice
Art Direction
Restoration Fire
Art Direction
Megastar Kataoka Chiezo is Vice-commander Hijikata Toshizo of the Shinsengumi in this realistic tale of Japan’s inner battles that led to the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. Excellent performances and extremely good swordplay highlight this glimpse into the heart and soul of Japanese history. Although known as “Razor Blade” Hijikata, the vice-commander is a man of deep conviction with a little-known sense of humanity. Starting after the famed Ikedaya Incident, in which they saved Kyoto from Choshu’s plot to burn the city to ashes, they work hard to change the public’s view of them as merciless killers to their true mission of protecting the shogun. This is an extraordinary tale of blood and guts! From the pen of award winning author Shotaro Ikenami (Bandit Vs. Samurai, Hunter in the Dark, Misumi's The Last Samurai)
Tange Sazen and the Princess
Art Direction
Tange Sazen interferes with an evil plot against the Iga Yagyu family.
Samurai Hawk
Art Direction
1716, Yoshimune becomes the 8th Shogun as high Shogunate officials are attacked. While the government tries to keep these incidents under wraps, they must take any means possible to get to the bottom of this mystery and find out who is behind them.
Mighty Shosuke
Art Direction
A comedy about a free-spirited man Shosuke, whose life is turned upside down when he is ordered to serve the clan lord.
Hibari’s Favorite 2
Art Direction
Young girl Kichiza searches for her missing brother and the person responsible for the death of her parents.
The Chivalrous Youth of Great Edo
Art Direction
Jidaigeki by Tai Kato
A Spectacular Showdown
Art Direction
One of the great stories from Japan’s rich history comes to life in this true tale of the bloody showdown between two rival yakuza gangs in the 1840’s. The battle between Boss Sukegoro of Iioka and Boss Shigezo of Sasagawa has been portrayed many times, most notably in the first Zatoichi film, where the blind man befriends the tubercular ronin Hirate Miki, before cutting him down in one of the great duels in cinema history. This all-star extravaganza pulls out all the stops, with appearances by virtually all of the great actors and actresses from Toei’s studio at the time. Ichikawa Utaemon’s portrayal of the kind-hearted, noble yakuza boss Shigezo of Sasagawa contrasts sharply with the devious Sukegoro of Iioka. Corrupt as he may have been, his men were all willing to give up their lives for him.
Secret of the Golden Coin
Art Direction
A princess finds life behind the protection of her brother and the high walls of the mansion to be quite dull, so she takes on another identity and lives in a small house in Edo pretending to be a singer but all the while she is actually a Shogunate Detective. Framed by a crooked magistrate for a crime she did not commit, Oshichi must clear her name of false charges after a woman helps to lead a prison break of the notorious Oshu Remnants. Meanwhile the magistrate, Lord Kai, conspires to be rid of her brother, Clan Elder, Lord Abe Iyo. Her only clue is an ornate dagger with a handle made of golden coins.
The Abandoned Swords
Art Direction
Best friends Gentaro and Sanpei become fateful enemies when Sanpei steals a secret document revealing the identity of the chosen successor to the Tokugawa Shogun. Gentaro of the Owari clan sets out to retrive the invaluable document.
A Martial Crowd
Art Direction
As a result of a superstitious belief that twins bring bad luck to the family, newborn twin princesses are separated. Yukihime, who was sent away to be raised by a yakuza family in Edo, returns home after many years to settle an old score.
Seven from Edo
Art Direction
When Katsukawa, a low ranking vassal, learns that his greedy superior, Tatewaki, has hatched a plan to expand his territory, he and his comrades decide to take matters into their own hands. Lots of action in this all-star production from Toei Films, the foremost studio during that era. As with so many of their films, this is highly entertaining, with lots of plot twists and exciting swordplay
Secret of The Golden Spell
Art Direction
One of Japan’s most popular folklore characters, Tange Sazen, the one-eyed and one-armed swordsman, must rescue the Yagyu clan from the treachery of a master plotting to take control over a sword fighting school.
Travel Romances
Art Direction
Romantic comedy.
Sedge Hat
Art Direction
Pirates Magistrate
Art Direction
The Black Hooded Man 4
Art Direction
A Warrior's Flute
Art Direction
Tale of tragic love between samurai and princess during Heian period.
The Black Hooded Man 2
Art Direction
The mysterious black hooded man, Kurozukin, helps transport funds raised to fight against the government.
Когда любишь
Production Design
Фильм состоит из трёх новелл. Томико, героиня первой новеллы «Цветочница» (режиссёр Кодзабуро Ёсимура),— маленькая девочка, на плечи которой непосильным бременем легли заботы о семье. Отец Тамико уже давно не может найти себе работу, старшая сестра безнадёжно больна — вряд ли ей удасться поняться на ноги. Чтобы прокормить родных, Томико с утра до поздней ночи бегает по городу и продаёт цветы… Вторая новелла (реж. Тадаси Имаи) тоже рисует быт бедняков. Незнакомая девушка принесла молодому Кавано письмо от его матери. Оказывается, девушку зовут Кунико, она очень трудолюбивая, но семья её умирает от голода. Поэтому мать решила отправить Кунико к сыну, чтобы тот женился на ней. Новелла так и называется «Неожиданная невеста». Особый интерес представляет третья новелла, которая дала название всему фильму: «Когда любишь» (реж. Сацуо Ямамото). Здесь показана семья молодого борца за мир.
На исходе дня
Art Direction
В апреле 1945 года японские войска были на грани развала. В находящемся на острове Лусон подразделении растёт число дезертиров. Среди убежавших в джунгли оказался и военный хирург Ханада, захвативший с собой влюблённую в него местную девушку Тиэ. Вместе со своим подчинённым, сержантом Такасиро, поручик Удзи начинает преследование беглецов.
Vacuum Zone
Art Direction
Just before the end of the war, Japanese soldier Kitani is released from prison, having served his term for theft. Told in flashback, viewers learn about Kitani's past and reasons behind his prison sentence.
The Yamabiko School
Art Direction
A story of a passionate teacher and his great effort for the children in a poor village.
Snow Trail
Art Direction
Three bank robbers, Eijima, Nojiri, and Takasugi, flee the police and escape into the mountains. At an inn high in the Japanese Alps, Eijima and Nojiri encounter a young woman and her father, as well as Honda, a mountaineer. The inn folk do not realize their guests are wanted criminals and the visitors are treated with great kindness. Honda volunteers to lead them over the mountains, but Eijima's paranoia endangers all of them as they make the perilous trip.
Duel at Yagyu Valley
Art Direction
During the Warring States era, Hozoin Kakuzenbo and Yagyu Tajima-no-kami, being best friends, spend their days acquiring skills of the spear, sword and martial arts. Hozoin loses a series of matches with master swordsman Kozumi Ise-no-kami. Bitterly ashamed, Hozoin embarks on a journey, trying to perfect his skills. A few years later, Hozoin is ready and it's time for the ultimate showdown with Ise-no-kami!