Josetxo San Mateo


Self - Filmmaker
How does the vision of the brilliant Spanish filmmaker Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010) remain relevant in a time whose popular culture has little to do with his own? Since to understand the secrets of an artist it is essential to know the person behind, his family, his friends, his collaborators, as well as prestigious filmmakers and actors trace a collective portrait of a creator as singular as he is universal.
Jordi é um adolescente que perdeu recentemente seu pai e que, junto à sua mãe, decide mudar de cidade para começar uma nova vida. Em princípio tudo parece bem, mas o destino reservado para ele será uma terrível surpresa já que quando Jordi passar pelo portão da nova escola, cruzará sem saber a tenebrosa fronteira de um novo inferno.
Atasco en la nacional
La familia Montoro se va de vacaciones a la playa de Cullera. Manuel, el padre, Soledad, la madre, Sergio y Estíbaliz, dos mellizos de dieciséis años que no se parecen en nada, y Álex, de cinco. Al iniciar el viaje, se ven inmersos en uno de los habituales atascos de esas fechas, por lo que terminan llegando tarde al apartahotel de Cullera. Allí les dicen que su apartamento ha sido alquilado, pues tenían que avisar si iban a llegar después de las seis. Tras la sorpresa y discusión, consiguen finalmente que les den un apartamento que tiene ciertas deficiencias… De esa forma comienzan sus vacaciones que no van a ser tan maravillosas como pensaban, pero que les van a deparar, también, las aventuras que nunca imaginaron.
La semana que viene (sin falta)
Atún y chocolate
Assistant Director
Tres pescadores barbateños, Manuel (Pablo Carbonell), un hombre bueno al que apodan "Nadando con Chocos"; el Perra (Pedro Reyes), su amigo fiel, y El Cherif (Antonio Dechent), un paria iracundo y orgulloso, intentan sobrevivir como pueden a pesar de la crisis pesquera que vive la costa gaditana.Un día Manolín (Andrés Rivera), el hijo de Manuel, llega a casa con un problema más: quiere hacer la comunión. Algo que provocará más de una sorpresa. Primero porque no está bautizado y segundo porque sus padres ni siquiera están casados. Contagiados por la ilusión de su hijo, María y Manuel deciden ordenar su vida y casarse. María lo organiza todo: arregla con el singular cura del pueblo (Paco Vegara) para que oficie la ceremonia, busca los trajes, invita a los vecinos... Pero claro, no hay boda sin convite. Y eso cuesta dinero. ¿Cómo conseguirlo?
Diario de una becaria
The Witch Affair
Assistant Director
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
Fill Me with Life
Pleno al quince
Golfo de Vizcaya
Assistant Director
After of living in France for fifteen years, Lucas, a journalist with a dark past, returns to Bilbao, his hometown. He begins an intense romance with a young woman, but a series of circumstances will make the intimacy of the couple almost impossible.
Dos mejor que uno
Assistant Director
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
Soldados de plomo
Assistant Director
Andrew returns to his hometown after a long absence. His father was a military high society who abandoned his wife to join the mother of Andrew, one cupletista second row. The reason for his return is to take over an old inheritance left him by his father: A semirruinoso house that is about to be declared a historic monument. But his desire to settle the matter soon are broken by the intrusion of his brother Ramon in buying the house. Andrés relationships with his family and with old attorney Don Dimas and her daughter Whitey complicated.
Good Evening, Mr. Monster
Assistant Director
Four boys get lost in the forest in the middle of a storm and go take refuge in an abandoned mansion. There they will meet and face Dracula, the Werewolf, Quasimodo and Doctor Frankenstein. Despite the attempts of the monsters to scare them and, in passing, recover the lost prestige, the boys, with the help of Count Dracula's son, will face the evil creatures.
Assistant Director
A young Catholic girl takes viewers through a changing Spanish political and social landscape as she develops from her confirmation day to adulthood. Her first experience with the real Spain comes when her Jewish godfathers cannot come to her confirmation. One of the godfathers, using a ring, poses an early challenge to her innocence that puts her in danger. He later returns, indirectly introducing her to a new boyfriend. If he is one of the symbols for Jewish life under Franco, or for a Judeo-Christian interaction, that interaction is complex. The young woman encounters different lovers as she grows into adulthood, but at the same time she is burdened with financially supporting her father and his own rather decadent lifestyle. Again, this difference in generations could be understood as a difference between the "new" and "old" Spain; it is up to the viewers to interpret the story elements as they decide.
Assistant Director
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
Страх выходить вечером
Assistant Director
Застенчивый и своенравный банковский служащий становится жертвой событий, которые он видит вокруг себя, и волны преступности, которая, кажется, захлестнула город в первые годы перехода к демократии в Испании.
Операция «Чудовище»
First Assistant Director
Испания, 1973 год. Диктатор Франсиско Франко правил страной с 1939 года железным кулаком, но сейчас он очень стар и болен. Будущее ослабленного режима находится под угрозой. Адмирал Карреро Бланко - его естественный преемник. Баскская террористическая банда ETA решает, что он должен умереть, чтобы предотвратить продолжение диктатуры.
Assistant Director
Второй человек в компартии Испании — гей. Однажды он оказывается в больнице, и там знакомится с парнем-проституткой. Тот начинает поставлять ему мальчиков, благо есть подпольная квартира для голубых встреч. Поначалу политик довольствуется редкими одноразовыми секс-свиданиями с парнями, но потом встречает парня, в которого всерьез влюбляется. И он отбрасывает осторожность, начинает приводить его в семью…
Assistant Director
Статус католического священника запрещает главному герою предаваться сексуальному греху, но его постоянно, даже на исповеди, мучают греховные образы. После неудачной борьбы с мучительными демонами он ищет помощь у старших, которые утверждают, что духовность и молитвы является достаточными, чтобы противостоять «искушениям дьявола». Несмотря на это его ежедневно посещают похотливые сексуальные фантазии...
¡Susana quiere perder... eso!
Assistant Director
And They Lived Happily Ever After
Assistant Director
Manoli and Fernando, a couple of communist ideas, want to live their love freely, fleeing from any bourgeois convention. At first, the couple rejects the help of her parents, but soon they will begin to give in and accept all kinds of comforts.
Esclava te doy
Assistant Director
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Assistant Director
Los nuevos españoles
Assistant Director
A Spanish insurance company is absorbed by a multinational, so that, in order to modernize, its employees are obliged to carry out some training courses to adapt to the new situation and the new objectives. Given the relevance of what is at stake, the wives of these men will also be involved at work.