Kim Hee-chang

Kim Hee-chang


Kim Hee-chang


Call Me Sis
Mi-ae, a middle aged woman is facing a midlife crisis not unlike those shared by countless others. A mother of three, the wife of a relatively prosperous bank executive, and a woman who enjoys a comfortably middle-class existence, Mi-ae grows increasingly frustrated by her two sons’ demeaning behavior towards her, her boorish husband’s unforgivable cheapness, and her own sadness at never having felt for herself the joys of true love — something she becomes acutely aware of when observing her estranged daughter’s loving relationship with another woman. After abruptly leaving a disastrous anniversary evening arranged by her thoughtless husband, Mi-ae meets the shy and kind Soo-nim, her youngest son’s schoolmate. Choosing to spend a long evening with Soo-nim rather than return home to the male members of her family, Mi-ae finds herself irresistibly drawn to this gentle young woman as a flood of emotions sweeps Mi-ae away on an unexpected journey of self-discovery.
Gwangho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwangho eventually begins selling fake gasoline with his friend Mincheol.
Finding Angel
An anonymous donor leaves a donation box in a town every December for seventeen years. A self-claimed reporter, Ji-hoon, comes to find and interview the generous donor. The reporter turns out to be a crook.
Please Don't Save Me
12-year-old Seon-yoo and her mother struggle for a new start after her father killed himself with huge debt behind.
A Boy and Sungreen
Seong-hyeon's Father
Bohee, a middle school student who lives with his mother learns one day that his father is alive. Feeling betrayed by his own mother, Bohee runs away from home and visits his half-sister Namhee with his best friend Nokyang to collect clues about his father.
Мой особенный брат
Convenience Store Owner
Сэ-ха и Дон-гу не являются родственниками, но последние 20 лет живут как родные братья. Сэ-ха умный, но прикован к инвалидному креслу, а Дон-гу наоборот — обладает прекрасным здоровьем, зато обделён интеллектом. Однажды парни знакомятся с девушкой Ми-хён, которая, в отличие от остальных, относится к ним без предрассудков.
At her dad's funeral, Kyungun meets her uncle Jaemin, a complete stranger. He bilks her father's insurance money. She demands her money back, but he unashamedly refuses. To get her money back, she joins his next scam.
Tinker Ticker
Professor Baek
Park Jung-gu sends out homemade bombs to people he finds online who are likely to use them, yet these devices are unused. One day, Jung-gu meets Lee Hyo-min, a delinquent student at his university and sends him a package. Soon an explosion in a delivery truck hits the news. Before long, Hyo-min discovers who is sending him the packages and the two form a tenuous relationship. However, Hyo-min's unpredictable behavior becomes dangerous and Jung-gu finds himself caught in a situation that he can no longer handle.
Red Family
Lee Joong-ho
Based on a screenplay by the prolific Kim Ki-duk. Two families live next door to each other in identical suburban white houses with green lawns. One family is from South Korea, the other is a fake family assembled from North Korean spies. The North Koreans must strictly obey every order from their regime, who holds their real families hostage. The problem is that the families affect each other and after a while, the political rift in the North Korean house becomes apparent. Naturally, there also occurs cross-border romantic entanglements between old and young alike.
I’d like to take a trip with your wife
Dong-sik and Sung-woo, they're best friends. Sung-woo is dying with late-stage liver cancer. Sung-woo, being drunken, confesses that he has been loved Dong-sik's wife, Sujin for a long time.
Five Senses of Love
Sinister-looking Man
With hopes of reuniting with her husband, who left for the Vietnam War without telling her, a young wife joins a traveling band as the lead singer.
Сексуальная учительница
Moлoдaя, кpacивaя и coблaзнитeльнaя Йo-Ян пpиxoдит в шкoлy для мaльчикoв в кaчecтвe yчитeльницы-пpaктикaнтки. Eй дaют зaдaниe пoдгoтoвить выcтyплeниe нa цepкoвный фecтивaль, кoтopый пpoвoдитcя в шкoлe кaждый гoд. Oнa нaчинaeт тpeниpoвки c тpeмя cвoими пoдoпeчными, a вcя шкoлa дeлaeт cтaвки, ктo жe cмoжeт зaтaщить кpacoткy в пocтeль. 3a пpoиcxoдящим тщaтeльнo нaблюдaeт зaвeдyющий пo диcциплинe, гoтoвый в любoй мoмeнт вывecти нoвyю yчитeльницy нa чиcтyю вoдy и выдвopить paзвpaтницy из шкoлы.