Francesca Bracci


Прости нам долги наши
Жизнь Гвидо зашла в тупик. Он одинок, безработен и погрязает в долгах. Понимая, что необходимо выбраться из сложного положения, в котором он оказался, Гвидо решает поступить на службу к коллекторам и самому выбивать долги из людей. Однако его новой работе мешает совесть и жалость к людям…
The Ball
Amin loves football. He wears an A.S. Roma jersey on the back of which he wrote the name of defender Rudiger. A distant relative of the player's mother lives in Amin’s village in Nigeria, so he became a catalyst for the boy's dream of a better life.
Missione – I poveri nutrono la terra, la terra nutre i poveri
It is the true story of a man called Biagio Conte, a Sicilian who was looking for God and ended up founding a mission to help the homeless and the poorest immigrants of his city. His story starts in the mountains as a shepherd and continues on a long trip to reach Assisi, the home of Saint Francis.
The Medicine Seller
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
31 Gradi Kelvin
Per Sofia
Isaac is a young musician, influenced by his father and his surroundings. He falls into an existential crisis and decides to get distance from his environments and surroundings which are keeping him away from being himself and from fulfilling his dream: to compose. He takes the opportunity to go to Sardinia, to live in S'Archittu, in a house on the cliffs, next to a house that has been unoccupied for a long time. During the 1940's the house was inhabited by a young piano player named Sophia. Isaac discovers her story, and it helps him get inspired and grow personally.