Frank Moorhouse


The Everlasting Secret Family
A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long as he is young. He has no other function than being young. With the help of an aged judge, the young man, referred to only as The Lover, contrives a plan to make a change in the way of the world, a plan that will take him years to realize. To succeed, he must manipulate, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, the senator, his wife, the family chauffeur (who was, when young, a lover), and, by implication, the entire well-planned and controlling everlasting secret family.
The Everlasting Secret Family
A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long as he is young. He has no other function than being young. With the help of an aged judge, the young man, referred to only as The Lover, contrives a plan to make a change in the way of the world, a plan that will take him years to realize. To succeed, he must manipulate, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, the senator, his wife, the family chauffeur (who was, when young, a lover), and, by implication, the entire well-planned and controlling everlasting secret family.
Парень из фирмы «Кока-Кола»
Представитель компании «Кока-Кола» бывший морской пехотинец, настоящий американец, гордящийся компанией, как национальным флагом, приезжает в Австралию, чтобы продвигать там этот чудесный продукт. Он сразу же обнаруживает район, не охваченный божественной кокой, и отправляется туда лично. Там он находит крутого старика, производящего прохладительные напитки на фабрике из собственного сырья по технологии еще 30-х годов. Кокакольщик пытается перетащить упрямого старца на свою сторону, а заодно заводит роман с его дочерью.
Who Killed Baby Azaria?