Viktor Ekrt

Рождение : 1975-02-09,


Leaving to Remain
Ondřej, a student and teacher; Denisa, a lawyer; and Petr, a policeman, are all Romani who have enjoyed a world of opportunity in Britain, something that’s hard for them to come by in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This multi-layered, yet rather intimate documentary, which contains a number of scenes shot by the protagonists themselves on their mobile phones, depicts the everyday worries and small victories of the three main characters who represent an educated and ambitious, yet still vulnerable community of Europeans, and who help embrace the opportunities offered to others. In addition to exploring themes of displacement and the search for one's own identity in a post-Brexit world, the film – which features humanism interspersed throughout – also asks how the characters’ fates were shaped by the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Man with Hare Ears
Josef is a writer aged sixty, who thinks that nothing can surprise him any more. One evening, though, his phone rings and he finds himself caught up in a series of events that turn his world upside-down. His best friend – also a writer – tries to commit suicide; his young girlfriend Katka tells him she’s pregnant; and the man with hare ears – his alter ego from one of his stories – appears to him in everyday situations.
За горизонтом
Огромное расстояние. 2852 км между Брно и Дивеево, между Востоком и Западом, между отцом и сыном. Так далеко, так близко. В конце лета Вит и его сын Гриша отправились в дальнее путешествие по России. Как только они садятся в машину, сын надевает наушники, а отец погружается в воспоминания. И все же эти двое не могут убежать друг от друга. Есть одна вещь, которая может сблизить их еще раз — совместный поиск. Но что же они на самом деле ищут?
The Sound Is Innocent
Sound Mixer
As if directing a science-fiction film, Johana Ožvold dissects the story of electronic music. From the pioneer sound engineers working behind the Iron Curtain, through the French avant-garde composers, up to the post-modern creators of digital sonic artefacts, the first-time filmmaker summons an abstract landscape that is haunting and yet achingly beautiful. A voice appears from old television screens forgotten in the maze of some futuristic archive where past and future seem to coexist in a complex and multi-layered way.
The Glass Room
Liesel Landauer and her friend Hana are linked by a lifelong relationship and an exceptional house built by the architect Von Abt for Liesel and her husband Viktor in Czechoslovakia in the early 1930s.
The Magic Quill
The devil's magic quill keeps a tight record of sins. But when this precious artifact is stolen, a demon must find a way to make things right again.
Prezident Blaník
Us 2
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her hairdresser, a gay guy Tony, even though she barely knows him. At the beginning they are merely two strangers, connected by their mutual effort of escaping from their families. They get closer and help each other to overcome the internal, as well as external, obstacles of their lives. Their liberating friendship almost becomes a love affair, despite the fact it cannot be fulfilled. This liberation creates an intense bond between them: a new escape, a new quest. This is a love story of two people and their attempts to escape the trap of their own desires of belonging to somebody.
Обычный день ангелов
Фильм рассказывает об ангелах невысокого ранга, занятых на обыденной работе — скрашивать последний день людям, у которых не удалась жизнь. Чтобы хоть после смерти о них вспоминали с теплом. Исполнять их сокровенные желания, порой такие, что мало не покажется. Работа трудная, но она окупается, меняя к лучшему как участь живых, так и мертвых.
Nowhere in Moravia
Sound Editor
When not serving regulars at a pub in the middle of a sleepy northern Moravian village, thirtysomething Maruna spends time with hesitant Jura and naïve outsider Olin – or fighting with her imperious mother. Lightened with a touch of black humor, this laconic village drama is the directorial debut of the artistic director of Prague’s Dejvice Theater who gave the members of his ensemble a one-of-a-kind acting opportunity in film.
An Unlikely Romance
Luisa and Erika are prototypes of young women who plunge into relationships with the "wrong" men. Luisa wants to become an actress, which upsets her husband Igor to no end. Erika is trying to work as much as possible so that she can afford to study and thereby achieve a better outlook on life, but she unfortunately runs up against a boss who doesn't have the best intentions with her. Ultimately Luisa's husband demonstratively commits suicide. Erika accidentally kills her boss in self-defense... The women blame themselves for all these failures, and that has got to change. Both have to grow up and start living again. Perhaps even together.
Алоис Небель и его призраки
Sound Editor
Алоис Небель — скромный диспетчер на забытом Богом полустанке где-то на чешской границе. Вся его жизнь состоит из кормления кошки и ожидания поездов: прибытие — отправление… И уж точно никого не интересуют галлюцинации Алоиса Небеля. А между тем, они ужаснули бы любого психиатра. Однажды Алоис и герой его видений встречаются прямо на перроне…
Sound Editor
A bitter sweet comedy that follows a highly appointed Chancellor who set to step down from his position after years of service to his country. With just two last days left to enjoy his palatial villa before he is finally evicted, his situation gradually goes from bad to worse.
Little Girl Blue
Sound Editor
Julie is a woman who seemingly has everything. A handsome husband, teenage daughter and a thriving, undemanding job as a translator and now even a new dream house ... But she also has a secret that is slowly changing her idyllic life...
Зияющая синева
Sound Engineer
Чехословакия оккупирована немецкими войсками, а ее армия — расформирована. Несколько военных летчиков, однако, отказываются принять это как факт — и потому бегут из страны. Сначала в Польшу. Потом в Ливию. Оттуда — в Великобританию. Здесь их таланты оказываются востребованы — после недолгих тренировок герои попадают в Королевские Военно-Воздушные силы и вступают в противостояние с немецкими «хейнкелями» и «мессершмиттами».
Black and White in Colour
A vivid documentary portrait of Véra Bílá (1954-2019), a Gypsy singer acclaimed in the international music world. The film explores Romany culture and what it means to be part of a marginalized minority group. She was dubbed the Ella Fitzgerald of Romani music. The Czech singer enjoyed international success in the late Nineties when she was signed to the German record label BMG.
The Mumps