Rafael Spregelburd

Rafael Spregelburd

Рождение : 1970-04-03, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Rafael Spregelburd is an Argentine actor, playwright, translator and stage director.


Rafael Spregelburd


Trenque Lauquen
With the strange disappearance of Laura, two colleagues, her older boyfriend, Rafael, and Ezequiel, learn of their recent discoveries, which may help them locate her. However, the story is bigger and stranger than they could imagine.
"Lunatics" narrates the experiences of different characters who live in the cities of Buenos Aires, Mexico and Montevideo. Their stories intersect. The madness of the globalized world and the local reality, of each one of them, is affected just at the moment in which the North American president begins to send posts on social networks, eliminating all trade with China.
Christian is a raising star in world football. He lives isolated, in a luxurious and lonely environment, besieged by fans, under pressure from the media and forced to honour commitments made by his father who acts as his manager. For the first time Christian feels the need to escape.
The Red Star
Percy Foster
The investigation about an alleged international spy after the Nazi refugees in Argentina gives way to a plot that expands, becomes delirious and branches off. A mockumentary that has, at its center, an elusive woman whose trail can be traced in the most emphatic convulsions of the 20th century.
Exquisite Corpse
While her girlfriend is in the hospital in a coma state after find her floating in the bathtub without vital signs, Clara stars on a path of physical and psychological transformation, with the goal of possessing her in some way.
El amor es más fácil
Buenas noches Malvinas
Narrator (voice)
In April 1982 Dalmiro Bustos and Elena Noseda faced one of the most difficult moments of their lives, when their eldest son, Fabián, was sent to fight in the Islands, along with hundreds of conscript soldiers. Almost forty years after the events, Dalmiro, Elena and their two youngest children, Javier and María Elena, tell what they could not say at the time, in an attempt to follow Fabián's footsteps and put into words the anguish and pain that still remain.
Neither Hero Nor Traitor
Matías dreams of going to study music in Spain. He must convince his girlfriend to join him later and deal with his father's opposition. But the board changes completely when the Falklands war is declared and he is called to fight.
Приёмные родители
Мартин очень хочет завести ребёнка. У него есть партнёр по имени Лео, с которым они вместе уже больше десяти лет. Лео сомневается в том, что станет хорошим отцом, так как сам является приёмным ребёнком. Отношения пары накаляются, и им придётся приложить все усилия, чтобы сохранить семью.
Brisa’s daily life alternates between the world of show business, appearances, and the stark reality presented by his son Hilario, who fell into poverty as a result of his addiction to drugs. The film portrays an intense fragment of Susana and Hilario’s story, the difficulties that arise when she tries to keep her professional commitments, the elegance with which she manages to avoid the low blows and her pain; but, fundamentally, the film reveals how this woman faces a difficult process without losing her dignity or sense of humor.
La Flor
An enormous effort of narrative complexity made up of six independent, successive stories, connected by the same four actresses living very different experiences in very different universes…
Unidad XV
John William Cooke
With the Peronist government overthrown, with General Perón in exile and the Liberating Revolution in power, four renowned Peronist leaders are confined in the distant and cold Unit 15 of the Río Gallegos prison. Faced with the imminent execution to which the political prisoners will be assigned, they decide that the only option to survive is escape. Leaving aside their personal and ideological differences, they plan one of the most spectacular escapes in Argentine history.
Оцепеневший: На краю конца
Молодой ветеран Тов Мэтисон, не оправившийся от ужасов войны, чувствует приближение конца света. Связавшись с сомнительным «мессией», он бросает прежнюю жизнь, обустраивает подземный бункер и приступает к экстремальным тренировкам. Окружающие люди полагают, что он сумасшедший. Но когда Тов и сам начинает верить в свое безумие, жизнь преподносит ему невероятный сюрприз
La otra piel
Abril tries to find meaning in her own life. In the process, her perception changes; her skin transforms to the point of becoming a new one.
The Territories
After the attack on Charlie Hebdo's office in Paris, Ivan, the frivolous son of a prominent Argentine journalist, embarks on a journey pursuing different geopolitical events around the world.
Фильм основан на романе Флоренции Этчевеш «Корнелия», в котором пойдет о учителе из престижной школы в Буэнос-Айресе совершает поездку с пятью ее учениками, но возвращается только с четырьмя, потому что один из них таинственно исчезает.
Clara and Alejandro move into a new house. A few days later, he goes on a work trip and she is left alone, surrounded by moving boxes. That chaos makes her accept a series of random invitations that will take her away from the hermetic world she lives in.
Paz seems to have a perfect life. She has a job, a partner and friends but something's missing. In reality, there are things she is unhappy about. She feels anxious and burdened but can't bring herself to express these feelings. Until one day she turns to a strange therapy that will make her say absolutely everything she thinks. How would your life be if you only said what you think?
Los perros
Mariana, an upper-class Chilean, feels a strange attraction towards her riding teacher, Juan, a former colonel with a shady past.
Capitán Hipólito Parrilla
Дон Диего де Зама — чиновник на службе испанского короля где-то в южноамериканской глуши. Семья далеко, ходят слухи о его переводе в город, но время идёт, а положение Замы становится всё более безнадёжным.
Mario on Tour
Футбол или я
Педро, координатор колл-центра в ведущей компании по оказанию медицинских услуг, - страстный футбольный болельщик, не делающий различий между любимым клубом, майкой, флагом или национальностью. Он способен смотреть матчи круглосуточно. Он женат уже двадцать лет на Веронике, с которой у него две девочки-подростка. Но, почти не осознавая этого, его одержимость футболом постепенно захватывает все его пространство и особенно его отношения с близкими ему людьми.
Почти легенды
Police Officer
Трое друзей, решив стать знаменитостями, создают свою рок-группу, однако успеха так и не добиваются. Спустя годы теперь уже бывшие друзья решают взяться за старое…
Maldito seas Waterfall
Hans Gunther Flögenhoefer
Solitary and sometimes attacked by an asthmatic crisis, Roque Waterfall leads, at age 30, an unproductive life and, little or nothing at work, lives on a small family inheritance. His passion is to collect videos of Atlanta, the club of his loves, and in one of his few nocturnal outings he meets Hans, a German intellectual nihilist who is in Buenos Aires to make a documentary film about people who have nothing. But when he meets Roque he decides that his film will be about someone who does not do anything, of course he is not sure if he wants to show himself before the camera, and while trying to escape the director he meets Carla, whose charm stimulates him to interrupt his sedentary life .
Finding Sofia
A conflicted animation filmmaker travels to Argentina chasing after a girl he met online, only to end up living with her and her intimidating boyfriend on an isolated island on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
Una noche de amor
Sick family relationships, three lovers separated by an ocean and a forbidden pregnancy. The destruction of a daily life puzzle that conceals an incest for 30 years between the Spanish countryside and the great Latin American metropolis.
How Most Things Work
Celina works at a remote tollbooth on a desert road, few days before Christmas, her father dies and Celina becomes a door-to-door encyclopedia saleswoman so she can earn enough money to travel to Italy and find her mom.
Автобиография Сиело Латини. В этой истории автор на своем примере показывает реальную жизнь подростка: анорексия, булимия, деградация, прессинг, виртуальный секс, непонимание со стороны родителей, отношения со взрослым мужчиной, депрессия, суицид.
The Gold Bug
Feminism, Victoria Benedictsson, Leandro N. Alem, the Radical Party in Argentina, suicide, stunts, Edgar Allan Poe, the complicated relationship between low-budget films with a political aim and the film industry, Robert Louis Stevenson, fiction, facts, greed, gold treasures left by the Jesuits in Argentina, the 19th Century vs. the contemporary and the search for truth and wisdom are the background for this portrait of a clash between a Swedish artist and an Argentine film director.
The Film Critic
Víctor Tellez
Víctor Tellez is an intellectual, world-weary film critic who prefers to think in French and eschew the clichés of romantic movies...until he finds himself living a sappy, feel-good love story of his own.
Esteban and Molly have been married for over twenty years. On a cold morning in June the couple realizes they have hit rock bottom and that their relationship is not what it once was. Marriage examines the different aspects that make a man and a woman click, those moments where a bond can become harder than a rock, but it will also illustrate the downfalls and all the little things that make a relationship worth fighting for.
Women Are Late
Regina and Fernanda are the owners of a family hotel in the province of Buenos Aires that has lost the splendor of other times. Submerged in bankruptcy are by chance with a significant sum of money brought by a mysterious guest.
Days of Vinyl
Damián, Facundo, Luciano and Marcelo have been friends since childhood and they share the passion for classic rock and roll on vinyl records. Their relationship is also marked by other big subjects: friendship and girls. When one of them decides to get married the four lives stir up.
Cornelia frente al espejo
Agua y sal
Biguá, a port worker, awaits a son with his young girlfriend and embarks on the high seas. Javier, at 40 years old, has a wife he loves, works, enjoys a good time; and imagines recurring dreams. Another life, with another being very different, they cross as in a magical and mysterious dream. The film revisits the theme of the double and its question: will there be, somewhere in the world, a double for each one of us? And, if it exists, what would happen if we took their life?
A foreigner arrives to Floresta and stays in a shared house.
A foreigner arrives to Floresta and stays in a shared house.
A foreigner arrives to Floresta and stays in a shared house.
Dígame - Tell Me
Things aren’t going well for Esteban. His record shop on the outskirts of San Telmo has gone bust. Esteban has had enough. On the bicentennial of Argentina’s independence he decides to call it day and put an end to the shop – and his marriage to Elisabeth. He wants his freedom – for Esteban has fallen in love again.
Леонардо — человек, успешный в личной и профессиональной жизни. Он с семьёй живет в доме, спроектированном Ле Корбюзье, который является настоящим чудом средневековой архитектуры. Но однажды утром Леонардо поджидает неприятный сюрприз — проснувшись, он обнаруживает, что в соседнем доме рабочие устанавливают огромное окно прямо напротив его собственного. Леонардо всеми правдами и неправдами пытается уговорить своего соседа Виктора отказаться от этой затеи, но тот остается глух к его уговорам — в конце концов, всё, что нужно Виктору, — немного света в гостиной. Постепенно стремление Леонардо отстоять свое право на тайну частной жизни перерастает в настоящую одержимость, которая грозит трагическими последствиями для всех её участников.
Музыка в ожидании
Езекиль — кинокомпозитор, который не может найти вдохновения для нового саундтрека. Паула — беременная женщина, которую недавно бросил парень. И именно тогда, когда мама Паулы приехала из Испании, чтобы познакомиться с её женихом. Езекиль и Паула постараются решить свои проблемы вместе.
Extraordinary Stories
Police Commisary Serafín
X arrives in a small town and witnesses a violent act; Z takes the job of a dead manager and discovers that he had a notebook written in code and a map; H is hired to go down a river and investigate a series of mysterious monoliths built on the shore.
La ronda
Chau Buenos Aires