David Švehlík

David Švehlík

Рождение : 1972-04-06,


David Švehlík
David Švehlík


Život pro samouky
Krakonošovo tajemství
Элемент, Шампунь, Точка и Карел
Четверо мужчин сорока пяти лет дружат со школы и всё ещё зовут друг друга детскими кличками: Элемент, Шампунь, Точка и Карел. Пройдя через все важные этапы жизни вместе, они пришли к кризису среднего возраста. У каждого из друзей свои личные проблемы. Элемент живёт в ожидании четвёртого ребенка и не может найти работу, Шампунь никак не может нагуляться, Точка не может повзрослеть, а Карел сбегает от семейных проблем на работу. Для того, чтобы выйти из кризиса, они придумывают необычную игру, которая заканчивается для них серьёзными последствиями.
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Mucha: The Story of an Artist Who Created a Style
Voice of Jiří Mucha (voice)
Czech painter and illustrator Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) ranks among the pioneers of the Art Nouveau movement at the end of the 19th century. Virtually overnight, he becomes famous in Paris thanks to the posters that he designs to announce actress Sarah Bernhardt’s plays. But at the height of his fame, Mucha decides to leave Paris to realize his lifetime project.
mladý farář
Доверившись незнакомцу, пожилая женщина оказывается запертой в собственной квартире. Есть ли выход из ловушки, выстроенной неуравновешенным юношей?
On the Roof
Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is trapped in a marijuana grow house and has life of a modern slave. Police rounds up the place. Song runs away on the rooftop of a condo building in a nearby district where he breaks down. Mr. Rypar (78) lives alone. He is fond of the old times, living in a strong opposition to modern world. Rypar goes up on the roof and meets Song standing on the very edge of the roof crying and the story begins.
Wings of Steel
Emil Malík
Smiles of Sad Men
A writer gets into a rehab where he meets a lot of successful men who destroyed their lives with alcohol.
O pokladech
В тени
poručík Petr Beňo Beňovský
Неожиданно для капитана Хакла, в рядовое ограбление ювелирной лавки вмешивается госбезопасность и иностранная полиция в лице майора Зенке, якобы следователя из ГДР. Уголовное дело раскрыто и перерастает в политический процесс. На свой страх и риск продолжая расследование, капитан остается один на один с силой, мощь которой трудно оценить и которая не останавливается ни перед чем.
Santini’s Enigma
Martin Urmann
During his routine work, Martin Urmann, employee of an advertising agency, discovers a series of cryptic messages inscribed by the architect into his structures, and sets out to decipher them. His way is lined with mysterious murders which are obviously connected with his search. The fascinating power of the world into which he is gradually descending makes it impossible for him to give up his intention. He has to reach the end, where he anticipates a revelation which will totally change his entrenched view of the world.
Алоис Небель и его призраки
starý Wachek za mlada (voice)
Алоис Небель — скромный диспетчер на забытом Богом полустанке где-то на чешской границе. Вся его жизнь состоит из кормления кошки и ожидания поездов: прибытие — отправление… И уж точно никого не интересуют галлюцинации Алоиса Небеля. А между тем, они ужаснули бы любого психиатра. Однажды Алоис и герой его видений встречаются прямо на перроне…
The Greatest Czechs
rekordman v potápění bez přístroje
Film crew on the road: Director (Jaroslav Plesl), his Producer (Simona Babcáková), and their Director of Photography (Jirí Vyorálek) and Sound Arist (Johana Svarcova). Starving artists who already have a number of films to their names, Czech Lion award-winning films, excellent reviews and have been screened at numerous festivals, but they don't have audiences. Their next collaborative effort - the Director's lifetime dream - is quickly becoming oblivion because he failed to win a grant, which means it won't be made. And so the frustrated Director and his colleagues await their chance among record-holders of curious disciplines such as crawling with a squash racket or collecting four-leaf clovers. How will the collision of these two worlds end? What will the Director's next film be about?
Zakázaný člověk
Unknown Hour
MUDr. Simek
Hynek Michánek wants to study medicine but fails his entrance exams five times. He starts a job as an orderly in a district hospital where one of the doctors on the examining board works as well. He feels no-one takes him seriously and he loathes the doctors, who treat him with disdain. When an old man begs him to end his pain and suffering by helping him to die, Hynek gives him a "liberating" injection. But now he has done it once, he finds he can't stop. He continues killing other patients, even though he knows he can't get away with it for long.
A man who believes his days are numbered is saddled with more bad luck than he expects in this metaphorical comedy-drama from director Ivo Trajkov. Ever since he was a boy, Josef (David Svehlik) was been convinced he's destined to die at the age of 29, so he's understandably nervous as his 28th year is drawing to a close. Fate doesn't appear to be on Josef's side when his wife asks for a divorce and moves out, taking their young son with her, and he's next fired from his job fixing scales. Josef is in an unsettled state of mind, and his new friendship with free-spirited Gabriel (Karel Zima) doesn't help much, but Josef begins to wonder if luck is on his side again when he meets a lovely and warmed hearted woman, Olivia (Verica Nedeska).
Operation Silver A
Václav Krupka
Based on actual events. Late 1941, Group Silver A are dropped into occupied Czechoslovakia on an SOE mission to set up a Radio communications centre for the resistance, and contact a German Army officer whom is forwarding information to the British.
O Šípkové Růžence
Rules of Lies
Ruth to vidí jinak
Ruth and Magda have been inseparable friends since childhood. They both went to college and both fell in love with the same guy. Ruth has won the fight for love, and has put Magda before the tough decision: to give up Adam and maintain friendship with Ruth, or give preference to his heart? When Adam gets a dream internship abroad and leaves for Austria, Ruth takes his fresh pregnancies and refuses to go with him. But in time, Ruth convinces Magda to start behind Adam and try to get him back. However, Magda exploits the situation, acquires Adam for herself and marries him abroad. After years, Magda returns home and the old injustices come to life.
Сказка о любви, об умении прощать и о способности бескорыстно помогать людям. Для того чтобы этому научиться Ангел Петронел спускается на Землю, где ему, несмотря на все тяготы человеческой жизни, предстоит справиться со многими испытаниями судьбы…
From Subway with Love
This romantic comedy presents a story of two women, twenty-year-old Laura, an editor at a woman’s weekly, and her widowed mother, a translator-interpreter named Jana. The two of them tirelessly seek Mr. Right. Having once lived through an intense relationship with a ‘typical’ Czech man, Jana intentionally avoids Czech men. She searches for her dream foreigner while long-sufferingly warding off the tragicomic advances of her good-natured neighbor Žemla. After several unsuccessful attempts, Laura falls in love with Oliver, a forty year old who works as an ad agency idea man. Little does she suspect that twenty years ago Oliver was Jana’s true love…
… a stoupej do slunce!
Král Lear
francouzský král