Kim Sa-rang

Kim Sa-rang

Рождение : 1978-01-12, Daegu, South Korea


Kim Sa-rang is a South Korean actress and model. She is most known for her roles in the television series Secret Garden with Hyun Bin, A Love to Kill with Rain, and This is My Love with Joo Jin-mo.


Kim Sa-rang
Kim Sa-rang


Man of Men
The friendship between a lawyer who will do anything to make money and a nursing home volunteer.
Radio Dayz
In April 1933, Korea’s Japanese occupiers launched the country’s first radio station, JODK. It broadcasts propaganda so as to better brainwash the Korean people into becoming loyal Japanese citizens. In need of a Korean producer for a radio drama about the greatness of Japan’s Asian Empire, they appoint Lloyd Park, a young man who has only joined the radio station through his father’s connections.
Сексуальная учительница
Eom Ji-young
Moлoдaя, кpacивaя и coблaзнитeльнaя Йo-Ян пpиxoдит в шкoлy для мaльчикoв в кaчecтвe yчитeльницы-пpaктикaнтки. Eй дaют зaдaниe пoдгoтoвить выcтyплeниe нa цepкoвный фecтивaль, кoтopый пpoвoдитcя в шкoлe кaждый гoд. Oнa нaчинaeт тpeниpoвки c тpeмя cвoими пoдoпeчными, a вcя шкoлa дeлaeт cтaвки, ктo жe cмoжeт зaтaщить кpacoткy в пocтeль. 3a пpoиcxoдящим тщaтeльнo нaблюдaeт зaвeдyющий пo диcциплинe, гoтoвый в любoй мoмeнт вывecти нoвyю yчитeльницy нa чиcтyю вoдy и выдвopить paзвpaтницy из шкoлы.
Love Impossible
Oh Yeong-hie
An archaeological site in China was selected to send two teams, North and South Koreans, and students to collaborate and continue reconciliation of the two countries. But the team leader of the South decided to dredge the leader of the North group.