William Harcourt loses all his money in a business transaction and is forced to dismiss his servants. Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt are about to entertain Richard Thayer and his fiancée, Bessie Lane, at dinner when there is received a message announcing the arrival of Montana millionaire Bill Bradford, a client of Harcourt's. Anxious to make a good impression, Harcourt and his wife disguise themselves as servants, while Thayer and his fiancée take the part of the Harcourts.
Действие фильма происходит в 1757 году. Между Англией и Францией идет война за американские колонии. Дочери британского командира Мунро Кора и Элис пытаются пробраться в английский форт, осажденный французами. В качестве проводников с ними отправляется индеец Магу, который хочет заманить сестер в ловушку. Но его планам мешают молодой охотник Соколиный Глаз и его друзья Чингачгук и Винкас. «Последний из Могикан» — экранизация одноименного романа Джеймса Фенимора Купера.
Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa is cast as an ancient Egyptian donkey boy in An Arabian Knight. The humble Hayakawa rescues high-born Lillian Hall from lascivious pasha Fred Jones. All this brouhaha is actually a dream experienced by Hall.
Puck is a music hall dancer, married to an abusive husband. One night the music hall catches fire. Puck is rescued by an army officer and her husband perishes. Puck marries the officer and they begin a new life in India, until a man from her past finds her and makes demands.