Carlos Faruolo


O home e o can
Sound Designer
Antonio López: apuntes del natural
A documentary on the painter Antonio López and his day-to-day work.
Живой лес
Recording Supervision
Действие разворачивается в огромном лесу, где все, от деревьев до кустов, оживает, как только уходит последний охотник. Лесной мир скрывает от людей свои тайны — деревья даже назначили добрую тетушку Сосну своим дозорным, и она зорко следит, нет ли поблизости человека. А пока никого нет, веселые обитатели старого леса живут своей жизнью — мухи ловко уворачиваются от паутины, деревья хором поют любимые песни, а маленький крот Фури тем временем по уши влюбляется в свою подружку, красавицу Линду. Он уже готов признаться ей в любви, но тут в лесу появляются люди, и это приводит к беде — всех кротов ловят в сеть и забирают в усадьбу богатой и злой сеньоры Дабондо, которая хочет сшить из них шубку. Уцелел только Фури, и теперь он готов на все, чтобы спасти своих товарищей. В этом нелегком деле ему помогают новые друзья — двоюродный братец мышонок, добрая кошка Моринья и парочка озорных и бесстрашных мух Хо-Хо и Ху-Ху.
Sound Editor
Salomé's story interpreted by a director and a troupe of flamenco dancers.
Пожилая женщина приезжает к дочери в Севилью, чтобы положить в больницу своего мужа-алкоголика. Но у Марны своих хлопот хватает: она беременна, устала от нищей безысходности и пристрастилась к бутылке. Мать знакомится с вдовцом, и между ними вспыхивает поздняя любовь. Теперь дочке-матери придется решить, оставлять ли одной ребенка - единственный шанс изменить унылую жизнь, а другой - опостылевшего мужа-тирана...
All Men Are the Same
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
The Dark Night of the Soul
Pantheon filmmaker Carlos Saura bounced back from a handful of failures with 1989's La Noche Oscura (The Dark Night). Juan Diego stars as San Juan de la Cruz (St. John of the Cross), the legendary 16th-century poet-prophet. Galvanized into action by the spirit of Santa Teresa de Jesus, San Juan fought to install reforms in the Carmelite Order. Like many another visionary, he was regarded as a heretic, and promptly subjected to the most appalling of tortures. Writer-director Saura manages to draw several parallels between the religious persecution of the 1700s and the political despotism of Fascist Spain.
Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing
Theodore, a young Spanish engineer who works as a professor at the University of Oklahoma, returned to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year. Upon arrival, he discovers that his father killed his mother and, to compensate for the loss, he bought a motorcycle with sidecar to travel together. Father and son arrive in a remote mountain village seems empty, what happens is that all residents are in church every day, because the Mass is a true spectacle. Jimmy and Theodore are discovering the peculiarities of the people, attend the elections held each year to appoint mayor, priest, teacher, bitch ... In addition, the town has come a group of students at the American University of Eaton, a Belgian meteorologists, a dissident group of the Russian Army Choir, invading people's hidden above ...
Al acecho
The Enchanted Forest
In the fantastic world of the "bosque animado" meet some people who have been transported to this place by a magic force. Now their histories cross one another.
The Holy Innocents
Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
Dressed in Blue
A documentary about the lives of six transsexual women in post-Franco Spain.
Sentimental (réquiem para un amigo)
Crecer de golpe
It tells the complex relationship of Milo, a teenager, and his old protector. Adaptation of "Around the cage", work of the writer Haroldo Conti, disappeared in 1976 by Argentine dictatorship.