Samaresh Basu


Sukhen, a youngman, lives a casual life. He is innocent but neglected of his family. Sukhen loves Shikha and wants to live a normal and healthy life but his brothers are corrupt as well as politically powerful, who tries to use unemployed Sukhen for their political mileage.
Even after being married for a year, Gitin is unable to take his wife Jayati on their honeymoon, owing to his workaholic boss Mr. Pranesh Bhattacharya. Finding the perfect opportunity, Gitin and Jayati leave for North Bengal when Bhattacharya travels to Mumbai on a four-day business trip. Much to their surprise, they bump into Pranesh, following which their hilarious escapade begins.
Gogoler Kirti
Based on Samaresh's popular Gogol fiction Mahish Mardini Uddhar and Rai Raja Uddhar, the film unfolds with a 'sabeki' puja in a Bengal village, where all members of the once-royal household assemble during that time of year and Gogol will take us back to the time when joint households were in vogue. Gogol is in a way the younger version of Feluda who is gadget savvy, knows mob applications, has contemporary tastes and upbringing but still loves to be in a joint family and calls its members 'pisi-na kaka-didibhai-chhotomama etc. He never uses a tab but sharpens his 'magojastro'.
Calcuatte, Unabashed
A young man negotiates his erotic and thanatotic drives.
Главный Преступник
Романтическая комедия по мотивам Самареш Бас.
'Prajapati' is the story of Sukhen who grows up neglected to become a rough person with a heart of gold. Shikha, Sukhen's beloved wants him to lead a normal and healthy life. His elder brothers are political leaders who work only for their personal gains. His eldest brother Keshav runs a drug business behind his medical business. His second brother Purnendu is a corrupt man who kills the young maid of their house. Sukhen attempts to stop the fatal rift growing between his brothers but is killed while doing so.
Крестьянин и ткач решают вернуться к патриархальному образу жизни и поселяются вдали от людей, в заброшенных развалинах. Однако неожиданное появление сначала торговца, за бесценок купившего эти пустынные земли, а затем взбалмошной незнакомки превращает их утопическую идиллию в ад.
The Crossing
When a Dalit wins the elections for mayor in his small village in northeastern India, deadly rioting forces an impoverished couple to escape to Calcutta where they can hopefully find work. Instead, they end up sleeping on the streets until they have a chance at earning a little income -- a man has asked them to take his herd of pigs across a fast-moving river. The current is dangerous, and worse, the wife is pregnant and this would not be an easy task even if she were not. Undaunted and desperate, the couple accept the job and enter the river to face their destiny.
Бес в ребро
Чаудхри Ом Пракаш — богатый шестидесятилетний старик. Есть у него и два закадычных друга такого же возраста — Джагдиш Бхай и Индра Сен. Все они нормально устроились в жизни, дети выросли и покинули семейные гнезда. А у стариков появилось достаточно времени на размышления и развлечения. И тогда решила великовозрастная троица поехать поразвлечься в большой город Бомбей. А чтобы никто из местных жителей не узнал о задумке стариков они не взяли с собой знакомого водителя, а наняли в Бомбее приезжего молодогопарня. Тот, кстати, пообещал «ухажерам» устроить интрижку со своей знакомой Анитой.
Nimki (Sharmila Tagore) is the mortar that holds her fragile family together. She looks after her younger sisters, the mute, sweet Meethu (Shabana Azmi) and spirited Chinki (Kiran Vairale). Together the three sisters care for their aging Amma (Waheeda Rehman), a troubled, frail woman bordering on senile dementia. Geru (Sanjeev Kumar), an itinerant construction hauler in the family's village for a brief contract, rents a room from the family, and before long bonds of friendship and even love develop between Geru and the sisters.
A young couple struggle with poverty, but a job opportunity which cancels their financial woes leads to new tests of character
A newly appointed good-looking officer catches the eyes of the fathers of would-be-brides. But he has some other plans.
Chhutir Phande
Film starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Aparna Sen and Utpal Dutt
Calcutta 71
The spirit of a condemned 20-year-old student wanders through time, linking together four stories of people struggling for survival in this gritty meditation on poverty, natural disaster and political strife in India. A middle-class family's home is no match for the monsoons, while another clan's morality is compromised when famine strikes. Young boys smuggle rice, and politicians pity the poor while living in the lap of luxury.
Bengali adaptation of Dostoevsky's The Idiot.
Dugga joins Chiranjib in his liquor business and they end up falling in love with each other. Since he does not want her to be a part of his disturbed life, he decides to mend his ways. In order to protect her modesty, Dugga kills rapist Bhola.
The Desolate Beach
A writer meets five widows on a train to Puri. As the six lives begin to intertwine, the theme of the taboos of widowhood emerge; but so, too, does a philosophy of life and hope for the future. The performers collectively won Best Actress at India's National Film Awards in 1964.
This film portrays a greedy thief's struggle to run blindly after riches.
Film about the lives of people on the banks of the Ganges.