Harry F. Millarde

Harry F. Millarde

Рождение : 1885-11-12, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 1931-11-02


Harry F. Millarde


On Ze Boulevard
On Ze Boulevard is a 1927 American comedy silent film directed by Harry F. Millarde and written by Earl Baldwin, William Scott Darling, Joseph Farnham and Richard Schayer. The film stars Lew Cody, Renée Adorée, Anton Vaverka, Dorothy Sebastian and Roy D'Arcy.
The Taxi Dancer
A southern girl tries her luck as a dancer in New York City.
The Governor's Lady
The Governor's Lady is a 1923 silent film.
If Winter Comes
Mark Sabre hires young Effie Bright to keep his snobbish, cold-hearted wife Mabel company while he goes off to war. When he returns home from the front wounded, he finds that Mabel has fired Effie, who shows up at Mark's door with her baby, having no place to go. Mark takes her in, but Mabel leaves him when the town shuns him for what they believe is going on with Mark and Effie. Matters are further complicated when Effie, driven to desperation, commits an unspeakable act that results in Mark having a nervous breakdown--and then things get worse.
My Friend the Devil
Silent romantic drama...
My Friend the Devil
Silent romantic drama...
Over the Hill to the Poorhouse
The mother of a large family is abandoned by her children and faces consignment to the poorhouse. But one of her offspring, the one no one had faith in, returns to rescue her.
The White Moll
Desperate because a wealthy man has reduced her father to thievery, Rhoda agrees to rob the poor box of the church, although she finds the act abhorrent.
Sacred Silence
Lieut. Ralph Harrison is in love with Major Marston's wife, who pretends to love him. Harrison's mother implores Capt. Jim Craig to intervene to save her son from dishonor. When Craig visits Mrs. Marston, Harrison appears, precipitating a quarrel during which Harrison is wounded in the shoulder. Craig then leaves, and the major discovers Harrison. The major kills Harrison, and places the blame on Craig. To avoid a scandal, Craig runs away. Madge Summers of the Secret Service tracks him down and the two fall in love, but Craig is arrested and taken back to the army post.
When Fate Decides
Vera Loudon is unhappily married to the wealthy but profligate Herbert Loudon who openly makes advances to Mrs. Alicia Carteret at a dinner party. Donald Cavendish, a former admirer of Vera's, witnesses her humiliation and advises her to leave her husband, which she is unwilling to do.
Miss Innocence
After her lover, Kale Loomis, has had her husband sent to prison on a false charge, Fay Gonard leaves her little daughter, Dolores May, on the steps of a convent. Reared in an atmosphere of strictness and seclusion, Dolores is possessed with a desire to see the world, and after meeting Lawrence Grant, a politician's son, her curiosity is aroused even more and she escapes from the convent. Found on the road by Kale's friends, Dolores lives in his home for a time, but later, Lawrence takes her under his wing with the intention of marrying her. Although she loves Lawrence, Dolores misses Kale's parties and returns to him, whereupon Kale threatens to publicize her activities unless Lawrence's father agrees to his demands. Lawrence takes a repentant Dolores away from one of Kale's riotous parties, but after Kale is found dead, Lawrence is arrested for murder.
Little Miss Nobody
Bonnie, an innocent orphan girl, is bullied by Bull Dorgan, the crude foreman of the lumber camp who frequents the saloon that her foster father owns. One day, playwright Arthur Wharton arrives in town, brokenhearted because the woman he loved, Elinor Grenville, married another for money. To protect Bonnie from Dorgan, Arthur marries the girl and then leaves her in the care of his sister Charlotte while he travels to Japan. When he returns, Elinor, now a widow, decides she wants Arthur back and so endeavors to estrange the couple by hiring a man to compromise Bonnie.
A Watery Wooing
Tom is not in favor with Flossie's aunt though the latter lady thinks he is just right. Tom's fertile brain forms a scheme and by a fake rescue of Flossie from the ocean waves he gets in the good graces of the stern aunt. But when the next day finds Aunty in peril herself the truth comes out: Tom can't swim.
The Lotus Woman
Jerry Mandeville
The vivid tale of a woman's passionate intrigue and a moan's loyal friendship blended in a tale that surges with strong emotions and suspense that holds in a vice-like grip.
The Lotus Woman
The vivid tale of a woman's passionate intrigue and a moan's loyal friendship blended in a tale that surges with strong emotions and suspense that holds in a vice-like grip.
Elusive Isabel
Hamilton Grimm
Based on the spy novel of the same name by Jacques Futrelle.
The Money Gulf
Jasper King
On the day of their marriage, Ruth discovers that her sweetheart, Jasper King, is the proprietor of a gambling establishment. Denouncing the man, Ruth declares that she will not become Jasper's wife until he has given all his ill-gotten wealth to charity. Jasper obeys Ruth's demands.
The Money Gulf
On the day of their marriage, Ruth discovers that her sweetheart, Jasper King, is the proprietor of a gambling establishment. Denouncing the man, Ruth declares that she will not become Jasper's wife until he has given all his ill-gotten wealth to charity. Jasper obeys Ruth's demands.
The Sign of the Broken Shackles
Sir Henry Harcourt - a Land Owner
Basil, sent to a West Indian island to look after his brother's interests, so antagonizes the planters that they form a secret organization for the purpose of throwing off the Harcourt yoke. Irene, who has just inherited her father's plantation, refuses to join. Basil is later slain under circumstances which cause Irene to believe herself the murderess.
The Sign of the Broken Shackles
Basil, sent to a West Indian island to look after his brother's interests, so antagonizes the planters that they form a secret organization for the purpose of throwing off the Harcourt yoke. Irene, who has just inherited her father's plantation, refuses to join. Basil is later slain under circumstances which cause Irene to believe herself the murderess.
The Net of Deceit
Unable to purchase the formula of the explosive about to be sold to the government by Mallott, the representative of a foreign power orders Le Farge and Gabrielle to obtain it. Gabrielle, posing as Le Farge's sister, easily fascinates Fanshell, Mallott's secretary. The adventuress also meets David, a fisherman, and engages him in a violent flirtation.
The Man in Hiding
Tom Ingraham - a Weakling
Tom Ingraham, who has been rescued from the clutches of Lina, a siren, meets Ruth. Knowing the marriage would please his wealthy uncle Macy, Tom makes the girl his wife. Ruth soon discovers the marriage to be a loveless one. Tom's hopes of inheriting a fortune are blasted when Macy is ruined.
The Man in Hiding
Tom Ingraham, who has been rescued from the clutches of Lina, a siren, meets Ruth. Knowing the marriage would please his wealthy uncle Macy, Tom makes the girl his wife. Ruth soon discovers the marriage to be a loveless one. Tom's hopes of inheriting a fortune are blasted when Macy is ruined.
The Crooked Path
Lynn and Alan both love Mary. Because he deems it his duty to support his widowed mother, Lynn hides his love although he is the favored suitor. Piqued, Mary becomes Alan's wife. Both boys work in the village bank. Lynn comes upon Alan while the latter is intoxicated and helps him home. Thus Lynn meets Mary for the first time since her marriage. Alan witnesses this meeting. His jealousy aroused, the man orders Lynn from his house. Obsessed by a desire for revenge, Alan steals a sum of money from the bank and falsifies Lynn's books so as to make it appear that the latter had committed the crime.
Don Caesar de Bazan
Don Jose
Don Jose encourages the King in his infatuation for Maritana, a dancing girl, believing that when the Queen discovers the clandestine love affair, she, in revenge, will listen to his suit. It would aid his plans if Maritana is made a noble. Don Caesar de Bazan, a swashbuckling adventurer is under sentence of death for having violated the edict against dueling.
Honor Thy Father
Roger Dayton - the Ungrateful Son
Although it means the mortgaging of their home, Roger Dayton's parents send him to law school. Selfish and ungrateful, the boy forgets all about the old folks after his graduation.
The Haunting Fear
Mace - a Man-About-Town
Lured by Diana, Katherine runs away from home. The foolish girl is soon drawn into the whirlpool. She meets Mace, a notorious man-about-town, and is fascinated by him. Doctor Busby, an insane physician, recognizes in Mace the man who had caused his daughter's death. Shortly afterward, Katherine discovers Mace's real character. Wild with rage, she stabs him.
A Sister's Burden
Ned - Martha's Sweetheart
Compelled to keep house for her father and her younger sister and brother, Martha is deprived of all the pleasures of youth. Ned, who loves her, begs her to elope with him. Martha yields, but while on the way to the minister, decides that her duty lies back home with her father. Heart-broken, Ned leaves for the city.
The Destroyer
Dick Wentworth - a Broker's Son
An actress weaves her web, like a disgusting spider, around a susceptible young man, lures him away from his sweetheart, and eventually destroys him.
The Siren's Reign
Hugh Blake - The Husband
An upright young man marries a siren, a drunken, unfaithful woman, who mothers his child, and then ruins him financially and morally.
The Night Operator at Buxton
Bob - an Express Messenger
Bob's daughter is sick, so Helen volunteers to take his place on the night run, unaware that the Blackhall gang intends to rob the train which carries a valuable gold shipment. Learning of Helen's peril, Bob and Tracy pursue the train by automobile, arriving just as the hijackers are about to explode a charge of dynamite under the rails.
The Stolen Ruby
Mex Killegren - the Son
Patrolman Killegren, seated alone in his home, is startled by the sound of shooting. Rushing outside, he meets several officers who inform him that two thieves, attempting to escape, had entered his cottage. Positive that no one had entered the house, Killegren conducts the policemen through the building. The father is startled, upon entering his son Alex's room, to find the boy at home. Knowing that his son could not have been in the room more than five minutes, Killegren is filled with a terrible suspicion.
The Scorpion's Sting
Mann - the Thief
Discovered by Marston in the act of robbing the safe, Mann, the crook, shoots and slays him. The murderer escapes, carrying with him a casket containing jewels. So strongly do circumstances point to Lyda, Marston's daughter, as the slayer, that she is tried for the crime. Despite the evidence of the butler and other servants, who tell of a violent quarrel between Lyda and her father just prior to the shooting, the girl is acquitted.
The Hate That Withers
Jack Worthington - Iola's Fiance
Spurned by Iola Neville, George Judson vows to ruin the happiness of the woman and Jack Worthington, the man she marries. Impelled by his bitter hatred, Judson concentrates all his energy to bring this about. Jack soon discovers the shallowness of his wife's nature. Bitter quarrels arise.
The Mystery of the Yellow Sunbonnet
George Cathcart U.S.N.
George Cathcart, a young naval officer, arrives home on leave of absence after months of mine planting service. Major Maynard, a foreign spy, occupies the adjoining estate. With the assistance of Jessica, an adventuress, Maynard plans to obtain the maps in Cathcart's possession.
Her Bitter Lesson
George Dane - Evelyn's Husband
Evelyn's utter selfishness causes her to disregard her husband's pleas that she economize. His money tied up in a big deal, Dane borrows $1,000 to cope with possible emergencies. This money he places in his safe at home. Evelyn uses the money to meet debts incurred as the result of extravagance. Among the guests at a reception given by Evelyn that evening, is Hughson. The foolish woman engages the man in a violent flirtation.
The Man of Iron
John Stanley - the Son
A hard man is Lucius Stanley. Uncompromisingly upright, he lacks sympathy for characters weaker than his own. Thus, when his son John asks for money with which to some debts, the stern father refuses the boy's request. John is to inherit a fortune on his twenty-fifth birthday. Hard pressed, the boy takes money from his father's safe
A Midnight Tragedy
Dr. Warren - the Lover
Dr. Warren, engaged to Marjory, gives the girl her freedom when his negligence brings about his dismissal from the hospital staff. Warren disappears. Despairing of ever hearing from him, Marjorie weds Priestman, an elderly scientist who has been blinded as the result of an accident. Years later Warren and Marjory meet. Warren has won prominence as a bacteriologist. The old love springs up anew.
The Menace of Fate
Dr. Harry Westcott
Ethel, the young daughter of the wealthy Wiltons, is stolen by Effie Sprout, a woman of the slums. Fifteen years later the girl has succumbed to her environment.
The False Guardian
Tom Ryder - Helen's Sweetheart
Just as he is appointed guardian of his niece, Helen, aged John Graham dies. Butts, his valet, conceives the idea of assuming Graham's identity. Aided by Stone, the rascally butler, Butts plans to send Helen to an insane asylum and seize her fortune.
Seed and the Harvest
Fred Kendall - Don's Brother
His weak-willed mother and the son Fred, whom she has spoiled, are the mill-stones around Dan's neck. Ida, who loves him, determines to save him from their influence. The girl is assistant district attorney. Fred is arrested as a cocaine vendor.
Into the Depths
Arthur - the Friend
Neglected by her husband, Beth Stanford becomes interested in Arthur, his friend. Although their friendship is an innocent one. Stanford becomes intensely jealous. Arthur presents Beth with a diamond brooch upon her birthday. Later, when Stanford faces ruin, he compels Beth to pawn her jewels. The money thus secured proves insufficient for his needs. The man drinks heavily in his desperation and falls into a drunken stupor. When Stanford returns home, he meets Arthur. The husband cedes Beth to Arthur for a sum sufficient to settle his obligations.
The Mystery of the Sleeping Death
A mystery film in which two people fall into a mysterious sleep coma; an Oriental hypnotist then tries to reawaken them.
The Devil's Dansant
Dominique - Proprietor of The Dansant
"The Devil's Dansant" is the nickname given to a dansant of which Dominique, a Frenchman, is the proprietor. District Attorney Farrar, while searching for evidence on which to raid the place, is astounded to find that his wife Valerie, is a frequent visitor at Dominique's. The willful woman disobeys her husband's orders and continues to visit Dominique's.
The Barefoot Boy
Hastings' Chum
Eleanor Warren is loved by Harold Rives, a struggling artist. Although fond of the young man, Eleanor longs for the comforts of wealth.
The Hand of Fate
Roy Harris - Florence's Sweetheart
To save her parents from the poorhouse, Florence promises to wed Henderson, her elderly employer, although she loves Roy Harris. This results in a violent quarrel between the two men.
The Storm at Sea
Jim Hire
Jane and Florence, sisters, live in a fishing village. Jane, the elder of the two. discovers that a friendship has sprung up between Florence and Jim Hire, a young fisherman. Fearing the man's intentions, Jane warns her sister. To further his ends, Jim proposes to Jane, telling the girl that his purpose in calling at the cottage is to be near her instead of Florence.
The Vampire's Trail
Phil Olcott - Horace's Friend
The second of three films featuring Alice Hollister as an evil vamp.
Through the Flames
Major Humphries - a Scoundrel
Donald Hall discovers that his wife is engaged in a flirtation with Major Humphreys. The husband forbids Marion to see the man again. Despite this injunction, the woman accompanies Humphries to a road house with a party of friends, while Donald is at a directors' meeting. A fire breaks out and destroys the road house. Marion and Humphreys barely escape. Fearing to return home, the woman heeds Humphreys' pleas and elopes with him. Her handbag is found in the ruins of the building. Donald is led to believe his wife dead.
The Show Girl's Glove
Dick Hampton - John's Brother
Hampton, a broker, employs a detective to investigate Stella, a show girl, with whom his younger brother Dick is in love. As a result of the detective's discoveries, Dick breaks his engagement with Stella. The woman calls at Dick's office late that afternoon. Hampton leaves the two alone. Unable to alter Dick's decision, Stella seizes a knife and threatens suicide. Dick tries to wrest the weapon from her and is accidentally killed.
The Treasure Ship
Tom Bascom - the Son
The "Treasure Ship" is not a real ship, but a model constructed by Captain Bascom during ten years of enforced solitude on a South Sea island after the wreck of the "Golden Cloud." The treasure consists of a bag of gems found under the skeleton of an earlier castaway. When rescue finally comes, Bascom stows the treasure in the hold of his model and so carries it safely to his home, where he has long been mourned as dead.
A Celebrated Case
Foster sister of the Duchess d'Aubeterre, Madeline, marries Jean Renaud, a French soldier, and has a daughter named Adrienne. Five years later, on a battlefield, Renaud is entrusted by the Count de Moray with jewels and papers proving that Adrienne is his heir. After Moray's death, Renaud gives everything to Madeline and then returns to the battle.
The Cabaret Dancer
Dupree - a Frenchman
Don Packard, an artist, forgets his country sweetheart, Martha, and falls in love with his model, Linee. The boy marries Linee and takes her to his home. Martha conceives a hatred for Linee when she discovers that the girl has robbed her of her lover. Don's father, a parson, is horrified when he learns of his son's worldly wife. When Linee realizes the trouble her marriage to Don has caused, she runs away, Martha does her utmost to stir up trouble. For two years Don searches in vain for Linee, who has become a cabaret dancer. Dupree, a Frenchman, falls in love with the girl, but she repels his advances, Don enters the restaurant just as Dupree, mad with jealousy, attempts to shoot Linee.
The Chest of Fortune
Harry Manning - Jack's Rival (part two)
Just when we think that this movie will be about a Southern family in Civil War days, the action jumps to modern-day 1914, still in the southern United States. Handsome Jack (Guy Coombs) is in love with the fair lady played by Marguerite Clayton.
Her Husband's Friend
Cater - the Blackmailer
Believing her husband no longer loves her, Alice Lund consents to elope with Cater. She writes the man a note to this effect. Dane and the Lunds are warm friends. He decides to surprise them by taking them to the theater. Dane calls at the Lund home in time to see Alice preparing to run away with Cater. He sees the woman rifle her husband's safe of a large sum of money. She is just about to hand it to Cater, when Dane steps between and seizes the money.
Primitive Man
Allan - Betty's Suitor
Allan loves Betty, a mountain girl. Not sure that she loves the boy. Betty declines to marry him. Dan, a rough mountaineer, lives a secluded life, with only his dog as companion. The man sees Betty bathing in a mountain stream. He falls madly in love with her. Later, Dan woos her in his rough way.
The Vampire
Harold Brentwell
The story hinges on the redemption of a country boy, an artist, who has fallen among evil companions, and is an outcast.
The Fatal Legacy
Harry Halleck - the Grandson
On his wedding eve Henry Halleck opens a sealed envelope which has been handed down to each generation, and learns that the family is cursed with a lust for drink. He signs the pledge which bears the signatures of his fathers.
The Hidden Witness
Gerson Randall
Gerson Randall, an adventurer, endeavors to win the hand of Isabel Sinclair, a wealthy widow. Howard Allen, Mrs. Sinclair's brother, tries to dissuade his sister from forming an alliance with Randall, but the suave manners of the latter have made a strong impression upon the susceptible woman. Mrs. Sinclair has two young children, Grace and Freddy, whom she loves very dearly, but she becomes remiss in her attentions to them because of the time which she spends in Randall's company.
Captain Heartsease
An American Civil War melodrama.
The Wheel of Death
The Stranger
John Brown, the mate on a river steamboat, rescues a small boy from the clutches of a villainous deckhand, thereby gaining the roustabout's bitter enmity. Absorbed over the events of the day, the mate fails to bestow upon his wife the usual home-coming caress. Annoyed, she greets the coming of the stranger as a possible foil to arouse the husband's jealousy in punishment for the slight. The flirtation all but ends in a tragedy with discovery by the husband, who does not understand her innocent act.
Man's Greed for Gold
Carter - a Bank Clerk
The old miser, living in a tenement, keeps his savings in an earthen idol. The janitor of the building suspects that the old man has concealed wealth, but is unable to locate if. Finally the miser dies and the janitor disposes of the idol to a dealer in antiques. Carter, a bank clerk, is given to speculation, and in response to his wife's earnest appeal, be promises to give up the precarious practices, which are jeopardizing his position and happiness. However, the young man is weak and breaks his promise.
The Pursuit of the Smugglers
A short smugglers’ drama in which a new employee of the harbour police starts working for an export trader, so as to keep an eye on the smugglers. After a wild chase, the smugglers are captured, and it turns out that harbour police agent and the daughter of the export trader get along very well.
The Wartime Siren
When the Civil War breaks out Eric Warren, a young physician, enlists and is commissioned captain. In the field of action his clever maneuvers constantly harass the Confederates and Colonel Ashby, chafing under many defeats at the hands of the young officer, decides to capture him through a subterfuge.
The War Correspondent
Jack Fisher - a Young Reporter
Jack Fisher secures a position as reporter on a metropolitan daily and incurs the enmity of Martin, the star reporter, because of friendly relations which he establishes with Myrtle, a young lady in the office. Martin secretly changes the copy which Jack has prepared for an important story and places the young man in such a position that he is discharged. Some time later Jack learns of an opening in Central America. He bids goodbye to Myrtle, who has never lost faith in him, and leaves for his new field. Shortly after his departure war is declared in a Central American republic and Martin is sent to the scene as war correspondent.
The Message of the Palms
Henry Strong - the Surveyer
Henry Strong, a young civil engineer, is placed in charge of a party which makes a preliminary survey for a railroad. In their work they enter the property of Colonel Carlton who objects decidedly to the invasion of his ancestral land. Henry secures the aid of the sheriff, who convinces Carlton that the young engineer is acting within his rights but the Colonel develops a spirit of animosity toward the surveyor.