Joseph McCarthy
Рождение : 1908-11-14, Grand Chute, Wisconsin, USA
Смерть : 1957-05-02
Американский сенатор-республиканец, придерживавшийся крайне правых реакционных политических взглядов, с чьим именем связывают период политических гонений, известный как маккартизм.
Self (archive footage)
Writer, journalist, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and presidential biographer John Meacham offers his timely and invaluable insights into the country’s current political and historical moment by examining its past. Based on his 2018 bestseller of the same name.
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм о жизни и карьере печально известного адвоката Роя Кона. Рой посвятил свою жизнь охоте на коммунистов и представителей ЛГБТ-сообщества: прежде всего он стремился «очистить от них руководящие посты». Позже стало известно о его гомосексуальности. Фильм попытается показать трагические парадоксы судьбы Кона и раскрыть мотивы его поведения.
Self (archive footage)
Рой Кон олицетворял тёмную сторону американской политики, превращая неизвестных людей в опасных демагогов - начиная с Джозефа МакКарти и заканчивая Дональдом Трампом.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Tehran, Iran, August 19, 1953. A group of Iranian conspirators who, with the approval of the deposed tyrant Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, have conspired with agents of the British MI6 and the US CIA, manage to put an end to the democratic government led by Mohammad Mosaddegh, a dramatic event that will begin the tragic era of coups d'état that, orchestrated by the CIA, will take place, over the following decades, in dozens of countries around the world.
Himself (archive footage)
At the height of the Cold War, President Eisenhower deems homosexuals to be security risks. A vicious witch hunt ensues, ruining thousands of American lives.
Self (uncredited)
О карьере судьи Верховного суда США Рут Бадер Гинзбург, которая насчитывает несколько десятилетий, и о том, как она разработала правовое наследие, став иконой поп-культуры.
Self (uncredited)
With his naïve air, his rangy and reassuring silhouette, James Stewart symbolizes success, someone who everybody wants to look like. Behind his legendary nonchalance, Robert Mitchum is the figure of the bad boy, the kind-hearted hooligan who anyone would like to have for accomplice. What is the legacy left by these two big myths of the Hollywood cinema and in which way they fed the American dream?
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Далтон Трамбо, один из самых успешных голливудских сценаристов, автор «Римских каникул» и «Спартака», не подозревал, что черный список «Hollywood 10» реально существует, пока сам не попал туда и не был навсегда выкинут из жизни фабрики грез…
Self (archive footage)
A look at the War on Terror and the threat it's causing to our civil liberties and political discourse. Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents Janek Ambros' directorial debut. The feature doc tackles the War on Terror's impact on civil liberties and the strange coalition it's creating between the progressive left and libertarian right. The doc examines the NSA, drones, the war on journalism and other encroachments on civil liberties started by the Bush era and expanded by the Democratic establishment.
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Self (archive footage)
Filmmaker Rory Kennedy interviews her mother, Ethel Kennedy, who discusses family, marriage and politics.
Self (archive footage)
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
В 1953 году американский тележурналист Эдвард Марроу развязал в эфире настоящую войну против ярого антикоммуниста, сенатора Джозефа Маккарти. В ответ Маккарти, устроивший в стране «охоту на ведьм», обвинил Марроу в симпатии к коммунистам. Но отстаивание демократических прав американцев журналистом стало началом конца одиозного политика…
Self (archive footage)
The Day After Trinity (a.k.a. The Day After Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb) is a 1980 documentary film directed and produced by Jon H. Else in association with KTEH public television in San Jose, California. The film tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967), the theoretical physicist who led the effort to build the first atomic bomb, tested in July 1945 at Trinity site in New Mexico. Featuring candid interviews with several Manhattan Project scientists, as well as newly declassified archival footage, The Day After Trinity was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature of 1980, and received a Peabody Award in 1981.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary of the U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who rose to prominence in the early 1950s by trumpeting allegations of a vast conspiracy by alleged Communist agents whom he claimed had infiltrated the U.S. government, media, film industry, labor unions and other organizations. (IMDb)
Self (archive footage)
Many times during his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson said that ultimate victory in the Vietnam War depended upon the U.S. military winning the "hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people. Filmmaker Peter Davis uses Johnson's phrase in an ironic context in this anti-war documentary, filmed and released while the Vietnam War was still under way, juxtaposing interviews with military figures like U.S. Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland with shocking scenes of violence and brutality.
Archive Footage
Политический обозреватель Гостелерадио СССР профессор Валентин Зорин рассказывает о Джозефе Маккарти – американском политическом деятеле, сенаторе от штата Висконсин, занимавшим крайне антикоммунистические позиции, выступавшим за усиление холодной войны с СССР. С именем Маккарти связано реакционное течение в политической жизни США начала 1950-х годов, получившее название "маккартизм" и заключавшееся в преследовании людей, лишь заподозренных в симпатиях коммунизму и не совершивших никаких преступлений.
Life, career and death of the two protagonists of American life sixties, John and Robert Kennedy, from the days of their ascent to the White House, the first as president, the second as a minister of justice, to the death.
Point of Order is compiled from TV footage of the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings, in which the Army accused Senator McCarthy of improperly pressuring the Army for special privileges for Private David Schine, formerly of McCarthy's investigative staff. McCarthy accused the Army of holding Schine hostage to keep him from searching for Communists in the Army. These hearings resulted in McCarthy's eventual censure for conduct unbecoming a senator.