

Рождение : 1979-08-20, Seoul, South Korea


Haha (하하), born Ha Dong-hoon (하동훈) is a South Korean comedian and singer.




2016 무한상사: 위기의 회사원
Movie Special of Infinite Challenge
Female War: Bloody War in Bongcheon-dong
Haedanghwa, a beautiful woman, comes into the life of a single father and his three grown-up sons all of sudden! The abandoned woman, who does not have any memories about herself, begins her precarious cohabitation with the family of four men. And this is how the intense battle among four men to earn Haedanghwa’s heart begins. However, the story starts going towards a completely unexpected direction as a group of suspicious men appear.
DINO X Adventure Squad
탐험대 가이드 역
Сексуальная учительница
Ahn Myeong-seop
Moлoдaя, кpacивaя и coблaзнитeльнaя Йo-Ян пpиxoдит в шкoлy для мaльчикoв в кaчecтвe yчитeльницы-пpaктикaнтки. Eй дaют зaдaниe пoдгoтoвить выcтyплeниe нa цepкoвный фecтивaль, кoтopый пpoвoдитcя в шкoлe кaждый гoд. Oнa нaчинaeт тpeниpoвки c тpeмя cвoими пoдoпeчными, a вcя шкoлa дeлaeт cтaвки, ктo жe cмoжeт зaтaщить кpacoткy в пocтeль. 3a пpoиcxoдящим тщaтeльнo нaблюдaeт зaвeдyющий пo диcциплинe, гoтoвый в любoй мoмeнт вывecти нoвyю yчитeльницy нa чиcтyю вoдy и выдвopить paзвpaтницy из шкoлы.
Holy Daddy
Dong-hoon Ha
Won-Tak's dad, an old-time con-man, was suddenly killed during a freak accident in the prison, just one day before his release. Having waited for so many years to be reconciled with his dad and to start a new life together, Won-Tak felt betrayed and vowed to ruin his own life and bring shame to his parents. However, unknown to him, Wong-Tak's dad has managed to strike a bargain with an angel to return to the living world as Won-Tak's new bestfriend...
My Boss, My Teacher
A mobster must complete college and spend some time as an ethics teacher in order to receive a promotion to a coveted territory.
Волшебная любовь
Park Dong-Sun
Молодой иллюзионист узнает, что в интернете появилась видеозапись с его участием неприличного содержания. Стремясь оградить свои честь и достоинство, он решает найти виновных до того, как средства массовой информации пронюхают о случившемся. И в помощники берет свою бывшую подругу, с которой почти год как расстался.