Norval MacGregor


Lovers' Lane
Reverend Singleton
Silent film comedy drama...
The Courtship of Miles Standish
William Bradford
A dramatization of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem 'The Courtship of Miles Standish,' this is the story of the Pilgrims who fled religious persecution in England and came to America aboard the Mayflower.
Jacques of the Silver North
"Half-breed" trapper Jacques LaRouge is infatuated with Memory Baird (Fritzi Brunette), the daughter of the owner of the trading post. When fugitive Joseph Treffery (Captain C.A. Van Auker) happens into town, Memory hides him from the police.
The Light of Victory
U.S. Navy Lieutenant George Blenton becomes drunk at an official reception, and his fiancee, Jane Ravenslee, the captain's daughter, breaks their engagement. After war is declared, George, entrusted with a secret code book to deliver to an English admiral, drinks and loses the book which German spies recover. During a private court-martial he is offered a pistol for suicide. After drinking again, he fires a shot, but still lives. Put ashore on the island of Tafofu "to rot," George, hating the U.S., moves in with Lehua, a half-white who tries to wean him from drink.
The Spirit of '76
Lorimer Steuart
Catherine Montour, a striking half-breed Indian princess, and mistress of King George III aspires to become the first Queen of America when the revolution breaks out.
The Target
Private Frank Austin, imprisoned for striking Colonel Kincaid, who was abusing a lame newsboy, escapes to Colorado. Meanwhile, Latin professor Thomas Doyle, his wife Mary and sister Kitty also move to Colorado because of Mrs. Doyle's health and are persuaded by Kincaid to buy a ranch that is worthless because it has no irrigation. While Mrs. Doyle gets well and Doyle's funds run out, Austin, on land bordering Doyle's, strikes gold and is blackmailed by Kincaid to let him have a controlling interest.
The Awful Adventures of an Aviator
Amateur aviator Harold McNutt's hopes of taking flight result in an escalating series of high jinks.
An Embarrassing Predicament
Billy Quill, a bashful bookkeeper, loves Marjorie Keyes, the pretty stenographer. Anatole, the French barber, is also in love with Marjorie, but he is not at all bashful and makes himself a pest by declaring his love for her at every opportunity. Marjorie reciprocates Billy's love, and gives him every opportunity to express his feelings and "pop" the question, but Billy lacks nerve to say the fatal words.
The Spoilers
Judge Stillman
The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.
One Hundred Years of Mormonism
A retelling of Mormon history from Joseph Smith's birth to the pioneer's settlement in the Salt Lake Valley.