This hard-boiled action starring Naoto Takenaka is directed by popular manga artist Kazuhiro Kimchi. 8 years ago Brazilian mafioso Carlos had brought the Japanese yakuza organization to its knees. He breaks out of prison while being transported back to Brazil and then begins to seek to get even with the organization.
Matsushita decides to make a new journey by meeting a fateful woman, Askako, while being chased by a hitman and the police. What awaits him at the end?
The biggest crisis has come to Matsushita, a shootist who has passed through numerous shrines!
V-cinema classic about a wanted Brazilian Japanese gangster who flees to Tokyo and fights yakuza.
Three cute, sexy ninjas, around the age of 20, have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes apparent when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes.
Two brothers, Jinta and Wataru, are raised in a travelling circus. After an accident, Jinta decides to leave the circus and travels the countryside working as a con-man. After a run-in with a local gang of yakuza, he is invited to join their ranks, where he makes the mistake of falling for a boss's mistress. Wataru stays with the circus and works hard to regain its former glory
В одном из районов Токио после летних каникул планируется снести старую школу. Единственный человек, который серьёзно переживает по этому поводу, — преподаватель японского языка Накадзима. Он решает во время летних каникул провести специальные дополнительные занятия для отстающих учеников, которые бы остались у них на память о старой школе. Занятия в отличие от обычных проходят по желанию самих учеников. Дети хотят знать, как понравиться учительнице, как кататься на роликах и многое другое, что не объясняется на обычных уроках. Совместные игры-занятия сплачивают их, а настоящая дружба рождается, когда они готовятся провести праздник специально для отца одной девочки, больного раком. Чтобы доставить ему радость, им приходится преодолеть много трудностей.
A bold adaptation of Koharu Kisaragi's play of the same name. Four girls in a high school drama club try to put on their first play, "DOLL", but it doesn't go well because they have many differences. This 102-minute film follows the emotional trajectory of the girls as they hurt each other, come to believe that no one needs them, and end up committing suicide. The truth of these four people, who tried to live pure and beautiful lives, is heartbreaking.
Based on the popular comic, “Shonan Bakusozoku” illustrates the lives of high school bike fanatics.
Teen thugs Hiroshi and Toru get caught in a street war when their prized school trousers are forcefully taken from them by punks from a rival school.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
Япония, середина XIX века. Дзиро — сирота, воспитанный доброй крестьянкой. Однако неожиданно приемную семью Дзиро убивают, а его самого соседи считают убийцей. Все, что осталось у Дзиро, — старинный меч, который называют Божественным.Тэнкай, глава одного из кланов ниндзя, помогает Дзиро отомстить за смерть приемной матери и берет его в свой клан на обучение. Однако вскоре Дзиро осознает, что Тэнкай и его приспешники хотят захватить власть в стране. Не желая иметь с ними ничего общего, юноша убегает из клана и пытается узнать, кем были его настоящие родители. Однако для того, чтобы узнать правду, ему приходится совершить кругосветное путешествие…
Pink film from 1984
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Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Based on the life of Japanese serial killer and thief Kiyotaka Katsuta.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Задолго до начала времен, когда Солнечная система была лишь облаком межзвездной пыли среди ледяного безмолвия хаоса, Великий Генма, чудовищное воплощение вселенского зла, вел яростную битву против всего сущего, поклявшись превратить космос в мертвое Ничто. Миллиарды лет, порабощая тела невинных и подчиняя себе стихии, бесформенный ужас пожирал галактики и созвездия, и теперь на его пути стоит хрупкая и одинокая планета Земля, чья единственная надежда — горстка загадочных сверхлюдей. Эти бесстрашные и мудрые воины способны одним усилием воли воздействовать на предметы с сокрушительной силой, и скоро их ряды пополнят новички, еще не подозревающие о своих способностях — прекрасная и грозная трансильванская принцесса Луна и простой японский школьник Джо. Когда Нью-Йорк будет лежать в руинах, а Токио превратится в песчаную пустыню, они, познав всё могущество своих удивительных сил, вместе с древним боевым роботом Вегой и собратьями воинами выйдут на решающую битву с Великим Генмой.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
University lecturer Yoshimatsu lusts after Mikiko. He attempts to get closer to her by seducing Mikiko's mother.
Japanese crime film
Tachibana is a drunk whose gambling compulsion ends up putting him in a bad way with the local Yakuza. Unable to pay his debt, he hocks the deed to his wife Izumi's restaurant (which she inherited from her now deceased father) in order to stay out of trouble with the thugs.
Mari and Emi are out in Kabukicho. They are both innocent, but Emi gets raped at a disco. Mari decides on a course of revenge...
Former blues singer turned private eye, BJ becomes involved in a dangerous gang business.
Убит детектив из Первого отдела, а при помощи украденного у него пистолета ограблено подпольное казино. Полиция сбилась с ног в поисках преступника, не подозревая, что им может быть фотограф Датэ Кунихико, в жилах которого течёт кровь зверя.
Pinku from 1980.
Повелитель вампиров, преданный анафеме убийца-колосожатель, князь Влад Цепеш, Дракула. Многие считали, что он погиб от руки своих заклятых врагов из рода Ван Хельсингов, но Дракула и по сей день пьёт кровь невинных жертв. Его следы приводят охотников на вампиров в Америку, где князь избрал себе смертную невесту, от которой будет рождён его сын…
Two killers revenge a wirepuller of the underworld in Yokohama.
Film adaptation to Junichiro Tanizaki's novel "Naomi". Focused around a man's obsession for a "modern girl".
The third movie in Tôru Murakawa's Game trilogy about a hitman. Narumi is set up by a mysterious woman. Abducted and tortured, Narumi is forced to take on a difficult job. The target is a veteran killer as good as him.
A plot to steal money from gangsters leads to trouble...
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Famous detective Kindaichi solves a series of mysterious murders in a wealthy family. An excellent blend of intrigue and betrayal, set against the backdrop of wealth, this film is loaded with twists and turns and surprises at every corner.
16 year-old girl named Aya is infatuated with the proletarian politics of working-class rebel, Miyata. Her sister Sono believes the boy is not a good influence and she allows her ‘Master’ (a powerful Judge with whom she is a mistress) to arranged for the authorities to kill Miyata. After the boy’s death, Aya tries to take revenge against the Master but gets arrested for attempted murder. Due to the Master’s influence, Aya is sentenced to house arrest… at the Master’s home (!). She is soon raped and introduced to bondage and extreme sexual abuse.
The second movie of Tôru Murakawa's "Game" trilogy. After making a sensational hit, a hitman has gone into hiding for five years. When he comes back he bumps into two women that he has spared five years ago. Two rival yakuza bosses hire Narumi to kill the other. Will Narumi's sense of chivalry entrap him again?
Mr. Harry, who suffers from a "peanut sized" penis complex, comes to Japan to undergo a genital transplant operation, the first of its kind in the world. The operation is a success but Harry soon is involved into a shady plot related to his organ donor.
The first movie of Tôru Murakawa’s “Game” trilogy, in which an assassin hired to recover a kidnap victim becomes embroiled in a vicious power struggle between two large corporations over a sizable government defence contract.
Car mechanic Yuya (Shinya Fubuki) dreams of becoming a race driver. His daily routine – working with cars, and collecting pictures of his idol Niki Lauda – is interrupted by the appearance of an exotic girl (Mei Yokomoto) and troublesome car maniacs.
The last of the Masutatsu Oyama trilogy. Oyama takes a job as a professional wrestler in Okinawa, but when he discovers that he is expected to take a dive, he quits in disgust. However, when a friend finds herself in desperate need of medical supplies, Oyama steps back in the ring to raise the money—but will he be able to follow the script this time?
A high-school student rescues his baseball team. Live-action adaptation of Shinji Mizushima's manga "Dokaben".
У мастера Игаки была лучшая школа восточных единоборств в городе. Его главный соперник на этом поприще по имени Никадо решил избавиться от него при помощи команды киллеров экстра-класса. Лишившись глаза, Игаки был вынужден покинуть страну вместе с маленькой дочуркой Юми. Всю свою оставшуюся жизнь он посвятил тому, чтобы сделать из дочери орудие возмездия. После смерти отца Юми отправляется в Токио, чтобы найти Никадо и его головорезов. Неожиданного союзника она находит в лице молодого ученика Масахико. Оказывается, много лет назад Никадо убил его отца — честного полицейского, и Масахико стал учеником убийцы.
Второй фильм трилогии о жизни основоположника современного каратэ Масутацу Оямы. Японское сообщество каратэ изгнало его из своих рядов. Тяжело переживая случившееся он сначала кулаками доказывал свою правоту, затем запил… Но время лечит, и у него появляются друзья — мелкие мошенники и официантка. Так случилось, что его давний соперник, мастер Рюдодзи, стал виновником их гибели. Ояма вызывает его на бой и убивает. Он отвозит прах убитых друзей на Хоккайдо. Здесь ему приходится на потеху богачу с голыми руками бороться против медведя, чтобы достать деньги на лечение лесоруба. По возвращении домой его ждет смертельный поединок со школой каратэ, которую возглавил брат Рюдодзи, обучавшийся каратэ на Окинаве…
Kumi Taguchi is a model who leaves her boxer boyfriend after he sustains an injury. She meets and quickly marries Hideo, the heir to a corporate empire. Hideo's father, Takehiko, lusts after Kumi. Takehiko sends his son away, ostensibly on a business trip, but actually so that he can be murdered by Takehiko's henchmen. Takehiko seduces Kumi, but is frustrated when she refuses to perform oral sex on him. Angered, Takehiko forces Kumi to undergo surgery in which her clitoris is transferred to her throat, thereby requiring that she engage in oral sex in order to have an orgasm. Hideo, the supposedly murdered son, returns having paid off his assassins. Hideo shoots and kills his father, but Kumi grabs the gun and kills Hideo so that she can inherit the family's fortune
Первый из 10 фильмов, рассказывающих о беззаботных приключениях двух водителей грузовиков. Момодзиро и его лучший друг Кинзо отправляются в путь на своих грузовых автомобилях, впечатляя друг друга своими навыками быстрой езды и уклонения от полиции при перевозке товаров по всей стране. Случайные встречи с людьми на этом пути помогают им смириться с событиями, омрачающими их прошлое, и предлагают им шанс на искупление. За пять лет было снято 10 фильмов о их сумасшедших похождениях. Все фильмы получили культовый статус в Японии.
Управление безопасности суперэкспрессов получает телефонное предупреждение о том, что в находящийся в пути суперэкспресс «Хикари-109», везущий полторы тысячи пассажиров, подложена бомба, которая взорвется, если скорость экспресса снизится ниже 70 км/ч. Главарь террористов Окита требует за схему обезвреживания бомбы 5 миллионов долларов. Все силы полиции брошены на поиски террористов, но времени остается все меньше…
Погибают члены одной и той же банды. Перед смертью все они видели тигра и на их телах раны от тигриных когтей, хотя свидетели уверяют, что никакого тигра не было. Репортер Акира Инугами (Сонни Тиба) расследует таинственные смерти и выходит на Мики, певицу, ставшую наркоманкой. Акира узнает, что именно погибшие бандиты изнасиловали девушку и заразили ее сифилисом. Может их смерти как-то с этим связаны. Акира продолжает расследование и никто не знает, что у него у самого есть тайна. Акира последний представитель клана Инугами и в полнолуние в нем просыпаются волчьи инстинкты.
A look at the life of renegade yakuza, Rikio Ishikawa, particularly the years from 1946 to 1950 when his violent antics get him in trouble with his own clan, Kawada, and then with the clan of his protector, Kozaburo Imai. In these years, he can rely on Chieko, a young Tokyo courtesan who gives him shelter. He's banished to Osaka, where he picks up a drug habit. Through it all, he keeps his friends and enemies off balance with unpredictable behavior - and he seems indestructible.
A sly gangster hatches a plot against his own wife, who works at a brothel-cum-bathhouse, with the help of the bathhouse owner’s wife.
Executive Producer
Personal tale of Okita Soji who fights to survive in a world without pity in the merciless era of the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Главная героиня фильма — мастер боевых искусств. Когда люди местного наркобарона похищают ее брата, она выходит на тропу войны. Но все не так просто, как хотелось бы — главного буку защищает орава высококлассных бойцов — представителей различных стилей боевых искусств. На помощь приходит… кто бы вы думали? нет, не Чип и Дейл… герой Сонни Чиба и другие представители школы Сериндзи Кэмпо. Победа близка? Нет, ведь впереди еще главный босс уровня…
Professor Nishiyama, after studying and interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus, realizes that the end of the world is at hand. Unfortunately, nobody listens to him until it is too late. As the effects of mankind's tampering of the earth - radioactive smog clouds, hideously mutated animals, destruction of the ozone layer - rage out of control, the world leaders hurtle blindly toward the final confrontation. The film sparked controversy in Japan and was subsequently pulled out of circulation, with no official video release of the uncut film.
Executive Producer
A footballing law student tutors an undergraduate, developing into a romance that soon enough goes awry.
Экранизация хитовой манги. Golgo 13, также известный под псевдонимом Дьюк Того, является профессиональным убийцей. Его возраст и место рождения неизвестны, и в мировом разведывательном сообществе нет единого мнения относительно его истинной личности. Большая часть его работ завершается с помощью специализированной винтовки М16 с прицелом. С «Голго 13» заключен контракт на убийство Макса Боа, главы международного преступного синдиката, ответственного за наркотики, оружие и торговлю людьми.
This biopic of notorious yakuza-turned-actor Noboru Ando focuses on the days leading to his arrest after the shooting of businessman Hideki Yokoi.
Бывший якудза Симура призван в военно-морской флот, где он, вопреки обещанию матери не применять насилие, вынужден будет дать отпор бесчеловечному обращению.
Каратист Киба Наото выходит из тюрьмы и устраивается телохранителем к боссу Акамацу, владельцу ночного клуба Плаза. Тот хочет порвать с двумя подельниками, с которыми он три года назад совершил вооруженное ограбление и для этого нанимает Кибу. И не только, еще один участник ограбления сидит в тюрьме и скоро должен выйти и потребовать долю. Так и происходит. Подельник требует долю и Кибе поручают с ним разобраться, однако тот узнает в нем своего друга Нандзё, с которым он успел подружиться в тюрьме.
Третий фильм из серии, рассказывающей о злоключениях Нами Мацусимы — заключённой 701 по прозвищу Скорпион, — которая мстит бывшему возлюбленному за предательство.
A young girl works as a geisha to earn money for travel.
Poor Yoko knows she is getting played and used by a playboy, but she loves him with all her heart and soul.
Мацу незаконно попадает в женскую тюрьму, где подвергается издевательствам со стороны надзирателей, которых выводит из себя её упорство, и пользуется авторитетом у сокамерниц. Она выдерживает трудности все с мистическим упрямством. В один момент она, пользуясь случаем, бежит вместе с шестью заключенными и пытается пробраться в большой город.
In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.
Воспользовавшись юностью и наивностью Мацу, инспектор антинаркотического отдела Сугими влюбляет ее в себя, а затем подставляет, отправив в логово наркодельцов. Схватив преступников, он бросает Мацу. Предприняв неудачную попытку мести, она садится в тюрьму. Теперь ее единственное желание выйти и отомстить негодяю.
Исаму Окита с малых лет был предоставлен самому себе, его школой была улица. Он вырос и стал предводителем банды. Во время одной из разборок он с ножом нападает на соперников и в результате садится в тюрьму. Выйдя на свободу, Исаму обнаруживает, что мир слегка изменился, но методы бандита остались такими же, и он намерен отвоевать свою территорию.
A young woman, an experienced gambler, enters a nunnery to atone for some of her father's crimes. When the nunnery runs into debt, she resorts to gambling and challenges the racketeer threatening to sell the place to a game.
Young coal miner Takeda leaves Kyushu in search of a better job in Tokyo, only to fall into the lucrative yet dangerous life of a yakuza.
A yakuza gang gets driven out of Yokohama by a big gang from Tokyo. They relocate to Okinawa to violently start over.
An undercover cop befriends a yakuza underling who through his contacts helps him infiltrate two rival Yakuza gangs. He pits the two rival gangs against each other in hopes that they will cross each other out.
When the boss of the Nakano Family decides to retire and makes a loyal follower the new boss instead of his own son, it causes strife in the family. Sides are taken and lines are drawn. Meanwhile, a rival family with a land dispute with the Nakano starts pulling strings behind the scenes...
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.
Katsuji takes revenge on evil Tamaru who forcefully took control of the fishery business run by Katsuji’s friend.
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
A story about club hostesses in Osaka.
Suehiro Katsuji, a prisoner of Abashiri, is sent to Shikoku to work at a dock where a fierce turf battle takes place between a local gang and the dock operator.
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
Dr. Mikami is an elderly somewhat clumsy, very popular therapist, his patients turn to him with all possible and impossible questions. Because Dr. Mikami's specialty is sexual clarification... The world's best-selling sex literature was filmed here in a manner close to the original. And the openness of the image shows the shocking conflicts of young people in scenes that were never filmed. Shocking documents about sex life from the doctor's office.
Gangsters are robbed of five hundred million yens.
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
Rival gangs fight over ownership of bicycle race track.
The story of men devoted to the yakuza lifestyle and their struggles during a time of fading yakuza power.
Jiro, a smooth-talking, womanizing bartender, flees from a Yakuza boss to Yanagase.
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
The film depicts the fate of a young yakuza boss and his father, who confront each other, not knowing that they are relatives, and become victims of a brutal war for territory between the clans according to the merciless laws of the yakuza.
Tokizо, the boss of the Tenmaru-gumi group, assists Kikujiro, a traveler on the run. At this time, a tender is being held to conclude a contract for the construction of the railway. Tokizo, who made the highest bid, was bought by the head of the Wakatsuki section of the Kansai Railroad, who was thinking about the country, and won by suppressing Takebe-gumi, who used bribes. However, not everything went as smoothly as planned...
Movie adaptation of the TV series.
In post-war Japan, it is difficult for private business to stay afloat. The small atelier has a debt of several million yen. To get a loan, his proprietress is forced to turn to a successful businessman, owner of entertainment establishments and bars. But she has nothing to guarantee the return of the debt, and then she offers herself as collateral. A drama about the contradictory nature of human feelings.
Two people disappeared, engineers of the company Yamato Matsui and Koyama. The two worked overtime, and it is proven that they consumed alcohol together. According to the sushi restaurant employee who delivered the order around 9 p.m., the two were arguing loudly. Traces of blood were found at the scene, and it looks like a murder occurred. The Investigative Department begins an investigation… The 24nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
The first film with Tetsuro Tamba as a detective. An exciting drama about the pursuit of a criminal, which takes place in Yokohama. Tamba enthusiastically plays a police inspector who pursues a criminal who kidnapped his sister.
Many outlaws are gathered at the front line of the Japanese Army in a shock troop.
Sabu and his pals hold a pauper's funeral for Sabu's mother. His brother Jiro arrives home, fresh out of jail, and Sabu pointedly states that Jiro is not invited. Jiro meanwhile is planning a big job - steal 40 million in cash and drugs, and he invites Sabu and gang to act as decoys, for 50,000 each. The sting is a success, but the double-crossing starts almost immediately. Sabu discovers how little of the take they were promised and hides the stash. Jiro and his slimy partner pressure the kids to fess up. Meanwhile, their respectable elder brother Ichiro is being leaned on by the town's big boss, whose money it was.
Japanese action film.
A tale of two best friends in the WWII era Japan. Takao is a young man enthusiastic about joining the navy to fight for his country. He convinces his best friend Shinji to join him. As it turns out, however, Takao's poor health prevents him from entering the navy while his friend is chosen instead. As time goes by, Takao becomes a painter and changes his mind about the meaningfulness of war and fighting, while his friend goes the opposite path. Meanwhile Takao's sister falls in love with Shinji.
As descendent of famed fishmonger Isshin Tasuke, young feisty Ishii Tasuke uses his talent to flourish his employer’s food business.
Film about the 2-26 Incident.
After a successful robbery the culprits, from very different backgrounds, at once turn on each other.
Daughter of a lumber shop in Edo strives to protect her family business from the competitor.
До окончания Второй мировой войны остаётся месяц. В центре маньчжурской пустыни в маленьком посёлке находят пристанище бандиты, торговцы опиумом, русские эмигранты и японские барыги. Среди всей этой грязи романтичный доктор Сода пытается спасти мир от болезней и несправедливости.
The son of the murdered Yakuza, Kenji, at the request of his mother, worked in a stable company. However, soon the girl Kenji Amy, who was in favor of the director of the company, is sexually harassed by him. Kenji beats the director and resigns. He asks his brother Ryota, the manager of the cabaret, to find a job, but his brother refuses him, and he is taken in by Senba, a yakuza boss specializing in smuggling and drugs...
Young geisha Kohana scrambles to realize her dream of bringing back her grandmother’s restaurant business.
The corpse of a man is found in the Dobu River in Tokyo, the victim was a man named Genzaburo Sakai, who was engaged in debt collection. The shoe shiner Kinoshita, who was in debt to Sakai, was soon apprehended. During interrogation, Kinoshita said that he was the one who killed Sakai. However, after a while, he admitted that he lied, because he thought that in prison he could eat plenty of rice for free. The investigation established that Sakai was a repatriate from Manchuria, and after returning to Japan, he had a wife, Rie Kawai. The investigation begins the search for Rie... The 23nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.